Gardening today.

Mar 03, 2007 13:30

I am taking a small break, while Cam's playing with local kids, Rob's at the store with Maurelle, and I can't do anymore front yard work until he gets back. I could go in the backyard to pull more big weeds, but my back is already complaining. So a break it is.

I am thinking of ripping out the front spanish lavender bush, and putting in something completely different there. Maybe a rosemary bush might thrive there where others have not. Maybe I will leave the lavender, and just put in two rosemaries. Something has to work there.

I am heavily clipping the verbena on the side, as the grass is just overtaking the whole thing. I need to put in a break line of concrete or board, and then put in drip lines, then put back the verbena in the spot. But I need it mowed first so I can minimize the grass pulling I have to do.

And I am starting to get hungry.


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