Apr 01, 2020 10:29
I have spent most of my adult life as an "educational guerrilla" - fighting the foundational concepts of pedagogy (schools). Early on I discovered John Holt through my children's schools, Hale Mohala & The Early School in Hawaii. That started me on a life of resistance to training (what schools practice) and devotion to self-directed learning. Both of my college degrees were self-designed; I chose my evaluators & advisors; I ignored grades (my MA had no grading system). I discovered that Bateson & Maturana validated my early learning - "there is no such thing as teaching".
I am watching parents all over the world struggle with "homeschooling" and can only see this with great optimism. Perhaps they will discover that their personal lens on education has kept them blind to what learning really is. Perhaps -- hopefully - children will never have to return to 'schooling' as usual.