Tudor Rose is getting better, maybe...

Jul 19, 2007 23:56

Just wanted to post a few thoughts on Tudor Rose meeting tonight before I head off to bed. More to clear my head and maybe to ramble or rant a bit.

Anyway, the meeting tonight was to remove the President, since she hasn't called a meeting since February. We had sent her a letter telling her of this, and so she sent a letter back saying she was resigning effective immediately. Whew, a load off the rest of us.

Her own guild members are rather pissed at her, for basically dropping out of sight of everyone in that guild, and doing nothing in TR, especially after she said she really wanted to improve TR. She stated to some people, like Lurlene, that she felt it wasn't her job to do "everything". Well, she was right, it was her job however to call meetings, which she didn't do. She said that she felt no one was helping. Well, what little she asked of me, I did. What she asked of her guild members they mostly did. That others weren't coming... well that's why TR has to improve itself, and someone, namely the President, should set an example and provide leadership, which she failed miserably at. I think she bit off more than she could chew, and I think she didn't like that I rode her hard on what her vision was for leadership. Sorry, but this group needs a vision, a reason for being, and even tonight it was more "business as usual" and less anything substantial.

So, no President currently runs that ship. We will be voting on a new President next month. Or more like my GM will be voting, as they decided to switch nights to Fridays (I am not going to give up my dinner nights unless I need to), and the next meeting will be in Selma, so my GM can drive the shorter distance to get there.

The only other order of business had to do with workshops, which had been tabled since February. Well, Diane was busy during Visalia faire, and signed up a few people to teach the workshops, which are now slated for September 15. Yeah, the weekend I decide to head south to Torrence and Collegium Caidus. Well, I still am going to CC, as the only workshop of any interest was the costuming one, being taught by a woman with a BA in History, focus on "Renaissance Clothing". Not sure which type of Renaissance clothing, but hey, I am all ears for learning something new. I told them to get me a copy of the handouts, and it seems my GM is all gungho about going to the workshops, which will be in Oakhurst at their Theatre.

They will also have Out of Control giving a class on stage presence or something entertaining; cost is just some beer (and mileage for one vehicle). Other classes will include cullinery herbs, St. Michael le Salle's group teaching basic fencing, a history class of some sort, maybe Sam teaching music, and probably Diane teaching Pirates (again).

Now this is where my rant comes in... this is supposed to be Renaissance history, of England mostly, and she will teach a class on The Golden Age of Piracy! It actually was the popular class last time she taught it, and she does let people know the differences, and that pirates were really horrible people (she doesn't suger coat it much). But why teach it at all? Because Pirates are popular, even if from a completely wrong time period. But it will, somewhat, work for the "Pirate Faire" we have in May, as that really is a fantasy faire anyway. The number of "Cap'n Jack" wannabees was rather high. They may as well know some truth about the fantasy they are playing in.

The other thing that did bother me, and I won't lie that it doesn't bother me, is that I wasn't asked to present a costuming workshop. But then again, I won't be here anyway, so it rather works out that I wasn't asked. But if it wasn't Diane running the workshops (taking over almost all the aspects, btw) I think the other ladies would have asked me to come up with something. Goodness knows I have learned a lot recently that I would be happy to share, but... {shrug}.. and this is why my focus is turning to the SCA.

And no one seemed interested in the button workshop I will be teaching at the Barony's Academia in August. I think I will post the info that will come out soon to the CIRGA mailing list, and leave it at that.

One good thing... Diane even noticed that I was loosing weight. It's been some months since we've seen each other last.

Well, bed time, if I can get my mind to shut off... At least the hand sewing is helping to calm me down at nights.

renfaire, venting, tudor rose

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