Mission 120: "Return of the Beetleborgs"

Oct 08, 2012 21:11

Session Start (overmanzs1:ugamission120): Mon Oct 08 19:03:15 2012 -0500
*** overmanzs1 has joined the conversation.
*** Salsa (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Tenebro (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Steam (SRW mod) has joined the conversation.
*** Jockey (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Knux (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Arach (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Shaun (SRW mod) has joined the conversation.
Zs1: (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-FQcyuz_row)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-FQcyuz_row ))

Zs1: Ladies and Gentlemen; welcome to Charterville (again). Just your average, everyday, normal-town. Sure, it has a history, but, only if you spent your childhood reading comics would you really KNOW it's history. And even then, it's a "fictional" history.

Zs1: Today's stop is dual agenda'd. First, and foremost, resupply. Secondly, given this town isn't associated with any known factions, recreation.

Shaun (SRW mod): Jo's catching up with her old friends at the moment.
Steam (SRW mod): Unfortunately, Kazuki is not on good enough terms with anyone on the Chalice to repeat his daily rituals with Kenji
Steam (SRW mod): So no fistfights for the hell of it
Knux (SRW): Ryouma's staying away from all of those comics. Like hell he's going to find out how he's been represented.
Salsa (SRW): Sora's head is still spinning at the comics Hana found, so she's idle and annoyed at the moment. For her, a bad combination.
Zs1: THATS enough of that! Because panic has begun! Sure it's been years, but, finally, the peace is broken. People are running and scrambling around, freaking out over, by the way they're screaming, monster attack.

Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...heh, I should of known things wouldn't stay quiet for too long."
Zs1: Sora, this pretty much puts you at the middle of the chaos since, things seem to be originating from somewhere around the comic shop itself!
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "... Question is, what is it this time?"
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "It's never easy, is it? Just once, I'd like to be able to- wait, it's HERE!?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo looked up from her seat at Hilhurst. Monster alarms? Now?
Salsa (SRW): The redhead pokes at the hardlight AI napping on her head. "Hey, lazy, we've gotta move! We ready for action?"
Zs1: (Link: http://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pictures/stack/bfshadow04.jpg)http://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pictures/stack/bfshadow04.jpg
Aparently this mechanical bug guy seems to be the culprit!

Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki's actually hanging back for a moment, if only because it seems like whatever the threat is isn't something physically very large.
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Flabber, where's the TV? I know you still got one.
Steam (SRW mod): Aaaaaand yeah. Just a guy in a suit!
Zs1: Flabber: "TV Tv... where did I put that thing." Running into a closet he's throwing out all kinds of things, even the kitchen sink before wheeling out a TV... unplugged
Zs1: ????: "Where are the Beetleborgs! I'm going to crush them once and for all!"

Shaun (SRW mod): Jo felt her blood run cold. She remembered that voice on the TV. She had been eight when she first heard it. Oh shit.
Zs1: What, those comic book guys. He's silly. But, he's still shooting up the town. If he's not shooting up buildings with his gun, there seems to be rays of lightining dancing around innocent civilians' feet! Defiantely, definately want to do something about him.

Salsa (SRW): Definitely. Sora runs off to find a nice secluded empty alley, and with a shout of "PreDesu! Awaken My Soul!" there's a bright yellow flash and a battle-ready maiden on the case.
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Someone must have redrawn him. He looks a lot more powerful now.
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "Then you know who this guy is?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Yeah... Flabber, I hate to say this but I need my powers back.
Zs1: A couple more comic books start flipping pages at random and... some more fun times decide to pop out. ((Link: http://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pictures/stack/bfscab03.jpg)http://www.grnrngr.com/monsters/pictures/stack/bfscab03.jpg )
Zs1: Flabber: Just by yourself Jo?
