stats and permissions meme

Jul 12, 2009 17:03

Age: 21
Height: About 150cms not counting the hair, but looks taller. It's a Death Thing.
Weight: ...probably about 50 kilos idk I know nothing about height/weight/whatevs ratios and she is only described as a "slightly built young woman" and "attractive in a skinny way" thank you wikipedia.
Medical Info: ...occasionally walks through walls?
Eyes: Blue. When she's being Deathy they go a bit funny and you're advised not to look into them too hard. Death's eyes are basically infinity, so yeah.
Hair: White with a black streak, usually worn in a bun. Natural form is a big snakey cloud but tends to rearrange itself into dramatic styles when she uses magic.
Physical traits: ...occasionally walks through walls. Wears black a lot.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything.

Abilities: ...occasionally w- okay I'm done with that. Also can stop time (some beings are immune to this), locate any living creature, sense whether or not an entity is human, use The Voice for intimidation and command (works better on some beings than others), beat up monsters with a poker, see tiny and mostly useless bits of the future, make herself more or less unnoticeable to humans and See What's Really There. Also she is an excellent swimmer.

(gosh, I didn't realise there was such a list till I went to make it. Supernatural characters, particularly strong-minded individuals and cats: feel free to drop me a line and we'll figure out which of her abilities you're immune to and vice versa. Everyone else relax, she doesn't like to use stuff like The Voice too often because it makes her feel less human.)

Notes for the Psychics: I don't recall her tangling with a psychic in canon, so feel free to have a rummage. Her mind is very logical and ordered on the surface, but she is repressing her Death-given memories of Everything Ever so as to not go insane - try not to break into that bit. Oh, also if you don't ask permission you'll probably make her angry. It'll be fun! :D)

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: I'm playing her powers mooostly for the lulz, so for now basically feel free to shapeshift, de-age, furrify, bodyswap or otherwise mess with her UNLESS it would be more hilarious for her to be the only one still herself. I would also expect it to be less likely to work the second time round when she's more likely to see it coming. As for spit and stepping on... you can try?

Maim/Murder/Death: She is a little bit immortal so ask me about any given instance and we'll have a look at the circumstances.

Cooking: ... no.
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