Mar 13, 2005 23:31
I just found still more problems with the links in my Gates pages (things I didn't tell GraphicConverter correctly). Argh. Rhetorical question: would I have got comments - any comments - from my sophisticated readers, if everything worked correctly, instead of them (like me) downrating the whole project and ignoring it? My local correspondents were enthusiastic, but it appears that my explanation of how thumbnails linked to larger images work, didn't get across, and they only looked at the 4 pages of thumbnails.
I'm going to bed instead of working on it any more, let alone uploading what I think is fixed.
I hope Monday is wiser than Friday also. While daydreaming about the trip I didn't take in the snow, I was wrestling with 2 dictation/transcription machines; one tape, just one so far, didn't play correctly in the new machine (dictated by someone who has a jinx for things mechanical). I was instructed to write to someone at HQ about getting the old one fixed, so I detailed what is wrong and what I'd tried to do... and the TGIF answer was, "who ordered it and from where?" Gee, I was hoping someone knew where to give it a good whack. And where to get Dictaphone brand parts, which apparently aren't quite like what anyone else uses....