Salsa (SRW): Sora then proceeds to rifle through her pockets. "Where did I put that thing... not that pocket... it's a skirt, it only has one pocket... there it is!" Oh look, a communication device! "Chalice, you're hearing this, right!?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Drew and Roland are halfway across the world. That'll give Shadowborg enough time to stomp the world flat.
Zs1: Flabber cracks his neck and stretches. Literally. "Aaalright! Flick of the wrist, give my head a turn... let the power of the Beetleborgs return!"
Zs1: For now, those of you on the scene
Initative: Kazuki, Ryouma, Sora
Enemies: Shadowborg
Shaun (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWyBW2phxF4)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWyBW2phxF4 In a flash of light, a red beetle shaped box appears in her hand.
Zs1: Scabs (the other thing I linked) x10
Zs1: (Kazuki and Ryouma... Enjoy some temporary ON FOOT ACTION)
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Lets hope this still works. Flabber, keep an eye out. Make sure nothing else gets out of the comic book. We don't want Vexor getting loose.
Steam (SRW mod): Uuuuunfortunately, Kazuki is kinda not THAT good at fighting.
Steam (SRW mod): So instead he's gonna glance over at Ryouma. "Do you have anything on you? Even a gun?"
Zs1: Flabber: "You can leave it to me, ol Jo!"
Shaun (SRW mod): And Jo is off, zooming towards the fighting with her cycle already changed into a Sector Sycle.
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Sorry, gave Hayato the one I had. Don't worry, I got this!" *With that, he LEAPS at the first Scab he sees, intending on bringing it to the ground&
Zs1: [Ryouma] Tackling the one, it goes over pretty easy (continue)
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Typical men. Didn't bring guns, so you're just going to- holy crap, that was a big jump!"
Knux (SRW): *With it down, Ryouma's hands go flying, pummeling the Scab sensless, grinning wickedly as he intends on using it as an example. Sorry, Ryouma doesn't come from Saban-land, folks!+
Steam (SRW mod): * Kazuki however, decides to be a bit more conservative with this! Rather than just get into the fight, he moves to try to get between the Scabs and the fleeing civilians. That and raise his guard so if any want to go after the people, they'll have to go through him first!+
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "I'm not going to be stupid about this, but I at least have more experience fighting than the people who are running scared!"
Zs1: [Ryouma] But the others do! That means swarm tactics, and, three more of them awkwardly wave their sword-arms and start swinging them at Ryouma (react)
Salsa (SRW): #
Zs1: (Approved)
Steam (SRW mod): Aaaand when he sees those swords Kazuki gets an idea!
Steam (SRW mod): "Ryouma! Sora! If you can get me one of those..."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "What the...?" *he stops his pummeling, intending on trying to grab one of them+ "If I'm not dead, then sure!"
Salsa (SRW): *Sora comes in with a flying kick. "Don't forget about me!" She swings around and takes another kick to clear the air around Ryouma, hearing Kazuki's comment and changing it to a sweep at the last moment, following with a blast of magic down at the foe.+
Zs1: [Sora] The first two are booted away without much problem, but the third makes a fair attempt at attacking, only to smack Sora over the shoulder with that weird sword while it falls back on it's ass. You've been hit but... it's more like being hit with a bat than a sword.
[RYouma] One of the standing foes is easily grabbed, but that's when shit getes real. The black machine-like robo points it's gun right at Ryouma's face (react more)
Zs1: In short order, some red-armored person on a red motorcycle rides onto the scene. (Jo, Sora, action)
Steam (SRW mod): # (Ryouma)
Zs1: (Okay, sure. This should be fun)
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "If you're going to shoot, don't just STAND THERE, asshole!" *And with that, no matter who comes to aid him, he's going to take the mook he grabbed and slam him into it+
Shaun (SRW mod): *Roaring into battle, Jo decided that the best way to do this was to put the Sector Sycle into a pop wheel and slam headlong into a group of Scabs, bowling them over like she was a damn Rider. "Sorry I'm late! Beetleborgs at your service."+
Steam (SRW mod): * Okay. Enough just hanging back! THat robot might be pointing a gun at Ryouma's face, but Kazuki's gonna shoulder-charge the thing to stop it from pulling the trigger!+
Zs1: [Ryouma] You're going to slam a mook into Shadowborg? Well, the mook plays along, but, the Borg doesn't. It only levels it's gun to defend itself, making it seem like Ryouma ran into a brick wall! And it proceeds to fire THROUGH the Crustecean, putting a mere shot through Ryouma's shoulder
Zs1: [Kazuki] In much similar fashion, considering you're totally unarmed, shoulder-checking the Shadowborg results in nothing! And its response is a swift backhand from his gun hand!
