Mission 119: Embodied

Oct 06, 2012 23:12

Tengusaur (6:33:29 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFCU68Gim3o&feature=plcp
Tengusaur (6:35:01 PM): Omega City. Long ago, Venjix's forces attacked it, forcing the inhabitants to hastily evacuate.
Tengusaur (6:35:38 PM): But recently, they were seen again as they returned to the ruins, carrying a jet-like superweapon with it.
Tengusaur (6:35:57 PM): How much damage would they be able to inflict if that weapon was activated?
Shaun (6:36:49 PM): Flynn is figuring a lot.
Tengusaur (6:37:19 PM): White Chalice sent a small scouting party towards the city, to find out what exactly is that weapon and to sneakily steal and/or destroy it.
Tengusaur (6:37:22 PM): Taht's you!
Tengusaur (6:37:37 PM): What is everyone doing as you're on your way towards the city (which is very close now)?
Akino Ame (6:37:49 PM): "All right, guys, here's the plan: We go in there and blow it up real good," Scott said, gripping the controls of the Zenith Megazord tightly.
Aero (6:37:59 PM): Rim is upset that she was forced to take out Aile instead of Strega.
Shaun (6:38:04 PM): Flynn's wishing that he had drank that smoothie. It was going to get warm. Priorities man!
wyverncakes (6:38:09 PM): Josh is looking over the instruction manual for the Blanche.
Overman Zappa (6:38:14 PM): Probably entirely too much, but, at least enough that the chalice had t oget involved.
Gainer is being his usual moody self, but mostly still trying to figure out why something so blocky manages to move decently.
Shaun (6:38:26 PM): "Ach, it's not like this isn't going to be a frag fest at'all."
HyprKnux 1 (6:38:27 PM): Christine's wondering if she's a little underprepared for all of this.
wyverncakes (6:39:24 PM): Josh: "... Hard to believe it has to keep switching weapons around. At least with the Aile everything's all built in already and nothing's a unitasker."
wyverncakes (6:39:30 PM): ... Though on the other hand, it could actually fly.
Aero (6:40:36 PM): Chris: "You know if you didn't get into an arguement with her we wouldn't be having this problem Josh..."
Shaun (6:40:45 PM): Flynn toggled the radio to the others. "Venjix'll be looking fer anythin' that'll be on his tail. Knowing us, it'll be us who gets rocked first."
Aero (6:40:47 PM): Surprise Chris is able to talk in the machine now also.
wyverncakes (6:42:10 PM): Josh: "She didn't seem all that upset about the accident with the toolbox."
Tengusaur (6:43:24 PM): Your party enters the city area now...
Tengusaur (6:44:47 PM): Omega City used to be a pretty big metropolis, but now it's all but abandoned, haunting with its empty apartments, shops and offices...
HyprKnux 1 (6:45:07 PM): Christine: "Sheesh... this is freaky..."
Tengusaur (6:45:11 PM): Josh can still vaguely feel the lingering panic of the people who used to live here, after all these years.
Shaun (6:45:24 PM): "Aye... this is what happens... when Venjix is involved."
wyverncakes (6:45:41 PM): Indeed he can, and he's scowling.
Akino Ame (6:46:02 PM): "And that's why we've got to take him out," Scott added.
Overman Zappa (6:46:24 PM): "And some people tink the Doempolis look bad..."
wyverncakes (6:46:40 PM): "Let's just worry about cleaning up this place first though." Anything to settle his nerves
Overman Zappa (6:46:48 PM): "Omega... it's definately at it's end."
Shaun (6:47:04 PM): "You have to remember... fer Corinth, we thought that Venjix got the whole world. Sealed off, limited supplies... wait out the war, fight it there..." Flynn shook his head. "Ghastly."
Lake of Archers (6:47:24 PM): From his green Gazam Bernie looks around the silent city queitly. He wasn't sure on what to think.
Tengusaur (6:47:24 PM): Strangely enough, even though the city is abandoned, a perceptive observer could see a faint trail of smoke forming above one area of the city.
Tengusaur (6:47:51 PM): Is anyone here perceptive enough, though?
wyverncakes (6:48:06 PM): Indeed Josh is!
wyverncakes (6:48:17 PM): What with being all on alert and everything.
wyverncakes (6:48:28 PM): "... Something's here."
Akino Ame (6:48:46 PM): "Yeah, something's showing up on our scanners," Scott added. "Flynn, see if you can sharpen it."
wyverncakes (6:48:46 PM): He points one of the Blanche's arm-stub things in the direction of the smoke.
Shaun (6:49:12 PM): "On it." Flynn worked on sharpening scanners. "Getting a feed right bout now..."
Tengusaur (6:49:33 PM): This looks like smog, or perhaps smoke coming from a chimney? You can also detect three large heat sources in that area.
Shaun (6:50:01 PM): "Ah'm getting 3 large head signitures. Must be a Venjix factory."
Shaun (6:50:14 PM): "Sorry heat, not head. Blah. Hungry."
Akino Ame (6:50:21 PM): "Or a superweapon," Scott admitted grimly.
HyprKnux 1 (6:50:48 PM): Christine: "...but three of them?"
Shaun (6:50:48 PM): "Or that."
wyverncakes (6:50:52 PM): Josh: "Whatever it is, we can't afford to leave it unchecked."
Akino Ame (6:51:41 PM): "Be ready, guys," Scott added. "Venjix has been quiet for a while. If I were him, I'd be using that time to work out more weapons, maybe attackbots."
Shaun (6:52:13 PM): "An' considerin' th' last time we tangled wit' em, he'll skip the ground troops."
Tengusaur (6:53:48 PM): If anyone wishes to approach that area, they will find a large city square, filled with rubble.
Tengusaur (6:54:25 PM): In the middle of the square, a group of Grinders is working on a large vehicle, docked in an improvised service station!
Tengusaur (6:54:36 PM): The vehicle looks like... Something between a whale and a plane?
wyverncakes (6:54:45 PM): Josh: "And there they are."
Tengusaur (6:54:48 PM): http://images.wikia.com/powerrangers/images/0/02/WhaleZord.png (only black)
Shaun (6:55:06 PM): "Venjix. We should give 'em a little hello..."
wyverncakes (6:55:09 PM): Josh: "... Wait..."
Aero (6:55:15 PM): Liana: "Why does it have eyes..."
HyprKnux 1 (6:55:17 PM): Christine: "...is that a whale?"
wyverncakes (6:55:25 PM): That whale thing reminds him of something he's seen before. Something in Hayato's arsenal?
Akino Ame (6:55:29 PM): "It's a zord," Scott said. "Venjix made his own zord."
Lake of Archers (6:55:37 PM): Bernie: Wow..!
HyprKnux 1 (6:56:07 PM): Christine: "...I don't know my Zords from Zoids, but I'd say it's time to repossess this thing!"
Shaun (6:56:11 PM): Flynn on the other hand is very worried. "It's... got eyes... that is bad this is bad. Scott, did we get any intel on this mission? Ah dun think that Venjix has the biofields yet, right?"
