So, the Jonas Brothers have totally been under my radar because, lets face it, shitty music and not so hot boys don't really catch my attention. I watched the South Park opener that featured a spoof on the guys . They even had this scene where they were at a concert and all "you girls want them to cover you in their hot white foam?" and the audience is made up of babies and they spray them with foam. The whole joke was obviously about selling sex to little girls.
Well, needless to say, I laughed my ass of about it until yesterday. My friend, Natan brought it up and I laughed and then he told me they actually spray girls with foam at the concerts. I stopped laughing and he showed me a you tube video of them ACTUALLY spraying little girls with foam!
now they have my attention...and not the good kind.
What is their fucking deal, man?! I am not one to speak poorly of another persons beliefs but this is such a special situation. For starters let me just say that I don't consider evangelism a religion. First of all it's technically just an act of forcing your religion on others which can be applied to any religion. Second, labeling it as an actual branch of a religion is just silly because the only thing that separates them from the herd is how hard core they are and you can get a hard core christian or a hard core catholic so in my mind it's a cult- same with born agains. It's nothing personal. I also don't think any organized belief system created in the 20th century counts as a religion. Cult? Sure! Religion? Whoa there! They simply haven't stood the test of time is all. Christianity was totally a cult when it first started but it stood the test of time, therefore...
Scientology, Satanism, Kwanzaa- all within the 20th century and absolutely none of them are valid in my eyes. It's just my thing.
So these three kids show up with their crappy lyrics and purity rings and I'm like "aw how cute, a couple a more closet gays and soon to be fucked up sexually repressed individuals who will probably end up diddling each other- Not my problem. But now that their existence and creepy sexual innuendos have been brought to my attention and I know somethings wrong. So wrong that my body feels as if its physically rejecting them. A mere mention of their name and I feel as though my soul is leaking out of my anus. Now its a problem.
Again, what is their deal? I'm compelled to track them down and ask them "is it the money? Is it all an act for the money?" Cause if they said yes well, then I would understand. I've seen worse. But I don't think it's all for the money. I think they're serious which seriously disturbs me. They're home schooled for starters which is a big old mess within itself. Then we have the purity rings...I'm all for saving oneself for marriage in a magical world where sex only used to procreate and completely disconnected from any real emotional necessity but I live on planet Earth where sex is not only natural but healthy to human life. If your going to toot the "holier than art thou abstinence" horn don't embark on a campaign that's sole mission is to make millions on selling sex to little girls. It most definitely isn't about the music.
So, yes, I want to see them fail. I want to see them fail so hard.