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "ARGH...!" Ryouma's going to stagger back, wincing in pain... and he can't help but grin.
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki grunts as he's knocked back and hits the ground as well!
Steam (SRW mod): But hey, at least that gun's not pointed at anyone important right now!
Zs1: [Jo] Fortunately beating down mooks in a Red powered suit is like riding a bike... No pun intended! Scabs are bowled over, one of which is actually trampled underfoot, seperating it's sword from it's hand.
Salsa (SRW): *That hit stung less than Sora was expecting... "What, did you forget to sharpen your sword this morning? Still hurts, but at least I'm not bleeding... and that big thing is tough! Itsuki Flash!" Sora throws a ball of painful-looking light at Shadowborg, hoping for the best while she tries to find some cover and assess the new arrival.
Salsa (SRW): +
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: "It's called Shadowborg. Careful, he's been redrawn into a more powerful form!"
Zs1: Shadowborg: "AHhh, there you are. And only one of you. This won't be nearly as satisfying as crushing you all. But it's better than nothing!"
[Jo] Punching numbers into it's gun (why does the gun have a number pad?) It fires again at the Red Blaster Beetleborg, lightning striking out all around (Jo, and Ryouma) react.
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Re... drawn?"
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki snorts at that! "... Something tells me we're still not up to speed on everything."
Shaun (SRW mod): *Jo wheeled the Sector Sycle around, before drawing her own gun and typing in a code to return fire, ice shots blazing from the end of her gun. "Long story short, he's a comic book drawing!"+
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...get out of the way!" *As you can tell, Ryouma doesn't have powered armor, so he's going to dive and roll out of the way, yelling out in pain as he aggrivates his injured shoulder.+
Salsa (SRW): The girl casts a horrified glance at the comic book shop, things starting to fall into place as Jo spells it out. "Oh dear. We're fighting a comic book villain."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "From a COMIC BOOK?!"
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki's almost tempted to join Ryouma in his disbelief...
Steam (SRW mod): ... But honestly, what HASN'T the Chalice fought yet?
Zs1: [Sora] That ball of light smashes into the Borg, but, it isn't quite as 'hit' as it is being shoved back on it's feet. Eventually it draws an arm back and smacks the ball away, sending it exploding into the street!
Shadowborg: "I'm feeling a lot better than the last time. You won't stop me again, so why not just come over here and let me destroy you?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: "Not just any drawing! He's so dangerous that Art never redrew him! And why don't I just do that, Shadowborg. You cost me a lot of years of my childhood just by showing up."
Zs1: [Jo] As you start firing shots of ice, his slow stop toward you is slowed more, at least that's holding him back for a moment while he wrenches his feet out of the ice!
Salsa (SRW): Sora's thoughts are much the same as Kazuki's. 'Well, it's better than the time we fought God. Or something strong enough to be Armageddon. Or Devon and Laura's boss. Or... maybe I should stop now before I borrow trouble.'
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Tch, the bastard doesn't know who he's dealing with..."
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "Makes life easier for us at any rate..."
Zs1: Funny you even think that Sora... the skies blacken a bit as a multicolored crack opens up in the sky, somewhere about where a 4th story of a building would be. And it's slowly spreading.