Aero (6:56:19 PM): Liana: "It...kind of looks cute."
Akino Ame (6:56:50 PM): "No," Scott answered. "But we haven't heard from Gem and Gemma in ages, and if he got them..."
wyverncakes (6:56:51 PM): Josh: "What's so bad about it having eyes?"
Shaun (6:57:02 PM): Flynn's hands tightened around his controls...
Tengusaur (6:57:48 PM): The Grinders didn't seem to have noticed you yet, but that might chance when you enter the square. Do you?
Akino Ame (6:57:56 PM): "It means he's copied our technology," Scott answered. "If he knows our tech, he knows how to defeat us. We've purposely mixed biology and technology together to confuse him, but if he can get around it, he can hack our biofields--infect us, deactivate our morphers, anything."
Lake of Archers (6:58:07 PM): Bernie: That's not what we're looking for right? What's the plan?
Shaun (6:58:09 PM): "An' then turn it on th' world."
HyprKnux 1 (6:58:41 PM): Christine: "...then we get the stupid thing back and make sure he doesn't make anymore!"
wyverncakes (6:58:46 PM): Josh grit his teeth. "Well shit."
Shaun (6:59:51 PM): Flynn looked towards his fellow Rangers. "Scott... your call..."
Shaun (7:00:02 PM): His hand was already on the Super Saber controls.
Akino Ame (7:01:20 PM): "We've got to risk it. Tech or no tech, that thing's too dangerous to ignore. Let's fight."
wyverncakes (7:02:43 PM): Josh: "We gonna try to capture that thing first or just blow it apart?"
Shaun (7:03:00 PM): "Keep it from launching. We'll try to do something with it later."
Akino Ame (7:03:12 PM): "And if it comes to it, we'll just go for boomtime."
HyprKnux 1 (7:03:43 PM): Christine: "In that case..." And Christine readies the Zero Astray's weapons...
Tengusaur (7:03:51 PM): Planning is all good, but every minute you spend on talking is a minute the weapon is nearing completion!
Shaun (7:05:36 PM): Flynn smiled grimly. "This is fer th' boys back home then. Deploying Super Saber!"
Lake of Archers (7:05:56 PM): Bernie: "I'll blow up those wings."
Tengusaur (7:05:59 PM): And at this moment, when anyone enters the city square...
Tengusaur (7:06:24 PM): Suddenly, two nearby skyscrapers between you and the Zord explode into rubble!
wyverncakes (7:06:29 PM): Josh is already keying in commands for the Ars Nova to get in-
wyverncakes (7:06:33 PM): "... What the?!?"
Tengusaur (7:06:41 PM): From them emerge weird-looking Attackbots, already supersized!
Tengusaur (7:06:42 PM): http://images.wikia.com/powerrangers/images/3/33/Attack_Bot03.jpg

HyprKnux 1 (7:06:43 PM): Christine: "Oh, sunuva...!"
Tengusaur (7:06:53 PM): The appearance of the first one explains where did the smoke come from, though...
Tengusaur (7:07:05 PM): They look into your direction and you could swear one of them growls mechanically.
Akino Ame (7:07:11 PM): "Whoa!" Scott shouted, quickly steering the Megazord out of the way. Seeing the attackbots, he growled, "Called it."
Tengusaur (7:07:24 PM): Enemies: Attack Bot 5, Oil Bot
Tengusaur (7:07:41 PM): (Initiative: Josh, Rim, Gainer, Christine, Bernie, RPM)
HyprKnux 1 (7:07:45 PM): Christine: "Call me Captain Obvious, but I think we should have just jumped in at the first moment..."
Tengusaur (7:07:48 PM): (Josh, Rim, Gainer)
Overman Zappa (7:08:08 PM): Gainer: "Hiding i nthe buildings again.... how cliche.
Aero (7:08:12 PM): Liana: "Well then next time do it!"
HyprKnux 1 (7:08:34 PM): Christine: "Like you were doing anything yourself!"
wyverncakes (7:08:42 PM): Josh: "Rim, Christine, no complaining about this right now!"
Aero (7:09:03 PM): Liana: "I'm not the one trying to be snarky."
wyverncakes (7:09:59 PM): * And the Blanche hurtles forward, the Ars Nova support craft moving to dock with it! Very quickly energy begins to build in it, and Josh locks onto the Oil bot! "Alright... now let's see how you respond to this!" And with the pull of the trigger, a huge energy beam is shot at the robot!+
Tengusaur (7:11:03 PM): Seeing that it's shot at, the Oil Bot counters by firing oil at the Blanche - and the beam shot ignites it! Better get out of the way of that fiery blast quickly! (Josh react)
wyverncakes (7:12:18 PM): * Josh quickly jerks the controls to the side, having the Blanche jump out of the Ars Nova to escape while the support craft goes the other way! No point in sticking close to it at this point!+
Aero (7:12:39 PM): *Aile follows below it's sister machine, hover skates propelling it forwards towards the Oil bot. With a flick of the wrist she activates the Cypher as it fires at Blanche. She was going to take this opportunity to try to drive the beam of the blade into it.+
Tengusaur (7:12:57 PM): Josh manages to escape with only getting some soot on his machine. The beam also burns into the Oil Bot's armor, but it's a tough bastard.
wyverncakes (7:13:31 PM): Josh: "Gonna have to be precise with my shots..."
wyverncakes (7:13:45 PM): Either that or beamspam like there's no tomorrow. Which the Blanche could fortunately do!
Overman Zappa (7:14:22 PM): *Gainer shoots forward ahead of all the much larger allies. Hoping to use it's superior speed and inferior size, he manuevers behind the head of one of the atack bots, and starts unloading into the back of it's head with the Chain Gun +
Tengusaur (7:14:30 PM): Rim stabs into the much larger machine, damaging it further... And since its oil cannon is occupied at the moment, it decides to simply kick the Aile with great force! (react)
Tengusaur (7:15:08 PM): (you mean Attack Bot 5? that's its full name)
Overman Zappa (7:15:45 PM): (OH! Looks like there's 5 of them, my bad. Yeah. that.
Tengusaur (7:16:25 PM): The bullets hit the back of Attack Bot 5's head, leaving holes in it. But unfortunately, it doesn't need a lot of brains to function! It turns around in annoyance and spews a cloud of corrosive smoke towards Gainer! (react)
Tengusaur (7:16:30 PM): At the same time...
Tengusaur (7:16:37 PM): The Zord's engines activate!
Tengusaur (7:16:46 PM): It starts to take off slowly!
Tengusaur (7:16:57 PM): But it's not going to escape...
wyverncakes (7:17:01 PM): Josh: "Shit... our window's closing!"
HyprKnux 1 (7:17:15 PM): Christine: "Crap, crap, crap..."
Tengusaur (7:17:17 PM): It's heading in your direction, joining the fight!
