What I've been doing today.

Aug 13, 2007 00:08

Well, I've been busy scanning images of period extant buttons from PoF (yes, it will be so duly noted in my handouts). I then tried scanning a color image, and it went all green on me, which is funny since the majority of the color is red, lots of red, not green. So, I gave up for the night, as I think it is the scanner vs the program I am using, and I figured I should give myself a rest before tackling it again tomorrow. This may be a case of using one program for positives, and the other program for negatives.

In other news, I did get the pretty sewing box I wanted. It is this one here. And they are willing to ship via FedEx Ground at a cheaper price than USPS or UPS. I can't wait to actually play with it and see what antique items are in there. There may even be a darning egg or something suitable for darning my socks, which is good since my Mom only used old bulbs for her darnings.

So, now time for bed as I've killed serious time here.

ebay, costume, sca

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