Well, almost...

Jul 07, 2007 16:20

Yippee!! I managed to find another three six yards of white linen in my stash, so now I don't have to piece together enough to make the linen back portion of the kirtle!

Hmmm... maybe not. I am feeling this one, and it isn't as lightweight as the lining linen/cotton (about hanky weight), but it isn't as heavy as the linen I know is medium weight. And, iirc, I think I earmarked this piece to be used as a smock for me and my daughter. Ah, found my notes and yeah, at least the three washed yards are hanky weight, and are earmarked for smocks. I don't know what the other three yards are for, or where they came from.

Nevermind. Piecing it will have to be, as I don't want to buy any more fabric, but use up my stash. Even if it means using up my stash of scraps and cutoffs.

So, if all goes well, I will be working on my new kirtle today (or maybe starting tomorrow), starting with tracing off the pattern, and measuring for length, since I will be binding the hem with a guard, probably of black velveteen or something. I have soft black silk for binding the armholes and neck.

linen, fabric, costume

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