Aero (7:17:21 PM): *And in response Rim raises the shield of the Aile. All of the beam rams activating as she slammed it against the leg coming towards her.+
Overman Zappa (7:17:26 PM): *Photon mat at the ready, Gainer whizzes around the Attack Bot's head, trying to keep behind it, and out of the firing arc of that gas!
Tengusaur (7:17:28 PM): enemy reinforcements: Black Whale Zord
Tengusaur (7:17:34 PM): (Christine, RPM, go)
Akino Ame (7:18:24 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co7MldLEeEY * "We need to worry about the zord!" Scott warned as he kicked the thrusters into overdrive, trying to speed cut past the Oil Bot. "Flynn!" +
Tengusaur (7:18:47 PM): Oil Bot topples over and falls heavily into a building, damaged even further by those beam spikes! But it can still move somewhat, and the strength of the kick sent Aile flying into another building, damaging the machine somewhat!
Shaun (7:19:12 PM): *"Right!" And throwing the weapons into gear, Flynn made a arcing cut sideways across the Oil Bot's chest!+
wyverncakes (7:19:19 PM): Josh: "RIM!"
HyprKnux 1 (7:19:27 PM): Christine: "...just going to have to knock it out of the sky, then!" *Rushing towards the Zord, the Zero Astray draws its blades, closing in and slashing at the machine+
Aero (7:19:30 PM): Liana: "I'm fine I'm fine."
Tengusaur (7:19:34 PM): The smoke cloud is thick and nasty, but Gainer manages to mostly keep out of its area without suffering any significant damage.
Aero (7:19:51 PM): Her head was killing her now though.
Tengusaur (7:20:47 PM): Seeing that a Megazord is charging into its direction, the Oil Bot desperately spews oil on the ground in front of it, to make it lose its balance! (Scott and Flynn react/continue)
Akino Ame (7:21:49 PM): * "Hold on, guys!" Scott warned the other Rangers as he promptly yanked the wheel and put the Megazord into a spin. +
Tengusaur (7:22:08 PM): Zero Astray's blade cuts into the Whale Zord's armor... But it's very thick armor indeed! The jet circles around and fires a large beam into her direction! (Christine react)
Tengusaur (7:22:49 PM): The Megazord slides slightly on the oil, but that results in a spinning slash that cuts right through the Oil Bot, making it blow up!
Tengusaur (7:22:54 PM): And at this moment...
HyprKnux 1 (7:22:59 PM): Christine: "Oh, no you don't!" *The Zero Astray boosts higher, intending on dodging the blast fully+
Tengusaur (7:23:04 PM): Josh feels something really, really bad approaching.
wyverncakes (7:23:24 PM): "..."
Tengusaur (7:23:27 PM): Concentrated negative emotions, as if given flesh...
Tengusaur (7:23:30 PM): A group of them.
wyverncakes (7:23:31 PM): "... Guys..."
Tengusaur (7:23:35 PM): They're going to be here any second!
wyverncakes (7:23:53 PM): He winces. Dammit he thought he was over the headache thing!
wyverncakes (7:24:11 PM): "We... we're gonna have more company!"
Overman Zappa (7:24:21 PM): "What? How can you tell?"
Tengusaur (7:24:23 PM): Christine dodges most of the beam, but it still nicks her leg armor, damaging it heavily! At least the structure is okay...
HyprKnux 1 (7:24:49 PM): Christine: "Keh...!"
wyverncakes (7:25:05 PM): Josh: "Remember when I was talking about... sensing people's feelings?"
Tengusaur (7:25:09 PM): Everyone can hear the sound of strange alien mecha zipping through the sky, as they appear in line of sight!
Shaun (7:25:17 PM): Flynn grunted, trying not to listen to Ziggy being sick to the side from that move. "You need ta warn us earlier mate."
Tengusaur (7:25:19 PM): http://srwog.velv.net/mecha_images/fortisala.png


wyverncakes (7:25:20 PM): "Well now I'm picking up something bad. REALLY bad!"
Tengusaur (7:25:31 PM): There's a group of roughly 12 of them, led by the one with giant arms...
wyverncakes (7:25:33 PM): "This is kinda a sudden thing!"
HyprKnux 1 (7:26:14 PM): Christine: "...I am NOT going to say it. If I do, I'm going to jinx us."
Overman Zappa (7:26:36 PM): Gainer: "Then don't. Just stop thinking it too"
Shaun (7:26:57 PM): Flynn handed Ziggy a lollipop to calm his stomach. "Well that's just lovely. Did anyone think of a 80 foot marshmallow man?"
Tengusaur (7:26:59 PM): ???: (male voice) "This place... Its inhabitants are long gone, but I can still feel their fear. Their grief."
Tengusaur (7:27:23 PM): ???: "But it's nowhere near enough to sustain us. It's also not why I'm here..."
wyverncakes (7:27:33 PM): And Josh's blood runs cold when he hears that voice begin to speak!
wyverncakes (7:27:40 PM): "... What in the..."
wyverncakes (7:27:52 PM): Talk about sensing emotions like that?
Tengusaur (7:28:06 PM): ???: "You! You are the ones who were there when we entered this world!"
wyverncakes (7:28:32 PM): Josh: "... Yeah." He's gritting his teeth right now.
Aero (7:28:35 PM): And Rim seems to have gone quiet.
wyverncakes (7:28:44 PM): "And one of your friends fucked my head up quite a bit."
wyverncakes (7:29:05 PM): Not to mention the Aile along with it... though it seems like the Blanche was behaving itself.
Tengusaur (7:29:17 PM): ???: "That does not concern me. I am here to challenge you!"
wyverncakes (7:29:46 PM): (private channel to Rim) "... I hope the Sympathia System is operating properly. Any weird feedback?"
Aero (7:30:20 PM): Liana: "...There's nothing off..."
Tengusaur (7:30:32 PM): ???: "My name is Aquila, the Ruina general of air. I want to test my strength against yours. Prepare yourselves!"
Tengusaur (7:30:43 PM): Enemies (yellow): Angelus*8, Angelus S*4, Fortis Ala (Aquila)
Tengusaur (7:30:51 PM): (Josh, Rim, Gainer)
Tengusaur (7:31:07 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbZDfEf9y1I
wyverncakes (7:31:35 PM): Josh: "...Latin, huh."
Aero (7:31:45 PM): Liana: "Not the time for that!"
wyverncakes (7:32:45 PM): Josh: "... If these guys are anything like the ones that fought before, they're not going to just politely wait for us to finish with that zord. I'll try to run interferance."
Aero (7:33:16 PM): Liana: "I'll keep furjacket here from biting off more than he can chew."
Shaun (7:33:32 PM): Flynn: "Aye. An' I dun like waitin' hand an' foot fer them t'kindly get oot of our way. We'll focus on th' attackbot."
