Mission 113 "Friends ~ Welcome Home"

Sep 13, 2012 21:35

Chat History for srwugamission113
Monday, September 03, 2012
Tengusaur (8:13:30 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFCU68Gim3o&feature=plcp
Tengusaur (8:15:25 PM): White Chalice is cruising through the ocean at an unhasty pace. Seems that this is going to be another uneventful day...
Tengusaur (8:15:29 PM): What is everyone doing?
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:15:56 PM): Setsuna is looking up at the Exia, wondering about... something
howmuchineedyou (8:16:14 PM): Kensuke is secretly taking pictures of Setsuna doing this.
Shaun Garin (8:16:15 PM): Tsukasa's paging through his cards.
HyprKnux 1 (8:16:17 PM): For the moment, Hana's just watching the ocean blaze by.
llamaqueen190 (8:16:37 PM): Wendell is visiting Sigil, worried about Mana.
arachnion01@gmail.com (8:19:13 PM): Haruka is cleaning off Imber. Gotta get him nice and shiny...
Tengusaur (8:20:07 PM): Suddenly, a wild Dan appears!
Tengusaur (8:20:35 PM): Dan: "Bad news everyone! I have intercepted an sos beacon! And I'm sure it's not a fake one, unlike last time!"
Tengusaur (8:20:41 PM): Dan: "Listen to this!"
arachnion01@gmail.com (8:20:55 PM): "Wah!" And Haruka slips, almost falls, and catches herself on one of Imber's handles.
Tengusaur (8:21:03 PM): Several transmissions can be heard from the speakers, all filled with heavy static.
Tengusaur (8:21:05 PM): "We're under attack! Send all combatants!"
Tengusaur (8:21:13 PM): "Sir, Tatsumiya Island's core is still missing!"
Tengusaur (8:21:18 PM): "Strange turtle-like creature spotted on the land! It destroyed the probe soon after disc-"
Tengusaur (8:21:24 PM): "We request help! I repeat, we request help! We are under attack by Festum, heavy casualties among combatants! If anyone can hear this, ple-"
HyprKnux 1 (8:21:50 PM): Hana: "...that's not good at all..."
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:21:59 PM): Setsuna: Festum...
emfltlead@gmail.com (8:22:11 PM): M1 : Them...
Shaun Garin (8:22:12 PM): Tsukasa sits up. Yawns a little and looks over at his kitchen slaves. "I'm going out for a walk."
Tengusaur (8:22:26 PM): Ayame: "The source of the signal is an Alliance military base, on the shore not far away from us. Seems that they put their hands on Tatsumiya Island somehow..."
Tengusaur (8:23:13 PM): Ayame: "Everyone who is ready for takeoff, head immediately for the launch platforms We will send a second team as soon as we can"
Tengusaur (8:23:25 PM): (insert a betwee those two sentences)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:23:42 PM): *Setsuna's launching in Exia Avalanch+
howmuchineedyou (8:24:07 PM): Kensuke knows what this means, and takes off towards the cage, a strangely cheerful skip in his step considering the enemy at hand.
Tengusaur (8:24:11 PM): Dan: "I'm sending coordinates to your units so you won't have to jump blindly!"
arachnion01@gmail.com (8:24:24 PM): "Ggh…Right!" Thankfully her cockpit is like…right there, so Haruka's inside Imber in a flash! "Imber, act on!" And away the gigantic idol goes...
HyprKnux 1 (8:24:26 PM): Hana heads for the Tsubomi Mk-II, a little worried about sending her machine out without any of the other Desu.
emfltlead@gmail.com (8:24:27 PM): M1 : Load up with long range missiles.
llamaqueen190 (8:24:42 PM): Wendell hesitates, but gets into Sigil and heads out.
emfltlead@gmail.com (8:25:22 PM): M1: There are mistakes I do not need to make again.
Shaun Garin (8:25:54 PM): Tsukasa knew he hadn't dealt with Festum before. Well, whatever. Time to be awesome. KAMENRIDE: DECADE! One quick formchange later and WDecade is mounting the MachineDecader, holding up a card. Seconds later, the MachineDecader blazes into the sky, looking a lot like the half-and-half colors of the W machine.
howmuchineedyou (8:25:55 PM): In no time, Kensuke's plug is being inserted, and his come up on your monitors in his plug suit, and hair clips. "Come on guys, this is nothing new for us. We can do this, I know we can." +
Tengusaur (8:26:08 PM): The launch platforms send all of you flying towards the destination! Reinforcements should arrive soon, but for now it's up to the several of you to help out...
Tengusaur (8:26:31 PM): And soon, you can see the port base! All the smoke and explosions makes it hard to miss...
Tengusaur (8:26:52 PM): Indeed, Tatsumiya Island seems "docked" next to the base. That thing can move, after all.
arachnion01@gmail.com (8:26:53 PM): Haruka's quickly scanning it, looking for the telltale flash of gold...
HyprKnux 1 (8:27:17 PM): Hana: "...did someone capture this place?"
