Title: V for vampires
Pairing: ReitaxRuki
Rating: r ( all and all )
Genre: drama, partly AU, romance,
Disclaimer: who wouldn’t want them, right ?
Warnings: manxman situations. also english is not my first language so that’s all.
Comments: my first fic published in lj, and the first one published in english. so i’m prettyyy nervous :------D
Otherwise reituki is more than familiar pairing and writing fics is also familiar ( only not in English yet hohoho ) soooo, luv to have some comments about this. should it be continued, is the English okay etc ? ^^
Synopsis: When I turned to be one of them, I became depressed no more. But to get him was far more than just difficult now comparing to the past where I could’ve got him only in my nicest dreams. And to clear this up, I shouldn't be even thinking about to get him or not, 'cause that's just not right. Nice situation, isn’t it?
prologue / chapter 1