Tengusaur (7:33:44 PM): Aquila: "Make no mistake, I'm not going to ally with your enemies like a coward."
wyverncakes (7:34:53 PM): * But first Josh needed to switch arms with the Ars Nova! The Blanche detatched its default limbs as the craft sent ones with guns, and the first priority was thinning out the crowd! "Trying to win brownie points isn't going to do you any good!" And the Blanche began to flit through the air rapidly, firing its cannons at the basic Angelus machines!+
Aero (7:35:18 PM): *Once Liana finally got herself out of the building she was slammed into she made her way closer to the Blanche. "Ooh...an enemy with honour that's a new one." The Impulse Cannons activated as Rim locked onto the Angelus' as well adding to Blanche's barrage.+
Overman Zappa (7:36:04 PM): *Even if it doesn't need a 'brain' surely that's where main control is! Next up, keeping behind the Attack Bot's head, Gainer throws one of the anti-Overskill Grenades from one of the knee-pouches, and follows it up with a burst of flying Photon Mat Rings!+
Tengusaur (7:36:44 PM): The double barrage shoots down three of the Angeluses, making them explode. But the rest of them zip around the siblings, pelting them with arrow-like energy projectiles from weapons resembling machineguns! (Josh, Liana, react)
wyverncakes (7:37:43 PM): Josh: "Rim, watch my back and I'll do the same!"
Tengusaur (7:38:09 PM): Gainer's attacks leave further holes in the Attack Bot's armor, making the giant machine stumble. It reacts with a fiery burst from the incinerator-like grate above its face! (Gainer react)
Tengusaur (7:38:13 PM): (Christine, RPM)
Overman Zappa (7:39:32 PM): *Not taking the risk of moving at 'nomal speed' Gainer escapes upward using it's OverSpeed, taking pot shots as it flies upward, hopefully out of it's 'breathing range' +
Aero (7:40:07 PM): Liana: "Looks like I don't have a choice in the matter."
HyprKnux 1 (7:40:16 PM): Christine: "That thing's a Zord, right? Which means it's most likely pilotable, right? So, we just need a way in!" *with that, the cannons on the Zero Astray's flight back lower down as she takes aim at the massive Zord and firing, intending on blasting some sort of hole to enter in+
wyverncakes (7:40:52 PM): * And with that, the Blanche formed up with the Aile! It didn't have a physical shield like the blue machine, but what it DID have was a beam coating perfect for situations like this. Plus, Josh could keep sending potshots at the Ruina machines this way!+
Akino Ame (7:41:00 PM): *Scott hated having to change priorities from the zord to the Attack Bot, but it was a more immediate threat. "Guys, I've got an idea. Reroute Wheel Blaster energy through the leg." And with that, he brought the Megazord up in a leap (continued by Flynn)
Aero (7:41:01 PM): *Getting next to Blanche she raises the large shield once again. She was hoping that the shield would be able to hold against the arrows fired at them.+
Tengusaur (7:41:22 PM): Small parts of King Gainer are charred by the fire, but the dreadlocked robot manages to escape with only light damage, and extra shots deal some more damage to the Attack Bot.
Shaun (7:42:09 PM): *"Rerouting the Wheel Blaster power, now!" And the Megazord at the apex of its leap, spun around and blazed forward in a textbook Rider Kick -- this time zord sized! "Chew on this big and ugly!+
Tengusaur (7:43:05 PM): Christine's shots leave holes in the armor of the Whale Zord, but they're not deep enough to get inside yet - one or two more should do the trick, though!
HyprKnux 1 (7:43:12 PM): On the Chalice, two Riders sneeze simutaniously.
Overman Zappa (7:43:20 PM): "Is the computer for this thing not in the head? Why won't it go down?" Surely it's not the size difference.
Tengusaur (7:43:47 PM): But the Grinders won't just watch and wait for that to happen! Two flying vehicles approach from the repair area, firing lasers at Christine! (react)
Tengusaur (7:43:53 PM): http://images.wikia.com/powerrangers/images/d/d0/Venjix_Drones.jpg
Tengusaur (7:44:03 PM): Reinforcements (red): Venjix Drone *2
HyprKnux 1 (7:44:47 PM): Christine: "Aw, crud!" *Christine turns the Zero Astray around, raising its shield up to deflect the beam shots+
Tengusaur (7:44:58 PM): Seeing a giant kicking robot quickly flying into its direction, the Attack Bot spews corrosive thick smoke into its direction from all of its exhausts! (RPM react)
Tengusaur (7:45:29 PM): Christine's shield suffers some damage, but the Astray itself is fine.
Shaun (7:46:33 PM): *"Oh no you don't!" And throwing the wheel in a spin, the simple kick turned into a spinning tornado, blowing up a massive tornado cone around them to divert the attack and pierce through.+
Tengusaur (7:46:45 PM): Thanks to the double focused defense, Josh and Liana manage to block most of the incoming shots, the rest of them only grazing their units. Josh's extra shots also daamge one Angelus S.
Tengusaur (7:47:36 PM): Hi Octane Megazord pierces right through the black cloud and the Attack Bot, making the ridiculous robot explode just like the one previously!
wyverncakes (7:47:40 PM): Josh: "... So we've dealt with fire and ice already..."
wyverncakes (7:47:49 PM): "Wanna bet Aquila has some kind of wind-related power?"
Tengusaur (7:48:00 PM): Aquila: "For the king of Ruin... Calidum Sagitta!"
Aero (7:48:26 PM): Liana: "He could always just be fast."
Tengusaur (7:48:48 PM): Dozens of missile ports open in Fortis Ala's arms and chest, and lots and lots of rockets fly out of it, heading into your direction! (everyone react)
wyverncakes (7:48:59 PM): Josh: "... Or there's that!"
Aero (7:49:19 PM): Liana: "HOW IS THAT WIND RELATED."
Tengusaur (7:49:24 PM): Some of the missiles head towards the Whale Zord as well, exploding on its surface. One of the Drones is shot down too.
HyprKnux 1 (7:49:46 PM): Christine: "Missiles, huh? Top THIS!" *With that, Christine responds by unloading some of her payload to shoot down the missiles+
Shaun (7:50:29 PM): *Touching down lightly, RPM noticed the attack coming for them and springing into action, Flynn threw the Megazord into a wall jump, springing from destroyed building to building and leaping the astonishingly agile megazord high over their heads and behind them for a ten point landing behind a building on the other side of the battlefield.+
wyverncakes (7:50:48 PM): * Josh is too busy trying to evade to answer Rim's comment, but the Blanche then seems to begin to speed up, as if it's throwing up after-images of itself that linger in certain spots as he starts taking shots to clear out the sky of missiles! And in unison, the after-images do as well... until there's a one-man beamspam going on to help clear the sky!+
Aero (7:51:42 PM): *And Rim decides to instead charge at Fortis Ala shield raised with all the beam rams on. She also switched the Cypher to it's machine gun mode and began to fire at whatever rockets that were in her way with both the Cypher and the head vulcans. The idea here was to get in to slam the beam rams into Aquila.+
Tengusaur (7:53:09 PM): (Gainer?)
