A repost of mc-cadieux's post on possible A&S 50 Gathering

Jul 21, 2007 15:30

mc_cadieux told me that the post I told you all about is a locked post, but she gave me permission to repost it here. But since it is long, I will put it behind a cut for those uninterested.

Jul. 21st, 2007 03:17 pm.
Oh! Oh! But wait... There is news...

I've posted about the A&S-50 challenge for 2015 yesterday and the lady has wrote back again after my obvious deception...

So after she wrote to me saying that there was no "get together", only an online display. I wrote again saying ;

"Sorry for the confusion, I thought that it was a huge "known-world" gathering such as Pennsic but made especialy for A&S. I was so excited that  I was gonna look-up the prices for a plane ticket there already!  LOL! Well, I'm a bit disapointed but I'm pretty sure that my wallet will be happy. Online exibitions come at a cheaper cost! Heh!"

So she wrote back and said ;

"See.... you shouldn't have said these things, because now you have me  thinking!  (Even three or four years would be more than enough time to plan  something like that, so we can wait and see how the project grows.  I would  want to do it with camping (for those on low budgets), but with hotels nearby  for those MANY A&S folks who just do NOT camp.  It would make easiest  planning sense for me if we held it in the NorthEast US/Montreal area, since I  could check out sites without doing a lot of jetting around... funny that you  live here too... That *would* make it harder for folks to be able to drive to  though... but folks could fly into Boston/Montreal from wherever.  We could  have all the best teachers from, well, everywhere, and we could have the biggest  display of work ever.  Various Kingdoms and groups could hold competitions  if they liked, but generally keep the tone as friendly showing and  sharing.  It would be *crazy* mundane, but we could take over a conference  center or something (but there goes the camping concept).  Ohh - we could  maybe use the Champlain Valley Fairgrounds.  I'm pretty sure that they  don't allow camping there, but there are camping areas nearby-ish, and we could  have a tourney on the grounds while we used the numerous inside spaces for  exhibition space....

I *have* silently been hoping that the project would have diverse enough  representation that we could hold a dedicated A&S 50 event in each Kingdom  in 2015; I certainly plan to hold one here in the East (and hope that I would be  invited to travel to those in other Kingdoms as well).  Obviously, your  idea would take the concept to a whole new level...."

So now you guys *REALLY* need to show interest in this challenge and let her know that you're all in so that she can be tempted to organise this event for me!!! Heh!

But WOOT! 
Wouldn't that be great?!!! 
I mean, a huge artisan gathering or a Mega A&S convention... Think about it!!!  
The fighters get their big war once a year, why couldn't we get a treat once every 50 years! ;D

Now... What shall I make ?.... :D

*Bounce* *Bounce*

a&s50, sca

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