FREE "TUDORS" ONLINE V.I.P. SCREENING (even before Yahoo Screening)

Mar 12, 2007 22:28

Hi all,

This is a forwarded message for those interested in checking out The Tudors series by Showtime. It is by permission.

Unfortunately, it doesn't allow for buffering, so some may not be able to watch this online with this site (like me). But if you have a fast internet connection, perhaps you can enjoy it, and let the rest of us know what it is like.

Otherwise, it will be available next week on Yahoo streaming episodes, which I will forward that when I hear about it.

Enjoy (if you can).

Forwarded message: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OK, People --

I pulled some strings and got permission to give you all the secret VIP password
so that you can watch the first 2 episodes of "The Tudors" online immediately.

Meaning right this minute, Even before NEXT week's Yahoo streaming of the
episodes. And even before VIP's get notified. Plus, the quality of the video
should be better than regular streaming.

Unfortunately, online viewing is only available in the U.S., The link won't work
for anyone outside the country.

Please alert your pals on other Costume and re-enactor and historical boards.
Showime was only going to give out the link to subscribers who have signed up
for VIP e-mails, but I persuaded them that "MY" peeps deserve a shot, too!

go to

Type in the password: king

movie, tudor

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