Discourse on a mailing list and LJ entry, about wearing (or not wearing) accurate Ren garments reminded me of something I heard at the Ren Symposium I taught at (weird me saying that). Anyway.
I gave info at that symposium about what period clothing actually looked like, complete with period images, so that people would SEE what I was trying to get at. I have the
same info online here. I then was approached by two ladies who were new to faire, relatively (as in less than a year). They took my Saturday class, then spoke with their Guild Masters (GMs) that night (the guild got together and shared notes on everything they all took), and asked their GMs about the ladies wearing more historical garments, especially as the two ladies are very well endowed, and are tired of having their large breasts constantly on a sunburn (even with sunscreen), so they wanted to dress period appropriately, and cover up their large assets as I showed in the images. These ladies currently wear "wench wear", not nobles.
The GMs said NO! The male GMs wanted their ladies to show off their considerable assets as is commonly seen at ren faires. The GMs argument was that dressing this way "entertains" the public, and is exactly what the public comes to ren faires to view.
Having dressed that way long ago when I was young and didn't know better, I can fully understand that viewpoint. It is a ren faire, and people (especially men) come to faire, pay their gate fees, and basically are there for "tits and beer". This is part of what drives faire, and drives people to pay to come to faire.
I didn't know what to tell those ladies. I don't believe in telling GMs how to run their guilds (having once been a GM myself). I can't force any changes, I could only provide the historical info that people in faire need to hear. But it has obviously bothered me enough that I still rememeber the conversation clearly. What should I have said? What more could I do? What can I do even now?
Anyone have any suggestions?