Shaun Garin (8:27:46 PM): Tsukasa: "Looks like we'll find out."
Tengusaur (8:28:04 PM): Haruka doesn't have to look long... The island is surrounded from all side by Festum! Federation Mobile Suits and mass-produced Fafners are trying to hold them off, but they're being pushed away, and judging by the wrecks everywhere around, there used to be much more of them than the several left at this moment!
Tengusaur (8:28:16 PM): Canon and Kazuki are among the defenders...
Tengusaur (8:28:31 PM): Enemy list: Sphinx-type Festum x12, Pleidaes-type Festum x3
Tengusaur (8:28:38 PM): (Initiative order: Mobius, Tsukasa, Canon, Kazuki, Hana, Setsuna, Wendell, Haruka, Kensuke)
Tengusaur (8:28:43 PM): (Mobius, Tsukasa, Canon)
Tengusaur (8:28:50 PM): Sphinx-type Festum

Pleidaes-type Festum
Tengusaur (8:29:11 PM): Federation pilot: "Oh shit! It's White Chalice! Not at the time like this!"
Tengusaur (8:29:18 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-dCtWO8NoM
Shaun Garin (8:29:34 PM): Tsukasa wastes no time, buzzing by several enemies before landing hard on a platform. "Oi oi, we're here to save your butts!"
Shaun Garin (8:29:39 PM): ATTACKRIDE: GIGANT
Shaun Garin (8:29:51 PM): ATTACKRIDE: SIDE BASSHAR
Tengusaur (8:30:09 PM): Federation pilot: "Save...? Don't waste any time, the- arrgh!"
Tengusaur (8:30:15 PM): Festum: "Are you there?"
Tengusaur (8:30:29 PM): One of the Fafners disappears in a Festum-summoned black hole!
HyprKnux 1 (8:30:52 PM): Hana: "...is what there...?"
Daviddarsh (8:30:59 PM): *Canon charges the closest Sphinx type Festum Ruge Lance held in both arms. "Tch they're here already." Lunging at the gold creature she aimed straight at it's core thrusting with all the might she could muster.+
emfltlead@gmail.com (8:31:06 PM): *M1 Locks four of the Sphinx types and launched a salvo of long range XLAA's+ :Mobius one, Fox three"
Daviddarsh (8:31:12 PM): (& sorry)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:31:30 PM): Setsuna: Do not respond to the question!
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:31:40 PM): Setsuna: It's how they assimilate people!
wyverncakes (8:31:46 PM): And a private channel is opened to Canon!
wyverncakes (8:31:52 PM): Kazuki: "You sound surprised."
Shaun Garin (8:32:06 PM): *Changing his motorcycles form into a bipedal walker machine, a quadruple missile launcher appears on Tsukasa's shoulder. Selecting his target a Sphinx, he aims for the offending Festum and fires a huge salvo of missiles from both the missile launcher and the Side Basshar's missile ports!+
Shaun Garin (8:32:11 PM): http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120317081719/kamenrider/images/9/91/Side_Basshar_Battle_Mode.jpg
wyverncakes (8:32:13 PM): Not that he can communicate outside of specific, frequencies, but Kazuki's on the scene as well in a basic Fafner as well!
Tengusaur (8:32:14 PM): Several explosions appear on the Festum's body, throwing the large creature back. It turns its head towards Mobius and creates a black hole in the iar next to her jet! (react)
Daviddarsh (8:32:47 PM): Canon: "They're here much faster than they usually are."
Tengusaur (8:33:02 PM): Canon jumps towards another Festum, trying to stab it, but the creature extends its arm to a great length, trying to pierce her Fafner with long claws! (react/continue)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:33:19 PM): #Canon
Tengusaur (8:33:23 PM): (approved)
HyprKnux 1 (8:34:07 PM): Hana: "...don't talk to them? Eh..."
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:34:15 PM): *Setsuna shifts the GN Sword to Rifle mode, and uses the stored particles in the Avalanche equipment to boost the weapon's power and fire at the Fafner!+
Tengusaur (8:34:27 PM): The huge amount of missiles Tsukasa fired damages the Festum even further, causing it to turn slowly towards him. It doesn't attack, though - instead, a Pleidaes-type fires a lightning bolt at him from its core! (react)
Tengusaur (8:34:30 PM): As for Hana...
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:34:30 PM): (Er festum, THEFESTUM)
emfltlead@gmail.com (8:34:32 PM): *Thrust Vectoring rules the skies, so a half kulbit(Tight Diameter) roll sould get be in the other direction fast.+
Tengusaur (8:34:49 PM): Hana suddenly feels a powerful presence intruding upon her mind!
HyprKnux 1 (8:35:02 PM): Hana: "!!!"
wyverncakes (8:35:17 PM): Meanwhile, in his Fafner, Kazuki's gritting his teeth a bit!
wyverncakes (8:35:41 PM): Even after the last incident with the Festum, some people hadn't gotten the memo about fighting these things!
