Health and other thoughts.

Nov 10, 2006 16:42

In health news, my tummy is starting to do a little better. Not having to run to the bathroom all the time is nice. I am just so very hungry right now. I had soft rice for lunch, and it doesn't last long, but at least it is gentle to my stomach.

I had a dream this morning about having a French dip sandwich, from a Starbucks of all places. Odd. I don't know if I am up to eating such beef, as the hamburger I had (a small one) a few days ago just set my tummy on edge, which is why I turned to soft rice instead. I may get some yogurt in just a bit.

And I think I need a change in sewing pace, something different for a bit. I am not sure, as I really should finish what I started, but the Tudor gown just isn't calling to me right now. Actually, nothing is except the need for more sleep. My body is still rather tired.

Sadly, the time I've been sick has meant this house has slid into a mess. Clothes, floors, and dishes don't clean themselves, unfortunately. c0demonkey has helped out with some of the stuff around here, especially in the toy room, but it's been piling up a bit. So, I think it is back to the other room for some light food, and some more housework as I can.

tudor gown, health, housework

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