More kirtle goodness.

Nov 29, 2006 01:04

Well, I finished the upper sleeve for the kirtle. I have it in yellow linen, flatlined in cotton muslin to help it hold its shape, and lined in bleached white linen. I know now what to modify to make it fit perfectly next time. It needs a small dip in where the elbow bends in. Also a 1.5" ease may be a little snug, although I won't know for sure until I wear it with the smock sleeves; T-shirts aren't as bulky. I just want to keep it a little snug so it will fit nicely under the gown sleeve.

Sadly, I have to buy more silk in order to do the foresleeves. I only have scraps of the silk left over. I could use something else entirely, as it seems from some portraits that the foresleeves do not match the forepart, but I want to make it of this silk, since it shimmers so nicely with the two colors woven together, and the folded sleeve pattern I am working on would highlight the shot taffeta so nicely.  (time passes, online searching...)

Ah, taking a look online at the store I bought it from, they no longer carry it. I guess I am going to have to piece something together. I hope I can hide the seams within the folds. Note for future, definitely get more fabric next time I do this.  Denverfabrics has something similar, but too red. This was gold and peach. Ah well, I will survive. And piecing is period, right? That's what I will just continue to tell myself.

(more time passes)

I forgot to post this when I was done writing. Well, I don't know what else to write, my brain is shutting down, and I really do need to get some sleep.

dressdiary, silk, sewing, tudor kirtle

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