[Jo] Shadowborg, however, gives NO fucks about all that jazz, and starts stomping forth once again, punching numbers and firing bolts of energy at the Red Beetleborg again! (react)
Steam (SRW mod): # (Jo)
Salsa (SRW): Sora looks up. "I'm an idiot."
Zs1: (Really Kazuki? Okay... Support approved)
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "Worry about that later!"
Salsa (SRW): The girl shakes her head. "Right! Um... this is gonna suck... everyone, get ready to move!"
Steam (SRW mod): * Bum-rushing this guy's already been proven to be a stupid idea, so Kazuki's gonna do something different this time and hopefully smarter! Specifically, he's picking up a discarded sword (because presumably there's at least one around, right?) and he's hurling it at Shadowborg's gun!+
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...what now?"
Zs1: More and more that crack in the sky opens up, and starting with the lowest point of the spreading crack, some sick black ooze pours out of the rift. Coming from higher and higher, spanning several stories high before something that resembles an eye pours through.
(Link: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/1349061304844.jpg)http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/1349061304844.jpg

Shaun (SRW mod): *Taking that opportunity, Jo wheeled the Sector Sycle about as she fired several more times, making a dead charge towards Shadowborg in order to slam into it at close range. The bike would be shot if this went through, but at the same time it would be redrawn easier.+
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...the hell?!
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "... That's... pretty big..."
Zs1: (There's no shame in retreating to the ship, for getting robots. Really. It's cool bros. Actually, it's advised)
Zs1: [Kazuki] Yes, that is a thing laying on the ground. It is also a thing you can throw, which, irritates the Borg to no end that he's been forced to miss... AGAIN.
"I'm growing rather tired of you peons." And his gun is turned on you now...
[Jo] Crashing your bike into Shadowborg even saves Kazuki from being blown apart! But, as expected, there goes the bike too!
Salsa (SRW): Sora's gaze follows the ooze beast as it flows, tilting her head up... and up... and up. "I think the universe is reading my thoughts. Go away, go away, go away..." Sadly, her mantra isn't working. "Better plan, actually. POTPOURRI, we need bigger guns!"
Salsa (SRW): # Kazuki
Shaun (SRW mod): It's okay, Jo is jumping out of it as she flips overhead and lands. Flabber'll just bring it out again.
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki's gonna abscond like he's never absconded before!
Salsa (SRW): (Er, wait, just saw that. Rescind.)
Salsa (SRW): And to join the others, Sora sighs and starts booking for the Chalice. "Itsuki Aegis!" And there's a shield floating just in front of her face down, which she'll hop into and zip away on.
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo looked at Shadowborg. "If I were you, I'd get back in the comic."
Knux (SRW): With that, Ryouma's gonna run back. Time to test out that awesome upgrade for the Black Getter!
Zs1: (Kazuki is safe)
Zs1: Shadowborg: "Well... I'm not really feeling that idea. How about you die instead?"
[Jo] Though it points it's gun once again, this time it's simply a deception, as the black Borg moves at some absurd speed and delivers a nice boot to the chest!
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo flies backwards, grunting as she skids but rights herself easily. "You'd just like that, wouldn't you? Warning, I ain't 8 anymore!"
Zs1: Gentle(wo)men, while you've taken retreat to get in the robits, this black sludge thing has already taken to swiping it's hands through various buildings. One goes crashign down in half, another just has a precarious gap left in the side. A huge bubble boils up near it's eyes, and when it pops, there's a loud screeching roar!
Zs1: Shadowborg: "And I haven't forgotten how easy you were to defeat last time!"
Steam (SRW mod): Aaaaaand Kazuki winces!
Steam (SRW mod): "... That loud...!"
Salsa (SRW): Sora looks back with a gasp as a building goes down. "We're in trouble...!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: There's a big difference now, and it isn't just age. Even how many times you're redrawn, I've got the edge, even if its just me!
Zs1: (Top of the initiative: Kazuki and Ryouma, time for robo-action!
Steam (SRW mod): ... BUT!