Overman Zappa (7:55:20 PM): *Still in OVerSpeed, Gainer does his best to weave beteween missiles, not bothering to shoot any down, or wast time blocking wit hthe Photon mat
Tengusaur (7:55:50 PM): Despite your best effort at defense and anti-missile fire, everyone is hit by at least one rocket, leaving visible holes in your armor... Rim gets hit worse, alarms flashing all over her cockpit as Aile's structural integrity is weakened! Her beam rams only scrape against Aquila's armor as he dodges, leaving long but shallow gashes - bastard is fast.
Tengusaur (7:55:58 PM): (Josh, Rim, Gainer)
Aero (7:56:51 PM): Liana: "Come on I thought you had honor, stop running away."
HyprKnux 1 (7:56:52 PM): Christine: "Geh...!"
wyverncakes (7:56:54 PM): Josh grunts a little from the explosion, but his eyes zero in on Rim instead!
wyverncakes (7:57:01 PM): "Dammit... you bastards..."
wyverncakes (7:58:57 PM): * The Blanche then flies at the Forte Altis, switching back to its default arms! "You can fly away from the Aile, but not this thing!" And while he's still hopefully reeling from Ri's assault, he's gonna give that asshole a meaty punch!+
Tengusaur (7:59:08 PM): Aquila: "I'd be a fool if I didn't use defense! It's not dishonorable."
Aero (7:59:29 PM): Liana: "It was worth a shot."
wyverncakes (7:59:46 PM): "Prattling on about honor and negative emotions what the hell are you even after here?!?"
wyverncakes (8:00:03 PM): "The city's dead, and you could've come after us whenever you wanted!"
Tengusaur (8:00:22 PM): Seeing that Josh tries to punch him, Aquila counters by creating a very large beam blade on one of his unit's arms and cross-countering! (react)
Overman Zappa (8:01:08 PM): "We have to deal with that thing now? Great..." As Gainer holds still, storm clouds begin to gather. After a while, Gainer finally swings his sword, icy winds blasting out towards Forte Altis! It's seeming like the biggest threat at the moment so... pile on the damage, and the ice! +
wyverncakes (8:01:45 PM): And at that, Josh grins! "... Now, let's give this a shot!"
Tengusaur (8:02:04 PM): Aquila: "We are the Ruina! We feed off negative emotions. Fear, hate, despair... We need to bring them to this world if we want to survive!"
wyverncakes (8:02:32 PM): * And with that, the Blanche's arm is suddenly launched forward, using the same thrusters that would've been meant to send it to the Ars Nova! But hey, improvised rocket punch! And now he can just get out of the way of that counter!+
wyverncakes (8:02:43 PM): ".. Oh that's rich!"
HyprKnux 1 (8:02:47 PM): Christine: "...shouldn't you be fighting those PreDesu girls than us?"
wyverncakes (8:02:54 PM): "Did you get that from a crappy Fuso game?"
Tengusaur (8:04:48 PM): The combination of a rocket punch and ice wind pushes Fortis Ala away, moderately damaging and freezing over its armor. Aquila's counterattack wasn't successful!
Tengusaur (8:04:55 PM): (Rim, Christine, RPM)
wyverncakes (8:05:56 PM): Josh: "... Hey Rim. Remember how I always kept saying you could punch with the Blanche's arms?"
HyprKnux 1 (8:06:06 PM): (Enemy count?)
Tengusaur (8:06:08 PM): Aquila: "Mock me if you want to. We'll do what's necessary for our survival. This is just a tiny part of our forces."
Tengusaur (8:06:28 PM): Enemies (red): Venjix Drone, Black Whale Zord (damaged)

Enemies (yellow): Angelus*5, Angelus S*4 (1 damaged), Fortis Ala (Aquila) (damaged)
Aero (8:06:42 PM): *Now with Aquila frozen and damaged Rim tossed the shield at Aquila, with all of the beam rams still on. Drawing another Cypher from a hidden compartment of the Aile she charges at Aquila, moving much faster now that she got rid of the shield. "You're repairing those arms later." &
HyprKnux 1 (8:07:11 PM): *With one last drone left, Christine turns her beam rifle to it, intending on shooting it down so she can focus on breaking into the Whale Zord+
wyverncakes (8:07:28 PM): Josh: "Only if you repair the Aile's shield!"
Akino Ame (8:07:57 PM): *Scott looked at the Megazord's energy levels. "Not good, guys. Even with the two overthrusters, we're using up power. We need to attack the zord NOW. Wheel Blasters, ready! Engine Cell, activate!" And with that, an energy beam shot off the Megazord to the Whale Zord. +
Tengusaur (8:08:59 PM): The shield smashes into Fortis Ala's chest, throwing it off-balance and damaging it further. But Aquila can recover from the recoil quickly to get ready for the quickly charging Aile...
Tengusaur (8:09:44 PM): Fortis Ala reaches out with its arms and fires two giant beams of energy out of them, catching all the nearby opponents in the blast!
Tengusaur (8:09:55 PM): Aquila: "Sagitta Lumen!"
Tengusaur (8:10:05 PM): (Gainer and Josh react, Rim react/continue)
Tengusaur (8:10:43 PM): Christine shoots down the Drone despite its attempt to dodge, and it explodes on the surface of the Whale Zord as it falls down!
Tengusaur (8:11:30 PM): As for Scott's beam attack, it hits the whale's armor where Christine attacked already, punching a hole through its armor into its inside!
wyverncakes (8:11:42 PM): * Okay. The beam coating's probably not gonna do jack shit against that though, and so Josh has the Ars Nova and the Blanche dive down and try to get low to the ground!+
Tengusaur (8:11:46 PM): Dr K (radio): "Good job! Sorry I'm late."
Overman Zappa (8:11:58 PM): *Gainer protests being targeted and puts up his photon mat while trying to, again, take advantage of the size different to make himself harder to hit. He strafes off, straight to the right, trying to dodge the massive beam+
Tengusaur (8:12:09 PM): Dr K: "If you fire a beacon or a probe inside it, I should be able to hack it now!"
Tengusaur (8:12:37 PM): But before anyone can do that, the Whale Zord opens fire, shooting a powerful laser at Christine and the Rangers! (react)
HyprKnux 1 (8:13:00 PM): Christine: "Oh, not again...!" *And Christine boosts away again, trying to dodge it once more+
Aero (8:13:14 PM): *"BURST RAVE." The moment she saw the beams charge up she activated the Burst Rave not going to let this chance pass her. The Aile now moving at ridiculous speeds leaving afterimages as it still charged at Aquila. Jumping off the hover skates she overcharged both Cyphers, the beams on the blade growing to ridiculous lengths as she brought down both of them at Aquila.+
Shaun (8:13:47 PM): Flynn: Mother biscuits!
Shaun (8:14:04 PM): *And Flynn throws the Megazord into a duck and roll, rolling behind a building.+
Tengusaur (8:14:45 PM): Most of the attempts at dodging are successful. Only Astray and the Megazord get seared slightly.