Tengusaur (8:35:55 PM): The Festum tries to take over her very essence! She has to struggle just to remain her own person instead of getting assimilated, not being able to even move much... And to make it worse, a black hole appears around her Desu unit now! (react)
Shaun Garin (8:36:03 PM): There there Kazuki, you can probably deal with it later.
Tengusaur (8:36:07 PM): (Kazuki, Setsuna)
Shaun Garin (8:36:24 PM): #Hana
Tengusaur (8:36:51 PM): (you have your own react to deal with)
wyverncakes (8:37:01 PM): # (Hana?)
HyprKnux 1 (8:37:04 PM): Hana: "Wh... what are you doing? Get out of my head! STOP!" *Hana's going to fight back as hard as she can. She's not going to... well... suffer here+
Tengusaur (8:37:05 PM): (approved)
wyverncakes (8:37:06 PM): (I'll combine it with my action)
Daviddarsh (8:37:11 PM): *The second Ruge Lance is quickly drawn by Canon and swung up by her right arm at the appraoching cores. At the exact same instance she opens up the Ruge Lance as well firing the beam shot from it towards the same Sphinx+
wyverncakes (8:37:31 PM): And cue nearly headdesking from Kazuki as he all but barks into his radio!
wyverncakes (8:37:37 PM): "Canon, I need to get on the Chalice's frequencies!"
wyverncakes (8:38:02 PM): * For now, it's not much but he levels his Fafner's chaingun at the Festum going after Hana and pelts it with as much ordinance as he can manage!&
Shaun Garin (8:38:53 PM): *Fortunately Side Basshar is fast, and shifting to cycle mode it peels off, letting that enemy follow him. Tsukasa's grimly quiet but his belt is shouting. FINAL ATTACKRIDE F-F-F-FAIZ! And using a piece of broken mecha as a ramp, he fires a cone of energy at the Festum, hoping to blitz-ram through it in a final attack at high speeds. Hey, he'll probably come out of this easily hopefully.+
Tengusaur (8:39:14 PM): Setsuna's shots hit the Festum's arm, causing it to miss its mark! Thanks to that Canon can fully focus on attacking, smashing the lance into the Sphinx's core and firing a beam straight into it, causing the Festum to shatter and turn into small black holes! But there are many more to go...
Tengusaur (8:39:28 PM): Mobius manages to evade the black hole by an inch. Whew.
Daviddarsh (8:40:06 PM): Canon: "And how do you suppose I can help with that."
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:40:19 PM): *Setsuna's throwing both of his GN Beam Daggers at the Festum targeting Hana.+
Tengusaur (8:40:42 PM): The Festum attacking Hana is distracted by Kazuki's shots, which means the black hole took only parts of the Desu instead of the whole unit. But now he tries to capture Kazuki himself!
Tengusaur (8:40:49 PM): Festum: "Are you there?"
Tengusaur (8:40:53 PM): (capture in a black hole)
Tengusaur (8:40:57 PM): (Kazuki react/continue)
wyverncakes (8:41:46 PM): * Now watch Hana, as the Fafner that saved you does not commit the cardinal sin you did, but rather skirt and evade that black hole before charging forward and stabbing its Ruge Lance in the thing's head!+
wyverncakes (8:42:16 PM): Kazuki: "You're an officer... you can actually bother requesting that!"
wyverncakes (8:42:37 PM): "... Or barring that I could... I... dunno use your radio to relay transmissions!"
wyverncakes (8:42:50 PM): ^skirt and try to evade
HyprKnux 1 (8:43:05 PM): With Hana spared, the girl can only pant, eyes wide. "What... what did it....?"
Tengusaur (8:43:17 PM): The black hole takes away small pieces off the Fafner's side, but Kazuki evades the rest of it. The Festum is thrown away by the daggers hitting its body, and the stab to the head finishes the creature off!
Tengusaur (8:43:22 PM): But then...
Tengusaur (8:43:47 PM): Suddenly, a powerful electric blast is heading towards Exia from the direction of the sea!
Tengusaur (8:43:54 PM): (Setsuna react)
Tengusaur (8:44:38 PM): A truly massive creature, dwarfing all of your mecha, stomps out of the sea with slow steps! The blast came out of its mouth!
Daviddarsh (8:44:39 PM): Canon: "I'm not going to open a channel with members of the Chalice, considering the last few times I just had to deal with morons barking at me."
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:44:41 PM): Setsuna: *Gonna use the Avalanche's extra GN Particle stores for an increase boost of speed to dodge as fast as he can!+
Tengusaur (8:44:47 PM): Basaran
Daviddarsh (8:44:50 PM): (She means you and Kou here Kazuki)
arachnion01@gmail.com (8:45:08 PM): "What on earth..."
wyverncakes (8:45:20 PM): Kazuki: "And if it gets everyone killed because we're not coordinated?"
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:45:23 PM): Setsuna: Just like that time with the mobile cities
howmuchineedyou (8:45:59 PM): Kensuke: "Another day, another giant mosnter."
llamaqueen190 (8:45:59 PM): Wendell's face falls. "... Oh... oh no...."