Steam (SRW mod): One pre-flight check later, and the Mark Sein is already flying out of the Chalice, with two Ruge Lances at the ready and a Garm-44 holstered in case it's needed. Which it probably won't!
Steam (SRW mod): * "... Alright then." And the Ruge Lances pop open, crystals forming over the Mark Sein's forearms and the handles of the blades as he points them at this new sludge monster, energy building up inside both of them! "Let's see what the Mark Sein can do with these!" And what they do... is fire two HUGE beams of energy out
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Getter...WING!" Four blades shot from the back, replacing the tattered cape it once held before the new Black Getter took off from the Chalice to the battlesite. *As it gets close, it takes aim with its new arm cannon and fires at the sludge beast+
Salsa (SRW): "POTPOURRI, pop the hatch!" Sora flies into Desu Itsuki as the cockpit opens just in front of her, and drops off the shield and into a combat stance. "We don't have a whole lot of time to waste, so let's get out there and take care of business..." She can't suppress a shudder, though. "Though, I'd be just as happy not having to get anywhere near it..."
Steam (SRW mod): +
Zs1: [Kazuki] Each shot blows into the giant sludge monster, absolutely no effort to dodge at all! Huge holes are left where the beam pierces through, but it only just leaves holes! However, the parts of the monster that were blown away, there's a sort of splash from the impact, the corosive muck splashing over several buildings, and into the street where Jo and Shadowborg are hashing it out
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Hey, watch where you're splashing that gunk!
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki grits his teeth. This thing was probably going to require very thorough steps to finish off
Steam (SRW mod): "... I'll try to to that." Buuuut...
Steam (SRW mod): Seeing the effect of the muck on the buildings, he starts to get a bit curious. "What do you think would happen if we got that Kamen Rider rject covered in that stuff?"
Steam (SRW mod): ^reject
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Why don't we try it out?"
Zs1: [Ryouma] And the canon hits, dead on! However, unlike the lasers before, the shots don't seem to pass through, only leaving the monster wavering a moment before a whip-like appendage flails out at the Black Getter (react)
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Worth a shot. Let's try it."
Zs1: Unfortunately, Sora's karma works in spades, as yet ANOTHER raindow-colored rift tears into the city! This time, something metallic emerges
(???? enter the battlefield!)
Knux (SRW): *Well, seeing as the thing'll eat through just about everything, Ryouma's gonna have to maneuver Black Getter around it, diving under it+
Salsa (SRW): Sora scowls at the sky. "Oh, come ON already!"
Tenebro (SRW): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r7I7bsbN-8&feature=relmfu)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r7I7bsbN-8&feature=relmfu The sky parts and three screeching roars are heard, one of them sounds mechanical. A three headed mechanized dragon standing 100 meters tall with a 150 meter wingspan lands as the three heads roar once more.
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki's just gonna stare at that thing
Zs1: Shadowborg: "At this rate, we won't settle anything. I'll come see you again real soon, Beetlebrat!" And in a black blur, Shadowborg is making his way out!
Zs1: (Sora, mysterypilot, ACTION!)
Salsa (SRW): Sora: Wha
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Get back here, so I can tear you a new one!
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Wha... what the... what IS that thing!?"
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy: What in the world? Where am I? This isn't Tokyo...! But there is a town near by! (Emmy opens up communications.) This is Emmy Kano of the Global Defense Forces, you all need to evacuate! This is a code red Kaiju! I repeat! Evacuate immediately!
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Ffffff. Fine then, I'm going to just do this then.
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "They already did."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "The hell...?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Holding up her Beetle Bonder, she commanded, "Beetle Battle Base!" (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJAbG8WfSpk)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJAbG8WfSpk
Steam (SRW mod): And apparantly this new machine was a friendly. Or presumably was one.
