Food Cravings

Mar 07, 2007 21:04

I found some interesting info on a site, regarding cravings for those on low-carb diets.

Curb Your Food Cravings...
* When we're stressed out, upset or bored Bad moods frequently give rise to cravings: We imagine that if we eat a cookie or a chocolate bar, we'll feel better -- and often we do. Carbohydrates sweet or starchy foods -- increase the secretion of the brain chemical serotonin, which in turn can improve mood.

* Before your period Research shows that many of our cravings for chocolate and carbohydrate-rich foods are particularly intense in the days leading up to menstruation. Experts theorize that women may overeat carbs in an attempt to raise serotonin levels to counter the bad moods and mild depression related to PMS.

Also, we actually need more calories premenstrually, so it would make sense we might experience more cravings if we're short on energy. Although there have been a number of studies examining cravings and the menstrual cycle, scientists still don't know exactly why some women crave carbs, chocolate and other sugary foods before their periods.

Well, it's a good thing I wasn't craving sugary stuff... or I would be so in trouble. I think I need to add some fruits earlier in my day, to provide some of the good carbs and sweetness I am starting to desire. Maybe that will help my mood out earlier so I don't get pissy at the kids and husband. An apple a day...

south beach diet, emotions, food

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