Tengusaur (8:15:46 PM): As for Rim, not only does she manage to avoid the attack this time, but the large beam blades cut into Fortis Ala, leaving much deeper gashes into its structure now!
Tengusaur (8:16:08 PM): Aquila: "Ghh... Strong... But I cannot fail the King of Ruin!"
Tengusaur (8:16:13 PM): (Josh, Rim, Gainer)
Tengusaur (8:17:11 PM): Dr K: "I hope someone heard me out there."
Shaun (8:17:37 PM): Flynn fires a tracer at it. Does it land?
Shaun (8:17:40 PM): Free action maybe?
HyprKnux 1 (8:17:41 PM): Christine: "Probe inside the whale, got it."
wyverncakes (8:17:48 PM): Josh: "When your MO is as cliche as what you just said, it'd be any surprise if you ever accomplished anything!"
Aero (8:18:19 PM): *"Too bad because you're going to die here!" Now at point blank range with Aquila she released all of the charged up energy in the Cyphers in one big burst. Sending a huge blast of energy right in Aquila's face.+
wyverncakes (8:19:44 PM): * And while Rim was doing that, Josh was moving to flank Aquila, pulling off a string of snipe-shots, one right after the next!+
Tengusaur (8:20:43 PM): "Don't underestimate me!" Aquila dodges out of the way of the incoming attacks, focusing purely on defense - the most they do is sear Fortis Ala's side with the energy blast by Rim.
Tengusaur (8:21:28 PM): Hope you haven't forgotten about the Angeluses, though! Because roughly half of them is firing missiles at Rim now, while the rest are charging towards Josh, slashing with beam blades! (you two react)
Tengusaur (8:22:03 PM): The tracer shot by Flynn flies into the whale and disappears inside.
Overman Zappa (8:22:13 PM): *Still flying around the battlefield, Gainer comes up behind one of the Angelus and opens fire, blasting away with the chain gun into it's back. +
Tengusaur (8:22:23 PM): Seeing that, the black Zord starts charging its laser again!
wyverncakes (8:22:30 PM): * And it's all Josh can do to try to fall back as quickly as he can and try to pick off the Angeluses as them come at him! "... Dammit. Punching's not really an option right now!"+
Tengusaur (8:23:01 PM): Gainer blows the Angelus into bits, lessening the force Rim has to face somewhat.
Aero (8:23:27 PM): *Impulse Cannon's reactivated Rim backs away from the missiles firing both the head vulcans and cannons to destroy the missiles as they chased after her.+
Tengusaur (8:24:17 PM): Rim manages to get out of the way without suffering further damage, though it gets her further away from Aquila.
Tengusaur (8:24:54 PM): Josh fares worse, getting several cuts on the limbs and torso, though he destroys one Angelus and damages two more.
Tengusaur (8:25:15 PM): And suddenly, the Whale Zoid stops charging its beam!
Tengusaur (8:25:29 PM): It starts to float in the air with a much slower, calmer pace now...
Tengusaur (8:25:38 PM): And its armor gradually changes color, from black to blue!
HyprKnux 1 (8:26:22 PM): Christine: "...I think it worked." Then she starts muttering. "Dammit, one of these days, I'm gonna steal another mechine and be able to use it..."
Tengusaur (8:27:09 PM): Suddenly, you notice something new.
Tengusaur (8:27:23 PM): A human-sized figure, standing atop one of the near building, watching the battle!
Tengusaur (8:27:36 PM): But is it a human? Maaaaybe, if one wearing power armor...
wyverncakes (8:27:42 PM): Any particular vibes Josh can pick up from this person?
Tengusaur (8:27:48 PM): http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091008140730/powerrangers/images/e/ef/RPM-venjix1.jpg
Tengusaur (8:27:52 PM): Nothing.
Akino Ame (8:28:12 PM): "That's..." Scott started, confused. "Is that another attackbot?"
Tengusaur (8:28:54 PM): ???: "Just an attackbot? I am much more than that, as you shall soon see."
Tengusaur (8:29:16 PM): ???: "You could call me the mother of all upgrades."
wyverncakes (8:29:34 PM): Josh: "Which would make him...?"
HyprKnux 1 (8:29:43 PM): Christine: "Incredibly cocky."
Akino Ame (8:29:48 PM): "...Venjix?" Scott asked in disbelief.
wyverncakes (8:29:51 PM): Not that he's really paying much attention, on account of the damage the Blanche has taken.
Aero (8:30:12 PM): Really more focused on Aquila here.
Tengusaur (8:30:26 PM): Venjix: "That's right! It is I, Venjix! Nice to see you. Now, prepare to be destroyed!"
Shaun (8:30:35 PM): "... bloody hell..."
Tengusaur (8:30:40 PM): Venjix: "What did you bring with you? Just several robots?"
Tengusaur (8:30:49 PM): Venjix: "I brought an army!"
HyprKnux 1 (8:31:05 PM): Christine: "Hey! Several robots can still kick your scrawny ass!"
Tengusaur (8:31:23 PM): And suddenly, dozens and dozens of flying drones emerge from nearby buildings behind his back, covering the skies! And all of them are firing lasers at you!
Tengusaur (8:31:25 PM): (everyone react)
HyprKnux 1 (8:31:35 PM): Christine: "...I'm sorry..."
Aero (8:31:42 PM): (Does that include the Ruina?)
Tengusaur (8:31:50 PM): (yes)
wyverncakes (8:31:53 PM): Josh: "Apologize later, or preferably not at all!"
Shaun (8:32:00 PM): "Dodge now!"
HyprKnux 1 (8:32:14 PM): *And Christine's going to start going in reverse, shield up and praying she escapes this!+
Akino Ame (8:32:20 PM): "Don't have to tell me twice!" Scott grabbed the steering wheel and began twisting out of the way, firing off weapons at the Drones.
wyverncakes (8:32:25 PM): * Josh would love to press the advantage since Aquila's come under fire now, but it's all he can do to get back with the Ars Nova and try to avoid the crossfire!+
Aero (8:32:38 PM): *Aile is going to take cover behind a large building. Now she's rather pissed that her fight with Aquila was interupted.+
Tengusaur (8:35:05 PM): Those who focus on staying under cover are more or less safe, if temporarily pinned by all the beams flying in their direction.
Tengusaur (8:35:38 PM): The Rangers shoot down several of the Venjix Drones, but many more are incoming and firing, and the Megazord shakes as it's hit by lasers!
Tengusaur (8:36:02 PM): Venjix: "You should have stayed in your Dome, Rangers!"
Tengusaur (8:36:20 PM): To make it worse, he starts to grow to huge size, until he's as big as the Hi Octane!
Tengusaur (8:36:59 PM): A few of the already-damaged Ruina got shot down by the barrage, and the rest of them are retreating, returning fire at the drones.
HyprKnux 1 (8:37:05 PM): Christine: "...oh, and he grows big, can this day get any worse?"
Tengusaur (8:37:15 PM): Aquila: "I have tested your strength, humans..."
