POLL: Questions about the format of a possible winter run of the sshg_promptfest (ETA)

Feb 27, 2014 11:05

The members-only poll about how often the sshg_promptfest should run resulted in the following results: eight poll-takers would like the fest to run once a year in the winter (January), 17 poll-takers would like the fest to run once a year in the summer (July), and 32 poll-takers would like the fest to run twice a year.

I decided to make the sshg_promptfest a biannual one after shiv5468 told me that the sshg_exchange was never going to run again, but having run the sshg_promptfest back-to-back and heard from loads of people who prefer the idea of a gift exchange over a prompt fest, I'm no longer certain that the sshg_promptfest can sustain two runs a year. Because I have no interest in running a gift exchange, it seems reasonable of me to either change the sshg_promptfest's winter format, or do away with its winter run altogether so that someone else might run an SSHG-themed gift exchange without conflict. (ETA: To answer an off-post question, no, I don't know of anyone planning to run an SSHG-themed gift exchange.) Before I make my final decision, however, I have additional questions for all interested parties.

Poll Prompt Fest Poll, The Second!
Note: In the sshg_promptfest's current format, promptees take inspiration from their prompts rather than instruction from their prompters, and while honoring their prompts, create fan works that resonate with them. Were the Prompt Fest to run in winter as a gifting opportunity, promptees would take instruction from those gift requests that inspired them and honor their prompters with gifts. In all other respects, the fest would remain the same.

As planned, the sshg_promptfest will run this July in its current format. Prompts will be collected from 10-16 March. For more information, please see the community's rules, schedule, and submission guidelines (scroll down to read them).

ETA II: Based on both of the polls that I posted, I've decided to run the sshg_promptfest once a year in the summer (July). Thank you, everyone who weighed in. :)

*poll, *mod post

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