I am a bit tired, but I am happy with the codpiece and breeches. Nearly done, just a hook and eye to go, but I needed a break. I also have been taking photos, but those will have to wait for uploading.
I do wish I had a male dress dummy. I need one considering the number of men I've been making garments for. But I would want one I could squish or pad as needed. It would also help in taking photos of the finished garments. Ah well. Someday.
I didn't think the cod piece would take as long as it did, but then it required more handsewing than I had originally expected. I used Period Patterns pattern for the codpiece, as it looks just like Henry VIII's image, which is what would work best for this outfit. Simple pattern, and now I understand why the triangle has a little bulge at the bottom... so the shaped cod would fit onto the triangle properly.
It is also a good thing I have wool roving on hand to stuff that thing with. I don't have poly fill, nor would I want the poor guy to suffer with poly padding over his privates. It also didn't take too much to fill it up.
But I like how it looks, with the gold trim and cording on it as well. It also looked very nice being cream wool, which matched the trim, making it look deliberate, instead of a plan B on trim choices. And then paired with the royal blue jacket and skirt.. oh, yeah, it looks good.
I will be sad when this creative venture is at an end. I've rather fallen for the look of the whole outfit, but I won't be able to enjoy it much, as I've got to get done asap, then ship it off asap. I will do my best to take photos of the final garment before it ships, both digital and film.
Well, a bit more on email, then back to work to finish off the doublet and sleeves. It is the sleeves that I have put off for last, since sleeves and I are not doing well before now.