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy reels Mecha King Ghidorah around and charges up the electrical beams. She aims the heads to fry three different sections of Hedorah. It's arms and its' head.+
Shaun (SRW mod): Getting into her vehicle, Jo started the engines and proclaimed, "Flabber I hope you brought this from the recent comics!" And with that, she pulled her throttle. "Red Hunter AV, away!"
Salsa (SRW): *The redhead just sighs. "Okay, whatever. I'm past caring." She sighs and focuses. "Itsuki Aegis... Impact!" And she shoves a nice, big shield right at the thing's middle, hoping to tear out its middle by virtue of pushing until it gives.+
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy turns to Kazuki. "I was speaking to you all. Hedorah is a high class Kaiju known for its' poison and sludge. Even if you have machines to protect you, it can dissolve you. Plus, only certain wepaonry work against it."
Zs1: [Emmy] Once agian, the slop, Hedora, makes no efort to dodge, and takes the electrical attack like a boss. Writhing around though, it seems to finally be reacting to something. Closing it's big red eye-thing, a black smog starts to cover it, chunks falling away
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "Certain weapons? Can you name any specifics?"
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Heh, don't think that just because it's from another world, doesn't mean we know how to deal with these things!"
Zs1: Flabber: "Uuuh... s-sure did Jo! Don't you worry!" Oooh man, he didn't think of updating THAT much... Time for research!
Shaun (SRW mod): Well this doe explain why she was in her original Red Beetleborg
Zs1: [Sora] You get to find out what kind of 'certain weaponry' works as you slam that shield into it's middle. It does push, a little, but it seems the shield is going to give out under corosion. And even now, being this close is starting to eat away at the Itsuki (react)
Shaun (SRW mod): #Sora
Zs1: (approved)
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy: I'm serious. Unless you have electrical based weaponry, you cannot hurt Hedorah.
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki nods. "Electrical. Right."
Shaun (SRW mod): *Jo: Hold on there, I've got you covered. Hitting a button, she fired cables which wound around the Itsuki's arms, legs and torso and pulled her up. "Going up to safety! As for you big and ugly, take a breath mint."+
Salsa (SRW): *The redhead gawks at the beast. "Oh, what is this!? It eats magic!? Okay, I need a new plan!" Out of options, she breathes a sigh of relief as Jo pulls her out of harm's way.+
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: And electrical huh? Just what I was thinking.
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Electricity... hey wait, we're in a city, for once. Maybe we can use the power somehow...?"
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: ".... If we know where the power grid is..."
Zs1: [Jo/Sora] Sora's definaly pulled to safety before anything serious happens but, being that she's not dangling from Jo's machine, it's easy pickins for that big red eye to open up and cut a laser through the Itsuki's leg!
Steam (SRW mod): "... Jo? Anything come to mind that could help?"
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy: No. It eats EVERYTHING! Hedorah is one of the Kaiju that actually came close to killing Godzilla himself!
Zs1: (Jo, Kazuki, Ryouma)
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Flabber, I need you to poof me up two hundred yards of electrical cable. I got this covered.
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Sora, I'll have to cut you loose, so kick on those thrusters. I need a second.
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Godzilla? First comic books, now movies... let's see if it can eat this! GETTER BEAAAAAAAAAAAM!" *Ryouma isn't going to listen, he's going to fire a heaping dose of GETTER ENERGY at Hedorah.+ "Eat this!"
Zs1: Flabber: "T-two... two hundred yards? That's a pretty tall order there Jo!" A tall order that's fulfilled... over in the orchards outside Hillhurst
*** Jockey (SRW) has left the conversation.
Salsa (SRW): "Ow, ow, ow, OW! That really hur- oh, you've GOT to be kidding me. Okay, ready as I'm getting....!"
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy just looks confused. "Wait, what? Movies?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: I just need you to maintain it for a while, Flabber. Here I come!
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki however, sets his sights on those electrical cables!
Zs1: [Ryouma] A big blast of pink beam cuts hard into Hedorah, making it bubble up and roar out again! It's eye shuts as it starts spewing out black fumes again. A fair-sized chunk of the muck falls away. Had to tell if that's making things better or worse!