Tengusaur (8:46:14 PM): Tsukasa is zapped by a small part of the lightning bolt painfully, but he keeps going on! But then, as he gets close to the core, dozens of human-sized Festum larvas emerge from it into his direction, trying to grab him with their vestigial arms! (Tsukasa continue/react)
Daviddarsh (8:46:15 PM): Canon: "We already have more than enough forces here, if they get killed it's because of their own incompetence."
Tengusaur (8:46:24 PM): (Wendell, Haruka, Kensuke)
llamaqueen190 (8:46:56 PM): Somnian's voice resonates in Wendell's head. "BOY. DO THOU NOT RECOGNIZE THY FOE?" (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxntvuVuvPg ))
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:47:04 PM): Setsuna: (open channel time is now) Federation Pilots. A giant Monster that is neither Festum nor Invader is approaching the battlefield. We ask for your cooperation at this time so that we may drive back both the Festum and the monster.
wyverncakes (8:47:14 PM): Kazuki snorts bitterly. "You say that after the body count the Festum have racked up?"
Daviddarsh (8:47:36 PM): Canon: "Do you have a problem with that?"
howmuchineedyou (8:47:40 PM): Kensuke shoulder his Pallet Rifle and aim straight for the monstrous new arrival's face. Two short blasts, so that the sea breeze will keep the smoke from getting to thick.+
arachnion01@gmail.com (8:47:44 PM): (Enemy count?)
Tengusaur (8:48:05 PM): Setsuna managed to dodge the blast... Mostly. It still grazed his leg, and now energy is crawling over it, causing the systems to overload. That leg is useless for now.
llamaqueen190 (8:48:11 PM): Wendell concentrates on the formation of Sigil's bow, hopefully only using non-vital material of the flight platform in its creation. Luckily, the arrow formed does not need any physical matter, and Wendell takes careful aim at Basaran's eye.+
Tengusaur (8:48:21 PM): Enemy list: Sphinx-type Festum x10 (1 wounded), Pleidaes-type Festum x3, Basaran
Shaun Garin (8:48:50 PM): *Yeah, about that. That cone is raw energy of power, so he's going to continue on his trailing high speed arc. Motorcycles can't dodge obviously but the energy is shearing, twisting it to slice the cones and at least final attackride through an enemy as it shifts back to Side Basshar and fires missiles in all directions to defend. If successful he would probably hopefully successfully complete a Final Attackride.+
wyverncakes (8:48:53 PM): Kazuki: "If the left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing then they can't be used as effectively as possible!"
Tengusaur (8:49:15 PM): The giant turtle flinches back, the arrow causing it to move its head away but not resulting in any real damage...
Tengusaur (8:49:52 PM): Suddenly, another creature, smaller but still larger than any of your robots, is seen crawling on the side of one of the base's installations!
Tengusaur (8:50:00 PM): Kuromori
Tengusaur (8:50:25 PM): The giant lizard spits its own energy bolt into Sigil's direction! It leaves a corrosive cloud in the area where it hits! (react)
llamaqueen190 (8:50:25 PM): Wendell: "Of COURSE there's two...."
llamaqueen190 (8:50:54 PM): Wendell has no choice but to force Sigil into a dive-roll out of the immediate area.+
arachnion01@gmail.com (8:51:14 PM): *Haruka gets over herself on the new enemy, closes her eyes, and works on calming down. Deep breaths, deep breaths…"IIIIMBEEEEEER!" The white robot dashes out over the Festum , then dives straight for an opening in their ranks. With its mighty right arm extended, Faustschlag Imber heads for the Festum…and, just before it hits ground, the piston on its arm fires. None of the aliens are right below Imber, but that matters little, as space goes wrong and a massive shockwave spreads from the impact!+
Tengusaur (8:52:50 PM): The impact from Imber damages two nearby Sphinx-type Festums, causing cracks to appear over their gold bodies! But now they try to counterattack with black holes! (react)
Daviddarsh (8:53:07 PM): Canon: "What did they do to that iDOL.."
Tengusaur (8:53:22 PM): Wendell manages to roll out of the area of the corrosive gas before it damages Sigil's armor too badly.
wyverncakes (8:53:30 PM): Kazuki: "I wouldn't know, considering I've been stuck on a sub for the past few months."
arachnion01@gmail.com (8:53:43 PM): *Dodging is fun when you have ROCKET LEGS! Imber goes full blast right back up into the air, slamming Haruka into her seat with the acceleration!+
Tengusaur (8:54:41 PM): Kensuke's shot to Basaran's face results in the turtle taking a step back - Wendell can see that there is a minor glyph on the underside of its foot! But now the creature generates an energy bolt and spits it towards the Eva, creating a crater on the ground when it hits! (react)
llamaqueen190 (8:54:52 PM): Wendell: "Sorry, guys, the new two things are my personal monsters..."