Tengusaur (8:37:32 PM): Enemy list, red: Venjix, Drone*43
wyverncakes (8:37:38 PM): Josh: "Yeah. And yours is nothing remarkable!"
Tengusaur (8:37:46 PM): (Christine, RPM)
Tengusaur (8:38:00 PM): Aquila: "We shall see next time we meet."
Aero (8:38:06 PM): Liana: "Do not say that while you're missing both your arms!"
Tengusaur (8:39:05 PM): The Ruina are gone away now... But that's not much of a help when Venjix's army is right here firing at you.
HyprKnux 1 (8:39:35 PM): Christine: "Okay, let's try this! Gotta get out of this somehow!" *And Christine aims the Gattling cannons on the Zero Astray's wings at the drones and fires, hoping to clear the field a little+
wyverncakes (8:39:41 PM): Josh: "The Blanche has spares."
Akino Ame (8:40:23 PM): *It was a tough call. The Drones unleashing hell on them, or the enemy who'd taken so much away from the Rangers? "Cover us. We're going after Venjix. Let's give it everything we've got!" And once again, Scott charged up the Wheel Blasters and fired.+
Tengusaur (8:41:44 PM): Christine shoots down three drones, but eight more gather above her and fly down towards her, switching to their land configuration and getting ready to body-slam the Astray out of the sky! (react)
wyverncakes (8:41:58 PM): # (Christine)
Tengusaur (8:42:02 PM): (approved)
wyverncakes (8:42:22 PM): Josh:" CHristine! Bank to your left!"
Tengusaur (8:43:00 PM): Venjix starts running towards the Megazord, dodging the shots and making them only cause explosions on the ground behind his back. He smashes his fist into the robot in a powerful uppercut! (react)
wyverncakes (8:43:07 PM): * Why, pray tell? Because the Blanche is charging up another Reinlock Launcher shot to blow a huge chunk of mooks out of the air, and drones targeting Christine make for a great cluster!+
Tengusaur (8:43:10 PM): (Josh, Rim, Gainer)
HyprKnux 1 (8:43:46 PM): Christine: "Woah! Right!" *And Christine listens to what Josh has to say, also adding in her own cover fire+
Tengusaur (8:43:47 PM): Josh smashes two of the Drones and forces the rest to spread out, making it a bit easier to dodge them. A bit.
wyverncakes (8:44:22 PM): (Enemy headcount?)
Tengusaur (8:44:24 PM): Christine destroys one more drone, but one of the ones falling at her actually manages to do that, and pins her Astray to the ground!
Tengusaur (8:44:37 PM): (37 drones, Venjix)
HyprKnux 1 (8:45:19 PM): Christine: "GAH! Shit!"
wyverncakes (8:46:02 PM): Considering how big of a threat this Venjix guy was... Josh figured that since Aquila had left he should be the next target. But the Ars Nova needed recharging after that big shot...
Akino Ame (8:47:15 PM): *The Megazord took the hit and reeled back, but the Rangers were ready and blasted once again with the Wheel Blaster while he was close. +
Overman Zappa (8:47:18 PM): *If there was a better time to cover the skies in stormy clouds, now was the time! Once again, Gainer raises his chaingun to the sky, stirring the storm clouds, then, dashing forward, bringing the icy OverFreeze storm with him as he charges through the masses of Drones +
wyverncakes (8:47:29 PM): * Fortunately however, the Blanche had arms for this occasion! And after another quick change the orange machine was outfitted with a pair of orange, hooked limbs... which began building up a charge as well! "It's no Reinloch... but try the Force Buster!" Josh said before he fired the beam at Venjix's backside!+
Aero (8:48:28 PM): *Meanwhile the Aile charges at the Drone that was pinning down Christine slashing at it with one of her Cyphers.+
Tengusaur (8:48:51 PM): Gainer freezes a small group of drones, causing them to fall down to the ground like dead locusts they somewhat resemble! More of them fire lasers back at him, though! (react)
Tengusaur (8:49:11 PM): Rim's shot is successful and Christine is free from the damn assailant.
Tengusaur (8:49:59 PM): The combined attack from both sides causes explosions to appear on Venjix's body as he stumbles back a bit, but when they're gone, he's only charred!
Tengusaur (8:50:55 PM): Venjix: "Do you really think such attacks are enough to defeat the one, immortal being?"
wyverncakes (8:51:04 PM): Josh: "They made you stumble."
Tengusaur (8:51:07 PM): He raises his arms, causing a huge explosion around him!
Tengusaur (8:51:13 PM): Venjix: "Think again!"
Tengusaur (8:51:24 PM): (everyone but Gainer react)
Overman Zappa (8:51:30 PM): *Still taking the offensive, Gainer starts using the enemy drones as cover, while keeping his photon mat at the ready as well. Better than than wasting ammo or effort+
wyverncakes (8:51:51 PM): * Aaaaaand shit. Nothing he can really do at this point except fall back like he's never fallen back before!+
Tengusaur (8:52:04 PM): Gainer's tricky dodging results in the drones shooting down each other rather than damaging King Gainer further.
Akino Ame (8:52:23 PM): The Megazord was severely rocked, with the Rangers scrambling to speed out of the way. "Energy levels crashing. We're not going to last much longer like this!"
Aero (8:52:26 PM): Liana: "What no clever snark for this?"
HyprKnux 1 (8:52:44 PM): Christine: "No, no, no, no!" *And Christine's going to try to push the drone off her and boost away+
wyverncakes (8:52:48 PM): Josh: "I'll save it for when I'm out of the fire!"
HyprKnux 1 (8:54:13 PM): ((Scratch the bit about the drone!))
Tengusaur (8:54:26 PM): Even getting out of the area of the explosion still knocks everyone to the ground with the shockwave! At least it's only small damage, unlike what the Megazord has suffered here...
Tengusaur (8:54:45 PM): Venjix approaches the Megazord, grabs it by the neck and lifts into the air with one hand.
Tengusaur (8:55:06 PM): Venjix: "So long, Rangers! It's been a blast."
Tengusaur (8:55:32 PM): He raises his fist, ready to smash it right into the cockpit...
Tengusaur (8:55:43 PM): ???: "Fire at will!"
Tengusaur (8:55:48 PM): ???2: "I will!"
Tengusaur (8:55:52 PM): ???: "Then fire!"
Tengusaur (8:56:30 PM): Two Zords zoom towards the battlefield, firing beams that take down some of the drones and hit Venjix in the back, causing him to stumble and lose his grip on the Megazord!
Tengusaur (8:56:38 PM): http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090409130748/powerrangers/images/9/97/FalconZord.png

Akino Ame (8:56:40 PM): "Gem! Gemma!" Scott called out
Shaun (8:56:47 PM): "Great Timing!"
Shaun (8:57:27 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TvGjHUPOxg&feature=relmfu
Tengusaur (8:57:29 PM): Gem: "Reinforcements have arrived!"
Tengusaur (8:57:33 PM): Gemma: "Right on time!"
