Poking in with an update.

Oct 05, 2006 12:06

It's been awhile since I've last logged on. Wow! 202 new messages await me in my yahoo account alone.

I was out for a couple of days with a stomach flu, with the sweats and chills and worse. Won't go into more gory details, but it put me badly behind in my sewing project, sad to say. Even if I worked every available hour I have left before the weekend, I still wouldn't be able to get the rest of the gown done in time. So, I will be going with the kirtle and surcoat instead, like I wore last weekend in LA. I will take my time now to finish the gown, and make sure it is done right, not rushed.

But in good news, I did get my French hood finished last night! I still have to take photos. Amazingly, it fits snugly enough on my head that I don't need chin straps.

Last Saturday's Angels Baronial Anniversary was fun. I traveled in the company of Cedric (the Wild), Countess Seanahie (I don't know how to spell her name) and her husband the Count, whose name is badly escaping me. He's Cedric's knight, and a former king of Caid. His real name is Mike... ah, Francisc, I don't know how to spell that one either, has a hard C sound at the end.

Sadly, I did not get to meet a few people I had hoped to meet (sorry ladies, I asked around twice, and no one seemed to be able to find you.) However, I found out I knew the Angels Baron and Baroness! They were former members of Septs of Leix and the Border League years ago. I recognized his Excellency right off the bat during opening Court, but it took awhile to recognize her Excellency as she is wearing a darker red wig than I remember her actual hair being (a lighter shade of carrot color if my bad memory serves.) Mind you, I hadn't seen them in over a decade, so I am stunned I remebered them at all. They introduced me to other former Septs and BL members, including Alice the harper who I remembered playing fine music at a few of the later Septs parties. I was also introduced by Lady Seanahie to various other people, including her Excellency the Baroness of Starkhafn whose camp we shared, and a lady, Illuminada iirc, who came over to chat Spanish costumes a bit. Overall, good times, and good people to meet.

And my new kirtle came through very nicely, if a bit loose in the chest. I kept having to hoist the mounds or things would get out of whack and ride up. I think I have a fix for this that I will be trying out this weekend, or I may have to take the kirtle in another inch or two in the chest to keep them in place.

I do have some thoughts on SCA vs Faire perspectives, but I've still got a lot of things to do the next few days, so I will post those thoughts later, after faire is done with.

tudor gown, tudor kirtle, tudor, hats, sca

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