Tengusaur (8:55:41 PM): The larvas explode very close to Tsukasa into small black holes, the explosions shaking him and severely damaging his motorbike! This hurts pretty badly... But he smashes through the monster's core, shattering it.
Shaun Garin (8:56:08 PM): And Tsukasa appears behind it, skidding to a halt as a circle with a line through it appears. Yes?
Shaun Garin (8:56:24 PM): Faiz FAR and all.
Tengusaur (8:56:30 PM): (yeah that)
howmuchineedyou (8:56:40 PM): Kensuke was ready, and he pushed up hard, leaping up and backward, to avoid the shot.+
Tengusaur (8:56:44 PM): Imber manages to get out of the way, although Haruka gets knocked around a bit in the cockpit.
Daviddarsh (8:56:49 PM): Canon: "Be glad you weren't in a Titans prison for a month instead.
Tengusaur (8:57:48 PM): The attack still zaps Kensuke's leg, but the AT Field takes care of most of it... It's painful, but no real damage.
Tengusaur (8:57:57 PM): And then, suddenly...
Tengusaur (8:58:12 PM): From the opposite side of the Colossi, another huge creature emerges from the water!
arachnion01@gmail.com (8:58:31 PM): Haruka does her best impression of DAT BOUNCE while she grits her teeth through the strain.
Tengusaur (8:58:32 PM): Kazuki, Mobius, maybe others have seen it before...
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (8:58:39 PM): Setsuna: Today seems to be one of those days...
Tengusaur (8:58:43 PM): But this is not right... You killed him before!
Tengusaur (8:58:50 PM): Idun
emfltlead@gmail.com (8:58:52 PM): M1: No, Can't be
wyverncakes (8:59:10 PM): Kazuki's blood rises to a boil almost instantly.
Tengusaur (8:59:15 PM): (Mobius, Tsukasa, Canon)
wyverncakes (8:59:17 PM): "... It's that thing..."
wyverncakes (8:59:31 PM): "Shouko's sacrifice... and it's still alive..."
Daviddarsh (8:59:35 PM): Canon: "That's a new type, whatever...it'll fall just the same."
Tengusaur (8:59:38 PM): Idun: "Do not be afraid! Live has no worth!"
Tengusaur (8:59:48 PM): *life
howmuchineedyou (8:59:55 PM): Kensuke shrieks for a moment, but then bites his lip, hard and holds it back. "More of them? Oh man."\
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:00:14 PM): Setsuna: What is this?
HyprKnux 1 (9:00:16 PM): Hana: "... ... tell me... what to do...?"
arachnion01@gmail.com (9:00:52 PM): "Keep fighting, Hana! Keep fighting and don't listen to them!"
Daviddarsh (9:01:08 PM): *Canon unlike those other losers is not scared at all of that Festum and is already charging at it with both of her Ruge Lances. Once she got close enough one of them is quickly thrown at the Core of Idun while Canon follows it from behind. &
Shaun Garin (9:01:20 PM): Tsukasa grit his teeth as he pulled out a new card. "There's strength in everyone. The past is immutable but the future ever changing. We'll make it through today, no matter what! HENSHIN!"
Shaun Garin (9:01:25 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsvqnz-xn20
emfltlead@gmail.com (9:01:26 PM): *Responce, Missilegram. M1 Fires and fires and blind fired missiles while being as far as possible for the lock on of the XLAA's. She still hitting the fire button even after the missile enter cooldown and fires again.+
Tengusaur (9:01:29 PM): (Hana still feels the pulsing presence of Festum in her head, but since the one who tried to assimilate her was quickly killed she can at least start moving again. For now...)
wyverncakes (9:01:31 PM): Kazuki: "Canon, don't just charge at that like-!"
Shaun Garin (9:01:34 PM): KAMENRIDE: DEN-O!
Shaun Garin (9:01:56 PM): And in a flash of energy, a twist of parts, Tsukasa struck a card.
Shaun Garin (9:02:00 PM): ATTACKRIDE ORE SANJOU!
Shaun Garin (9:02:03 PM): "ORE SANJOU!"
Shaun Garin (9:02:04 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJZT798TyEw
Daviddarsh (9:02:06 PM): Canon: "Stop being such a coward."
Shaun Garin (9:02:38 PM): "I don't do half shots. At the beginning to the end I'm at a CLIMAX!"
Shaun Garin (9:03:07 PM): And changing his cycle into the DenBird, there was a whistle of a train, some people might recognize. As he leaped into the front, DenLiner zoomed around the tracks, changing into battle mode!
wyverncakes (9:03:15 PM): Kazuki: "Canon, I know what that thing can do, and I'm betting you don't!"
Shaun Garin (9:03:36 PM): *"TAKE THIS!" And there was a lot of attacking. Missiles, thrown balls and a hawk missile swirling around the remaining Sphinxs.+
Daviddarsh (9:03:54 PM): Canon: "I'm not an amateur Makabe, I've been fighting Festum for longer than you have."