Steam (SRW mod): * "Your friend is making this convenient at the very least!" The Mark Sein blasts towards the cables, grabbing two handfulls of them before having them lash out to ensnare Hedorah, and assimilating them so that he can use the Mark Sein's own power source for them!+
Shaun (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=XVeobviWrEo#t=62s)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=XVeobviWrEo#t=62s *And zooming down, she attached herself to the cable and zoomed towards Hedora, zooming around in a weaving pattern several times before flying out of range. A huge net of electrical wire was woven across it and she pressed a button. "Seeya!" And on cue, a massive blast of electricity rippled down through the net and crawled headlong towards Hedora, crackling electrical power searing from the AV!+
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Explain later, kill now!" And Ryouma can't help but grimace at the sight. "...even Getter Energy..."
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: okay! Knock it into the net!
Salsa (SRW): As Sora falls, she's well aware that she can't stand, let alone make a good landing, on one leg. "Okay... I've been practicing with my shields, maybe I can cheat this somehow... focus, shape the energy... give it form...!" She's almost monologuing to herself; good thing she's not too high up, or she'd be mistaken for crazy(er). Sure enough, there's a yellow hardlight structure where Desu Itsuki's missing leg should be as she hits the ground.
Zs1: [Jo, Kazuki] Between the two of you with your unintentional combined effort, there's a massive electrified net waiting for the monster. Problem: that black corrosive smog it's now-constantly emitting will soon eat away at the net itself if matters arent' taken care of sooner!
Zs1: (Emmy, Sora)
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "... Great. If it's not one thing it's another!"
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy fiddles with some knobs in her cockpit to increase the power of Mecha King Ghidorah's electrical beams before moving the heads so that all three beams are baring down on Hedorah in the same spot. She then moves all three beams together to flash fry as much of Hedorah as she can.+
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Tch... hmm..." And he looks at the Getter Drill mounted on its arm. It set up to function like a Getter Drill, so...
Salsa (SRW): Sora's having enough trouble getting Desu Itsuki to move as it is; the barrier leg was all well and good, but she can't figure out how to move it quite as easily as she'd like, and the poor suit is stumbling as she tries. "Clever idea, but I don't know if I have anything to help with...!"
Zs1: [Emmy] Hedora is definately locked in place, eating constant electrical damage. The blasts from Ghidorah's heads tearing off chunks of the monster, all the while, it's spewing out more and more smoke. Eventually, the net gives out, but, Hedorah is definately looking worse for wear. A lot less threatening than it had started!
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Big and ugly looks pretty de-fanged by now!
Salsa (SRW): *"Nothing for it... guess I'll just sit back here and not get eaten any further. Itsuki Flash!" And she throws another bright ball of death out; maybe it'll work better than her last attack did.+
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy: Don't let your guard down. It's still plenty deadly simply because of its' acidic body and poisonous presense.
Salsa (SRW): Sora glares. "Don't gotta tell me twice." She's finally starting to get the hang of moving the fake leg, and Desu Itsuki is trying to find a safe distance to take potshots from.
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "And if we stay mindful of that se should be fine!"
*** Arach (SRW) has left the conversation.
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: I've got continuous electrical damage going if I can stick another wire into it. Would that help?
Zs1: [Sora] In a way, it DOES work a little better. WIth less mass to protect itself, Hedorah wavers backwards, nearly collapsing in on itself. It's significantly smaller but it looks, relatively the same shape it started in, but more like a 25 meter pain in the ass that's deteorating everything around it!
Zs1: (Not much for it now, everyone take your actions in an orderly fashion and wreck shop)
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy: Yes. We need to take care of all if Hedorah. We believe it survived its' fight with Godzilla simply because one part of it survived.
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Okay I'm gonna keep ugly down. The rest of you contain it. Person in the dragon thing, gimme a hand.
