Sep 05, 2007 15:17
Well, I just told Rick I won't be at the IoM prop cleaning meeting this Saturday. I don't feel like travelling alone, paying for gas and wasting my time, like I did our last meeting when I was the only one outside of the Frost family to be there... not even Rick was at the last meeting, just Joanie and their son and DiL. I gave up time at a Scriptorium just to make that last trip, so I don't feel like doing it again for what is a work day that last year ended up being really brief. I need to save some gas money for next weekend's trip.
I guess it may soon be time to part ways with IoM and ren-faire, again. I don't like making decisions like this based on how upset and depressed I am currently feeling. I just also don't see the point banging my head against the wall on costuming (which was my appointed job by Pat) when no one else gives a shit about proper costuming in the guild, or even at faire in general it seems. Yes, there are shining examples of people who wear proper garb, and they aren't the ones I am worried about. It's my own guild I worry about, and it's my own guild that has their own lives to live, so faire has become something that is on the back burner for most of them. Life with one's extended family, or retirement plans have a way of doing that, as I only know too well. The family thing, not the retirement thing.
Hopefully, I will come around to feeling the same when Hanford comes... to just enjoy the weekend for the fun times it can be (and the good people I care about), instead of feeling upset over what no one else seems to care about.