Title: learn it well
americanleaguerPairing: Torii Hunter/Johan Santana, Torii Hunter/Mark Teixeira
Rating: R
Word count: 3,953
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It is in no way a reflection on the actual life, behavior, or character of any of the people featured, and there are no connections or affiliations between this fictional story and the people or organizations it mentions. It was not written with any intent to slander or defame any of the people featured. No profit has been or ever will be made as a result of this story: it is solely for entertainment. And again, it is entirely fictional, i.e. not true.
Notes: Lyrics were Paper Planes by MIA, sent by
solookup. I totally cheated to work the lyrics in and I am not even the least bit sorry. :P This one's more of a, I dunno, character study? Something in that direction, anyways. I'm not very happy with parts of it but given how late my last lyricwheel fic was, I figured I should err on the side of celerity this time around. So if you have any concrit (and if, ugh, I missed massive typos or anything), feel free and welcome to lay it on me.
The fake cut takes you to my journal for tidiness.
learn it well )