Tengusaur (9:04:41 PM): The Den Liner blows up one of the already-wounded Sphinxes, but before Tsukasa can move onto the rest of them...
Tengusaur (9:05:34 PM): The missiles exploding on Idun's surface grab his attention. Before Canon gets to reach him, however, he raises his hands, and...
Tengusaur (9:05:52 PM): Idun: "Your life is worth nothing."
wyverncakes (9:05:54 PM): Kazuki's eyes open wide. "Canon, dodge!"
Tengusaur (9:06:01 PM): Suddenly, giant black holes everywhere! (everyone, react!)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:06:09 PM): *Setsuna
llamaqueen190 (9:06:40 PM): Wendell continues to dive-roll Sigil toward safe ground.+
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:06:46 PM): *Setsuna's using TRANS-AM to further increase his speed to weave around the black holes!+
Tengusaur (9:06:54 PM): "Nooo! Aaa-" Several more of the Federation units are destroyed with this attack!
Shaun Garin (9:07:08 PM): *DenLiner is going to avoid this in the classiest way possible: by its numbers rolling to read 03/09/AI 16 and just vanish from time, for one minute... or at least try to.+
arachnion01@gmail.com (9:07:24 PM): *Air dash like a boss!+
emfltlead@gmail.com (9:07:26 PM): *Half Kulbit again, and climb! Full afterburners, jumping to Mach speeds.+
wyverncakes (9:07:31 PM): * Kazuki sorta knew this was gonna happen based on his last experience with Idun, so he'd already proceeded to dodge!+
Daviddarsh (9:07:44 PM): *Canon is going to ignore Kazuki and continue going directly for Idun. Weaving through whatever black holes she could. She was completely focusing on Idun now. "The core is right there!" All she needed to do was to get one hit in on the core and this would be finished.
HyprKnux 1 (9:07:45 PM): Hana: "!!!" *Not this time! Hana gets her bearings back to start dodging the black holes, trying to weave past them+
Daviddarsh (9:07:46 PM): +
Tengusaur (9:09:52 PM): Setsuna and Tsukasa manage to get out of this attack with almost no damage, by some miracle. Kazuki's Fafner loses its leg though, and seeing that it's not finished yet, Idun quickly pierces it with ridiculously long claws extending from his hand! (react Kazuki)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:11:14 PM): #Kazuki
Tengusaur (9:11:20 PM): Hana, Haruka, Wendell and Mobius have it worse! The structure of their machines is damaged, and while they can still fight, further serious damage could mean bad news...
wyverncakes (9:11:25 PM): * Oh if only the other pilots could see him as anything other than a grunt right now! He's just gonna try to hack at that claw with his Ruge Lance and hope for the best!+
Tengusaur (9:11:28 PM): (gotta deny that)
arachnion01@gmail.com (9:11:42 PM): "Gah! Imber!"
wyverncakes (9:11:53 PM): Kazuki: "... Dammit Canon...!"
HyprKnux 1 (9:11:58 PM): Hana: "HNNN!"
Tengusaur (9:12:22 PM): As for Canon, her recklessness doesn't pay up this time... She grazes Idun's gold skin, but before she can stab the monster further, her Fafner is turn in two with black holes, sending one of the halves flying far away!
Tengusaur (9:12:56 PM): To make it worse, the claws stab into Kazuki, and while he manages to cut one of them, the rest throw his Fafner to the floor, severely damaging it! The machine is almost useless now...
Daviddarsh (9:12:57 PM): There isn't a response from Canon...
Tengusaur (9:13:06 PM): Idun is as freakishly powerful as last time...
Tengusaur (9:13:20 PM): Suddenly!
Tengusaur (9:13:49 PM): Another unit emerges from a facility on Tatsumiya Island, heading towarrds Idun at great speed!
Tengusaur (9:13:50 PM): http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h454/Steamrollerssolveall/FafnerMarkSein.gif
wyverncakes (9:14:04 PM): And it's times like this Kazuki's glad that the basic Gnosis models aren't linked to pilots!
Tengusaur (9:14:44 PM): Idun can only turn around before the new Fafner stabs into him with its Ruge Lance, and the large emitters on its back fire lasers into the giant Festum with great force!
Tengusaur (9:14:57 PM): Idun shudders, thrown around by these attacks, and explodes in a blue flame!
wyverncakes (9:15:30 PM): And now Kazuki's staring in awe!
Tengusaur (9:15:37 PM): A person appears, floating above the new Fafner...
wyverncakes (9:15:44 PM): "... That Fafner... I've never seen it befo-"
Tengusaur (9:15:50 PM): Her features look familiar to some, but especially to Kazuki...
Tengusaur (9:15:52 PM): http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h454/Steamrollerssolveall/Kazukismom.gif
wyverncakes (9:16:04 PM): And as hot as his blood was running when he saw Idun, now it's ice cold from shock.
wyverncakes (9:16:11 PM): "... Mom..."
Tengusaur (9:16:31 PM): Akane: "Youji asked to deliver this to you, Kazuki. Fafner Mark Sein. Get in."
