Fool Me Once, Shame On You; Fool Me Twice...

May 05, 2011 16:15

Shame on me!

So the saying goes. Track records can work the other way too. If you had two choices of who to ask money from, would you ask a friend whom you know never lends anyone money (not even his sick mother), or a complete stranger?

Yes, you have totally no idea who the complete stranger is, and how he or she will behave. For all you know, the stranger could refuse you money too. However, there is a chance that the stranger may turn out to be a good samaritan after all.

To put it more crudely, if you were forced to play a game of russian roulette, would you choose a gun that you know is full-loaded to play with, or one that was loaded behind your back (and you have no idea how many bullets were loaded)? Of course, you do not know how many bullets lie in the other gun, but it can only be as bad as the fully-loaded one...

Yes, making choices are important, and the more information you have, the better able you are to make it...

track record, choice

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