Tengusaur (8:57:40 PM): (Christine, RPM)
Shaun (8:58:23 PM): "We've got the codes, lets bring this badboy together."
HyprKnux 1 (8:59:00 PM): Christine: "Saved... sheesh..." *And, giving the Rangers ample covering fire, Christine unloads her payload once more, intending on keeping Venjix and his army off balaced.+
Akino Ame (8:59:41 PM): *"Look who else has been working on contingency plans," Scott said with a grin. "Beginning SkyRev Megazord configuration sequence!" http://youtu.be/VTaQY1jCy0A
Tengusaur (9:00:34 PM): Christine destroys a few more drones and keeps all the enemies at bay long enough to give the Rangers time to do... Something we're going to see soon enough!
Akino Ame (9:01:31 PM): Beginning with the Zenith, the assorted zords on the field began to come together, with all seven Rangers joining together in the cockpit. SkyRev Megazord, online! The new Megazord made its opening attack on Venjix, blasting energy beams. +
Tengusaur (9:03:14 PM): The beams clear most of the air from drones as well as singing Venjix, visibly damaging his armor and knocking him back! But he gets back on his feet again...
Tengusaur (9:03:49 PM): Venjix: "Excellent! All the Rangers in one place, together! Getting rid of you all at once will be very efficient!"
wyverncakes (9:04:07 PM): Josh: "After that exchange though I'm not so sure you can manage it!"
Tengusaur (9:04:28 PM): He runs towards the SkyRev Megazord, launcing a powerful combo of several punches finished by an explosive spinning kick! (react)
Tengusaur (9:04:42 PM): (Josh, Rim, Gainer)
Shaun (9:05:02 PM): *"Not today!"
Tengusaur (9:05:32 PM): Very few drones still remain. It's mostly Venjix now.
wyverncakes (9:06:12 PM): * And the Aile's moving back in for the kill as well! It shoots straight at Venjix, and as soon as Josh has the chance its limbs swing down so the hooks can tear open his backside!+
Shaun (9:06:34 PM): *Parrying right back, the SkyRev danced backwards as it clashed, blocking the attacks as it went into its own retaliating strikes, striking with precision before attempting to grab Venjix and slam him into the ground!+
wyverncakes (9:07:08 PM): ^Blanche
Tengusaur (9:08:41 PM): (oh yeah, Christine too)
HyprKnux 1 (9:09:54 PM): Christine: "Alright, let's just settle this once and for all!" *With that, Christine dumps the shield and beam rifle, drawing the Zero Astray's blades and charging at Venjix, intending on carving out a piece of the machine.+
Tengusaur (9:10:06 PM): Venjix's punches only graze against the SkyRev and he gets sent smashing into the ground! He gets up on his feet, but then Aile hits him in the back, leaving long gashes in it!
Tengusaur (9:11:17 PM): Christine stabs deeply into the giant robot, causing an explosion inside. But Venjix tries to grab her Astray's chest with one hand and smash it! (react)
Overman Zappa (9:11:19 PM): (passing, gotta leave for work soon)
Tengusaur (9:11:32 PM): (okay)
HyprKnux 1 (9:12:32 PM): Christine: "FUCK OFF!" *And Christine pushes off, attempting to boost away from his grip, the cannons on the suit firing as she does+
Aero (9:12:32 PM): #Christine?
Tengusaur (9:13:04 PM): (approved if Knux wants it, also make your turn)
HyprKnux 1 (9:13:40 PM): (Go for it)
Aero (9:14:46 PM): *Rim's boosts up towards the incoming arm of Venjix and attempts to drive both of her Cyphers into the forearm. Hoping to both implase Venjix and get him away from the Astray.+
Tengusaur (9:15:50 PM): The combination of a melee and ranged attack at Venjix's arm proves quite effective! It damages his hand quite badly, and while the Astray is pushed away, it doesn't suffer much damage in the process.
Tengusaur (9:16:03 PM): The last few remaining drones fire their lasers at Rim and Josh! (you two react)
Tengusaur (9:16:06 PM): (RPM, go)
wyverncakes (9:16:49 PM): Josh: "Go low and I'll go high, Rim!"
Akino Ame (9:18:08 PM): * http://youtu.be/Pma7osBMedg "Guys, if we're going to take Venjix down, we've got to give him all we've got," Scott warned, demorphing. He ripped the Engine Cell from his morpher and plugged it into the controls. "Everyone, morphing Cells, activate!" Soaring into the air, the SkyRev fired its weapons in a burst of multicolored light. +
Aero (9:18:31 PM): *When the alerts go off Rim uses Venjix as a step to jump over him. "They're not watching their fire just get behind him!" Yes she was going to use Venjix as cover.+
wyverncakes (9:19:54 PM): * But rather than dive for cover? Josh is gonna use the Force Cannon again and cut a nice big line across the ground to take down a few more drones!+
Tengusaur (9:20:08 PM): Rim's dodge is successful, and the drones' lasers hit their master instead of the intended target!
Tengusaur (9:20:19 PM): Josh shoots down the ones firing at him...
Tengusaur (9:20:52 PM): As he's attacked, Venjix charges forward, getting ready to charge energy in his hand and do that giant explosion again!
Tengusaur (9:21:20 PM): But before he can do that, the multicolored burst hits him straight into the chest, sending him back and ripping right through in an explosion!
Tengusaur (9:22:11 PM): Venjix: "You... You have defeated this body. Impressive!"
Tengusaur (9:22:16 PM): He drops down to one knee.
Tengusaur (9:22:47 PM): Venjix: "But that does not mean you have defeated me. I am Venjix, I am immortal!"
HyprKnux 1 (9:22:56 PM): Christine: "Yeah, yeah..."
Tengusaur (9:23:01 PM): And he blows up in a giant technicolor explosion!
Tengusaur (9:23:14 PM): What's left of the drones falls off from the sky and crashes into the ground.
Tengusaur (9:23:37 PM): You've done it!
Akino Ame (9:24:06 PM): "We did it," Scott sighed in exhaustion. "It's over. At last."
Shaun (9:24:30 PM): "Yeah..." Flynn groaned and leaned back. "Ah need a nap..."
Akino Ame (9:24:57 PM): "No kidding," Scott agreed. "Biofield's drained. Remind me never to do that again."
wyverncakes (9:25:00 PM): Josh lets out a breath in relief as well.
wyverncakes (9:25:04 PM): "... Save it for after we get back though."
Aero (9:25:23 PM): Liana: "Stay positive, remember those guys feed off negative emotions."
HyprKnux 1 (9:26:09 PM): Christine: "So, another win for us. Sounds good after our last few rounds..."
Tengusaur (9:29:04 PM): You captured the Whale Zord, you found two friends who were missing for a while, and you learned some important info about the Ruina.
Tengusaur (9:29:10 PM): Sounds like a job well done!
Tengusaur (9:29:13 PM): MISSION COMPLETE
wyverncakes (9:30:06 PM): Yeah. Josh has got quite a few things to mull over now back at the Chalice.
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