:: The General Concerns
Name: Ally
Age: Seventeen
I am: Pikachuuuuuu! :3
I'm looking for a: Either. <3 It isn't a massive concern for me.
:: The Real You
Describe your personality: Happy, friendly, outgoing but easily extinguished or discouraged. 0.o; I'm loud when I'm with my friends, and quiet when I'm with people I don't know. I have something of a strange sense of humour too. >.< I can also be quite childish. :3
What makes you happy? I have a lot of loves. ^^ I looooove to write and draw, listen to music and watch cartoons. Ohes, and anime. Does that count as making me happy...? As a general thing too~ other languages. I don't know why- I just think they're fascinating. I'm learning German at the moment. :3 Meine Meinung nach, es sehr interessant ist. <3
What annoys you/makes you angry? Rude and argumentative people, cruelty, bad hygiene, homophobia, racism, sexism, blatant disregard for spelling/grammar...
What is the one thing you like the most about yourself? Errr... 0.o; Can I get back to you on that one...?
What is your biggest personality flaw? I have many. I swear, my section for this was HUGE on my original application, but for now~ I'll pick... No matter how hard I try, I always seem to consider myself as lower than everyone else. I guess that's just the way I am~ as a result, I tend to gravitate more towards more eccentric personalities. My friendship group is completely made up of social misfits~ we're all just a bunch of weirdos, really. <3 Wouldn't have it any other way, though.
:: The Lover
What do you look for in a significant other? Someone to balance me. 0.o; And stop me from doing stupid things. They have to have a good sense of humour, be kind and thoughtful, and not afraid to laugh at themselves- we're all only human. That's pretty important. ^^;
Three major turn-ons? Sense of humour, sense of FUN, and a biiiiiiig smile would be nice too. :3
Three major turn-offs? Tactlessness. :( Trouble-causing. D: Massive, massive, all-consuming egos. X.x
Would you like him/her to be...
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic. ^^ Nothing's more off-putting than a misery.
Outgoing or shy? Ummm... A mixture of both would be nice. ^^ Nothing too extreme either way.
Independent or Dependent? Independent. But... cuddly. Yeah. <3
Cautious or impulsive? Impulsive~ but with common sense please! D:
Cold or Emotional? Again, a balance. Icy-cold is no fun, but neither are unnecessary dramatics. 0.o;
:: The Votes