not quite getting around to it.

Sep 24, 2005 23:50

So there's been a handful of events that've taken place this past week.
Mostly happy ones. . .& then some.
Still trying to get my head round them, but i'll be back to spew the details!

By the way, friendster's got real updated and have started the whole customize your profile with html & css thing. At first i thought it was great (with me devoting a whole month in learning those things) & would be quite fun. But then later on, i thought of how it was quite nice that everyone has (or used to have) similar profiles. The word Equality comes to mind.
But Anyway, talk about total irrelevance!

Takecare everyone,
& as i quote from a friend "keep smiling, cause you never know who's falling inlove with your smile!"

p.s my sister's got the so-i-candy iPod Nano :X
p.p.s our uncle & auntie are having a baby! :)
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