Tengusaur (9:16:52 PM): (in the meantime: Hana, Setsuna)
arachnion01@gmail.com (9:16:54 PM): "-eh? Kazuki's mother?!"
wyverncakes (9:16:55 PM): Kazuki's just sitting in the cockpit of his Fafner in disbelief though!
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:17:11 PM): (Head count?)
wyverncakes (9:17:21 PM): "... But you... you're dead! A-an illness, or... or-"
Tengusaur (9:17:25 PM):
Enemy list: Sphinx-type Festum x9 (2 wounded), Pleidaes-type Festum x2, Basaran, Kuromori
Tengusaur (9:17:51 PM): Akane: "Your mother doesn't exist anymore. I am a Festum."
wyverncakes (9:17:55 PM): It's hard to kinda follow instructions when they're being given by someone you were fairly certain was-
wyverncakes (9:18:06 PM): A Festum that was helping him?!?
Tengusaur (9:18:28 PM): Akane: "Watch out. They are coming."
howmuchineedyou (9:18:30 PM): Nooo! Don't!!"
wyverncakes (9:18:58 PM): Through its own technical failures, the Gnosis-model's Fafner's cockpit pops open, the air rushing in onto his face.
Tengusaur (9:19:20 PM): Akane: "Get in quickly." She teleports away, to an unknown location.
wyverncakes (9:19:20 PM): ... And serving as the final bit of incentive needed to head to the new machine in disbelief.
HyprKnux 1 (9:19:47 PM): Hana's in a lot of pain thanks to what's gone on, but she isn't going to give up. Not yet. "I'll keep fighting... I'm a PreDesu pilot and I'll do what I can to protect everyone's smiles. I'm not a soldier, nor a hero... I'm just me." *She brings up a shield, charges up energy within the Tsubomi Mk-II's fist and punches, a burst of spiraling energy being launched at the two wounded Festum+
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:20:49 PM): *Setsuna's TRANS-AM is still fresh, and uses the boost to fire upon one of the Pleidas-types before zooming in and stabbing with a GN Beam Saber!+
Tengusaur (9:21:12 PM): Hana punches one of the already-damaged Festums, finishing it off and causing it to explode in a black hole! But then, Kuromori slithers on the wall closer towards her, and spits its corossive acidic projectile at her! (react)
wyverncakes (9:21:14 PM): The design, as Kazuki gets closer to it, catches his attention, and as he settles into the cockpit, he really gets a feeling that this thing is an entirely different beast all together...
wyverncakes (9:21:36 PM): And after sticking his hands in the goo and one painful synch-up later, the machine begins to rise!
wyverncakes (9:21:45 PM): "... It... it feels entirely different than the Mark Elf..."
Tengusaur (9:22:02 PM): Kazuki doesn't have a lot of time to marvel, because a Pleidaes-type Festum charges up lightning around its core and fires a powerful bolt towards him! (react)
HyprKnux 1 (9:22:03 PM): Hana: "Gah!" *She quickly brings up another barrier as she attempts to dodge the acid strike+
Tengusaur (9:22:54 PM): Setsuna's strikes shake the other Pleidaes-type. The Festum turns towards him and releases a swarm of explosive larvae, which try to latch onto Exia! (react)
wyverncakes (9:23:49 PM): * Kazuki really is still kinda in confusion about a lot of things about the machine, and when the lightning bolt arcs out it's all he can do to through up his arms in a half-hearted guard to keep from taking a direct hit... but then again, he has no understanding of the Mark Sein's power as it is right now!+
wyverncakes (9:23:50 PM): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkSmqP61vAQ&playnext=1&list=PLBFAC97CD2B7ABE5E&feature=results_video
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:23:59 PM): *Setsuna was already moving, swinging around to behind the Pleidaes-type with the GN Sword readied to cut directly at the core!+
Tengusaur (9:24:01 PM): The acid cloud still burns into Hana's shield arm, but fortunately it's just armor damage... But still, better to get quickly out of there! The Festum is less lucky and corrodes into small shards.
Tengusaur (9:25:14 PM): The lightning bolt collides with Kazuki's hand, and Mark Sein creates a force field that stops the attack outright! Seeing that this is fruitless, the Festum tries to cover him with dozens of launched larvae instead! (Kazuki react/take your action)
HyprKnux 1 (9:25:16 PM): And Hana's going to do just that, getting out of its range.
