Dec 17, 2006 13:24
Well this past week my old boss Kevin Enge came down to West Palm to give a presentation on doing herp trapping in the south FWC region. The meeting was on Monday and it went really well. After the meeting I helped him set up some turtle traps down at the South Florida Water Management District retention pond to remove some red-eared sliders (exotic turtles in Florida). Kevin's contact there was a girl by the name of Ellen, a new friend of mine now, who likes to do some herping as well. We exchanged emails and hopefully this will give me someone else to hang out with (and do some herping!). Anyhow, I set up my traps on Tuesday, but right before I did I got a really bad migraine and thought I was gonna vomit. After sitting down for like an hour, I was feeling a little better, but not much. So I set the traps and then went home to rest. Wednesday came around and Kevin came out to look at my traps, he basically called them crap (but I guess I shouldn't be to upset, I didn't really make the traps....). So me, Kevin, Linda, and a girl named Sharon were checking the traps when I saw a shrew in one of the pitfalls. (The next thing that happened, while slightly disturbing, was hilariously funny, in a sick, twisted sort of way....) So Kevin picks up the shrew out of the trap and identifies it for us. So the shrew is all trying to get out of his hands, squeaking, and biting him, when Linda is like "that doesn't hurt?" So Kevin's like "no, but sometimes it helps to bite them back!" Then Kevin takes and kindaof bites the shrew by the scruff of it's back, and is all like, shaking his head (mrrrrrrhhhhh!!!). Ok, so you have to know Kevin, while the animal wasn't hurt, any normal sane person just wouldn't have done that, of course Kevin's not really normal or sane. So at first there is this utter look of horrification that spreads across Linda, Sharon, and my face, then of course I realize the humor in it all and fall over laughing. It was hilarious! So we finish up all of our checking and then I ride off again to check turtle traps with Kevin. We caught like 5 red-ears and a map turtle (which is still not supposed to be here either..), so I took the red-ears and put them in the freezer to sleep. The next day a couple of community service people came by to help out, the weather was horrible, so Linda told me to take them and strart building new funnel traps (Kevin showed us how the day before). So all day long we built funnel traps, so I basically have all that I need to replace the ones I have now (but more are needed for future projects). So this guy that normally works with us Pineotiae (I have no idea if I spelled his name right or not) wanted one of the turtles, so I was like ok take one. The thing came back to life on him after being in the freezer for like 20 hours! Crazy! Then on friday we had out holiday party, I got a digital thermometer from Dave Sweetey (not really cool, but I can use it doing my herp arrays I guess), and another really bad headache. I felt like I was gonna throwup again (I don't know why this happened again, maybe something that I ate, or maybe I have a bug or something), so I didn't even eat any of the food, I just left and came home to take a nap, hoping that the pounding in my head and stomach aching would stop (eventually it did). So the racquetball that me and Wes were going to do that night didn't happen. We were going to try to go to O'Shea's so that I could try to at least meet some girls, but with me being sick that didn't happen either. I guess it's just better that I don't meet anyone now, I can barely afford to do the things I want to, so why have another? It just sucks when your in a new area, don't know anyone, and can't even go out with your friends for pizza without them trying to pay for it cause they know how poor you are. I've actually thought about a second job to make ends meet. It's not like I have a life or anything right now. Oh well, this next week I'm going to ride back up to Trenton and spend some much needed time with my family. Later!!!