My Mom in kimono

Jul 20, 2006 23:17

I am making a photo album for my dad, of recent shots mostly of my kids, Cameron, Maurelle, and Sean's graduation speach. I found I had a few more pages left blank, so I decided to make copies of photos of my Mom, that my dad had requested last year. I can't part with the originals, so copies will have to do for him.

I will post sorta recent photos of the kids soon, but I have to scan those in as well, since I really enjoy my Rebel, and it is a film camera. I do have a digital, but the Rebel makes such nice photos, and I just can't afford the digital Rebel yet.

Anyway, I wanted to share this image of my Mom, when she was young and I think still living in Japan. I believe this was taken before I was born, or at least before we moved to the states.

mom, photo

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