The weekend report.

Jul 23, 2006 21:06

What a hot weekend... and week. 110+ is now our norm, and with some humidity even, so even more miserable than usual. Thank goodness for A/C, although we keep it around 82 normally, and we will be paying for the electric cost all too soon.

Yesterday two guys installed the kids new Rainbow Playsystem (this one but with blue and yellow cover, and yellow plastic instead of green). They started at 7am and finished around 3 or 4, then came back with a few items they had forgotton, like one of the slides. Yes, it has two slides, one wavey, and one big spiral tube. Man it's big, but I know they sell even bigger. And Cam loves it. He was playing on it this morning right after he got up, wearing his pjs; he didn't care, and it was decently "cool" enough for him, as the playsystem had morning shade from a neighbor's tree.

We had a great game last night, although with my simple (yet powerful) fighter waiting for all the spell casters to figure out which spells to cast, and the others who leveled up trying to figure out new feats or other things, it was a bit of a dull start. Thankfully, I had my calligraphy/illumination book to read, and I made a list of still needed supplies so I can buy what I can't get locally, or can at much higher price.

Anyway, the game was good, much demonic-dragon-whoknowswhatsistsmixedin ass-kicking was ... theraputic. I especially liked when our wizard Vykos (docryder's character) changed into a beholder, picked up some poor simple demon, and threw him into an unseen "wall" that proceeded to burn the poor simple demon and then devour it. We iced the wall over to hold it for awhile while we flew past it. The demons were a bit upset we would take such liberties with one of their own, but really, they should be thankful Cassie let them live in hell, instead of mowing them down, which Cassie wanted to do, but she's on a quest for the final piece of Arzin (her artifact sword from the Gods), and is more concerned with saving her strength to deal with Tiarma, aka Tiamat the evil five headed dragon Goddess who happens to be protecting that final piece. Yeah, gotta love epic level adventures.

Today we spent the morning hours moving boxes from my Mom's place to the new rental storage unit nearby. I got a 10x30, which after moving all the boxes that nearly filled up the master bedroom, may be a bit too big for all the storage we need. But the guys convinced me that we will need that storage when we get to putting the furniture in it, or stuff that is currently in our garage. We only did one load of stuff before quitting just after noon. I couldn't take the heat as out of shape as I am. And neither could rwfranz who was helping. c0demonkey was still ok (he's getting into shape working our backyard for the playsystem), and his brother Alex was more than capable of doing another load, but no, I might have been able to deal with packing up another load, but no way could I then unload it at the storage place.

So we came home, had lunch, then napped for a bit until the kids were back up from their naps. We have plans to move smaller amounts in rwfranz suv on Thursdays, and Alex said we could borrow his trailer if we needed it. If I can clear that master bedroom and master bathroom of all but the furniture, I can then get in contractors to provide estimates and start repairs on the ceiling in there, which will make me happy to have done.

That's about it for the week, other than being happy to have received my calligraphy/illumination books. Oh, I also bought a tabletop easle that I can attach a board to so I have something to write on at the right angle for me. We found it on sale at Allards for cheaper than dickblick has the same on sale, but only two were left. rwfranz bought one as well, and was trying it out on Saturday. It even has a small drawer that carries the basic supplies, although I will have to find something for the larger bottles that doesn't fit. I think one of my plastic shoeboxes will be fine. Now I just need to hunt down my drawing board that I know is around here somewhere... my old watercolor project is still taped to it last I saw.

Well, now to hunt down supplies.

gaming, mom, house, cameron, weather

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