Health update and other stuff

Apr 26, 2007 18:52

Well, I visited my heart doctor this morning, and the numbers are good, very good. Not perfect, but heading down, in the right direction. Best numbers were my Triglycerides, which went from about 260 to around 90 (it's under 100!!). Even my heart rate was lower. I don't have exact numbers for everything, but they said they would mail me a copy. I also have my doseage of one of my meds upped to the next level, to improve my good cholesterol, since that's one number that hasn't budged much. The doctor said it would take a year to see any measurable improvements, but I need to do more to improve it, like more regular exercise, and even drinking a bit of red wine. But they were very happy with the progress I've made so far.

My weight officially is 205 lbs today! And that was after breakfast. That's 25 lbs since I started on the 13th of February. Only 6 more pounds to go to make my next goal, which is to get under 200 pds. It's more of an emotional goal, to get under that number, than anything fixed. I don't know what my goal number should be after that, maybe the next 10% of starting weight or something.

We later did some shopping at Whole Foods, to get a few things we don't get at the regular stores (like whole wheat lasagna noodles), and to do some looking around to see what they do carry. In some things, I like Trader Joes better, like the whole grain bread rolls that I couldn't find at WF. I needed to bring things for a shared repast potluck this weekend, so I got nuts, and I will make some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies to share (a treat I can enjoy as well).

Well, that's about it for now.

weight, health

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