Shaun (SRW mod): *Firing several cables into the thick blob that was Hedora, she fired a continual pulse of electrical power that arched towards it, hoping to keep the blob from spreading further and eating more of Charterville.+
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Keep low, though - I'm going to get rid of the cloud it's making! GETTER DRIIIIIIILL!" *with that, the Getter Drill on Black Getter kicks on and starts spinning rapidly before creating a massive wind gust to push the acid cloud away+
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy launches another assault of electric beams down on Hedorah. She spreads the beams to take care of Hedorah as well as all the sludge it produced around it. She was going to make sure it wouldn't come back.+
Salsa (SRW): *"I'm missing some, but... it'll have to be enough! POTPOURRI, let's do it!" And the Itsuki Tambourine flashes into the robot's hands before shining brightly. "Light, gather and bring judgment unto my enemy! Gold Forte Burst!" And dozens of missiles - fewer than should be present, since the barrier leg is notably missing missile ports, but still a lot - rush toward Hedorah to keep it busy!+
Steam (SRW mod): * And Kazuki's just gonna do what is clearly working! Enjoy more assimilation-augmented electrocution, Hedorah!+
Zs1: [Jo] Though it whips an 'arm' like thing at the cables, only two of them are coroded, the rest sticking in, leaving the monstere blinking and sparking with electricity
[Ryouma] Quite effective. But, later somewhere else is going to have to worry about that corrosive cloud of gas. Maybe it'll end up somewhere harmless that's already a total wreck
[Emmy] Ghidorah's attack seems to have the most bite to it, as chunks of the monster are dried out and fall to the ground. More and more the monster is crumbling and shrinking
Zs1: [Sora] The Forte Burst isnt' as effective as the rest, leaving the monster simply knocked around, and unable to block anythign else that comes it's way
[Kazuki] Enjoy it it shall! As it's broken down bit by bit, eventually it leaves nothing more than a dried, smoldering pile of ick and gross to be cleaned up later.

It's going to be a HUGE mess to clean, but, at least it's not a mess that's moving, or making a problem for anyone anymore. Once and for all... Hedorah has been destroyed.
Salsa (SRW): As the missiles explode, Sora grimaces. "Okay, I have GOT to get out of this town before it permanently affects my vocabulary," she says at a volume she's hoping nobody will hear. In a more normal tone: "Did we...?"
Zs1: And while a good portion of Charterville is demolished... well... that's not a thing they're unused to. Oh memories....

Tenebro (SRW): Emmy looks over everything to make sure they didn't miss anything. Soon she sighs in relief. "Well that is one problem gone...Now for the other. Where am I?"
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "Another dimension."
Steam (SRW mod): "And we've gotten these a lot, to be honest."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...about time." And he's going to keep ignoring the gunshot wound in the shoulder.
Tenebro (SRW): Emmy: ...And people thought it was strange that I was a time traveler.
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo sighed as she keyed in her comms. "Hey Chalice boys, someone get a transport down to Hillhurst, I've got a couple of things to set up first before we head back out again."
Salsa (SRW): Sora lets out a long breath. "Is everyone all right?" It doesn't occur to her that her own machine is likely the most damaged.
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki: "The Mark Sein's fine. Better than, actually."
Steam (SRW mod): Yeah, using this thing in action's all the more proof this thing can augment weapons and pretty much anything it can get its hands on.
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "That IS a very impressive craft, actually."
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Yeah, it's pretty cool. So I guess I owe you guys an explanation of Shadowborg and who exactly I am, huh.
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "...that's probably a good place to start, yes.
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Yes..."
Steam (SRW mod): Kazuki just shrugs. "It wouldn't hurt."
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: Yeah. I'd best get Flabber here. And try to keep the House Monsters off the ship, but knowing them they want to come too.
Shaun (SRW mod): Jo: I wish Art was here too, but he's off somewhere working from his new office.
*** Knux (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Tenebro (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Steam (SRW mod) has left the conversation.
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