Well, I've been working on the Costuming Myths stuff, updating some of it, and adding in more info. I spent most of this evening doing that, and even part of the afternoon while Rob took the kids to visit Grandma. I didn't need to go and infect her, considering her delicate health. Problem is, Rob is now doing the sneezing I've been doing, so she may get it anyways. But I wanted Grandma to see how well Maurelle is starting to walk, and even stand on her own! Yeah, I am proud of her minor triumphs.
I've stared enough at this screen, but there is one item I would like my readers to help me answer.
Myth: Princess seams are not period.
I have the
Fouquet Madonna (1450s), and a possible "hidden fitting seam" image I can use, but is this really a myth appropriate to the 16th century? Considering the shaping is supposed to be done on the side seams over a fitted/corsetted/boned body, I don't know if this is something I really should address. Yet I see it pop up here and there in various mailing lists. I just am not sure how to deal with this "myth"... {shrug}
Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on this?
Well, now to shut down and head off to bed. Night all!