Tengusaur (9:25:29 PM): (Wendell, Haruka, Kensuke)
howmuchineedyou (9:26:21 PM): It's chaos out there and Kensuke has lost track of what he should be attacking, he's starting to panic. "Someone point me!!"
llamaqueen190 (9:26:33 PM): *Wendell frowns at Sigil's display, Basaran still targeted. "Somnian? Anything helpful to say?" "TO GET TO GREAT HEIGHTS, THOU MUST START LOW." ... Very helpful. Remembering the brief glimpse earlier, Wendell takes aim at the turtle's right front leg, hoping for a weak point.+
Tengusaur (9:26:59 PM): Several of the larvae manage to latch onto the Gundam and explode, damaging and weakening its limbs! Setsuna cuts into the creature's core though, but it gets out of the way before he can destroy it completely.
arachnion01@gmail.com (9:27:07 PM): "Guh…enough of this!" Haruka goes into a dive again, this time heading towards the Sphinx types. It slams both fists straight at one of the unlucky aliens, and then…PISTON FIRE. Once again, space time gets its knickers in a knot and throws a huge hissy fit all over the place.+
llamaqueen190 (9:27:24 PM): Wendell: "Help me take out this thing's legs, if you don't mind."
wyverncakes (9:27:27 PM): * "It stopped that attack... just like..." But still there's those little larvae to worry about instead! The Mark Sein quickly takes to the air, arching beams firing from its shoulder cannons to clear out the horde!+
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:27:56 PM): Setsuna: (Sends targeting data to Kensuke on the core of the Pleidaes-type Festum) This one is weak. Aim for its core!
Shaun Garin (9:28:23 PM): @Wendel
Tengusaur (9:28:37 PM): Getting hit into one of its legs causes Basaran to lose its balance, toppling the turtle over to the side! But it slowly starts to get up...
Tengusaur (9:28:40 PM): (approved)
howmuchineedyou (9:29:07 PM): Thankful for directions He join the fray again. "You got it!!" Kensuke runs in, his pallet rifles firing a volley in front of him, at the last moment he throws it down and charges, loosing all of his spikes shoulder grenades at once into the things bottom half. +
Shaun Garin (9:29:22 PM): *And with that, DenLiner burst from time, screaming and keeping pace beside Sigil. "Hop on!" Exclaimed Tsukasa from inside, gesturing that he gets on top of DenLiner so he can carry him to the weak point!&
Tengusaur (9:29:46 PM): The cannons take care of the larvae, blowing them all up before they can reach Mark Sein! (Kazuki take your turn now)
llamaqueen190 (9:30:19 PM): Wendell seems a little bewildered, but Sigil grabs on...&
llamaqueen190 (9:31:02 PM): Wendell: "If I'm reading the display right, I need to get to the head!"
Tengusaur (9:31:27 PM): Before they can reach the destination, Wendell and Tsukasa have to deal with the turtle spitting another earth-shatteringly powerful electric missile into their direction! (react/continue)
Shaun Garin (9:32:08 PM): &And with a whistle, the train pulls out of its mock station, zooming towards Wendell's target, in order to carry him to the head. "You got it! Hang on." And with that, DenLiner zoomed towards him, twisting around in a loop to avoid it, train spitting attacks back it at to stagger the turtle.+
wyverncakes (9:32:32 PM): * He was lucky that time, Kazuki knows that... but he knows he needs to finish this fast! He barely knows how to use this Fafner as it is! So the machine dives down, grabbing one of Canon's discarded Ruge Lances before shooting up at that Pleidaes-type Festum before shooting it up with his rocket anchors and driving it into the creature's head!+
Tengusaur (9:32:36 PM): Haruka and Kensuke blow up one Festum each with fierce attacks... But now they find themselves the targets of the rest of them, trying to create black holes all around them! (react you two)
wyverncakes (9:32:39 PM): And while he's at it...
Tengusaur (9:32:48 PM): (Mobius)
wyverncakes (9:32:49 PM): ... He's finally got a radio to work with!
wyverncakes (9:33:01 PM): Kazuki: "... Everyone! It's been a while!"
arachnion01@gmail.com (9:33:09 PM): "Kazuki!"
emfltlead@gmail.com (9:33:18 PM): M1: Nice to see your in one peice
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:33:19 PM): Setsuna: Kazuki Makabe!
Shaun Garin (9:33:26 PM): Tsukasa: Nice to see you again kid.
wyverncakes (9:33:56 PM): Kazuki: "I'm... not too certain of a lot of things right now unfortunately... but we can catch up later!"
howmuchineedyou (9:34:22 PM): Kensuke stops mid run, feet digging in to turn with so much momentum, to much concentration is being used to throw his AT field up, he stumbles slightly as she tried to dart away from holes. "Oh crap-"+
HyprKnux 1 (9:34:22 PM): Hana: "...that's a new machine... at least... you're okay."
Tengusaur (9:34:33 PM): The Pleidaes tries to fire another lightning bolt into Kazuki's direction... But Mark Sein goes straight through it, deflecting it by the force of its approach! The Festum is stabbed into the head with great force and shatters into tiny pieces!
Tengusaur (9:35:57 PM): The giant tortoise is temporarily stunned by the train firing at it, and even if the attacks just singe its armor, that is enough to make an openming for Wendell!
llamaqueen190 (9:37:25 PM): &Nearing Basaran, Wendell steadies himself before taking a leap from DenLiner towards the turtle's head!+
Tengusaur (9:38:47 PM): Wendell latches onto the turtle's head, but it tries to shake him off! To make it worse, the giant lizard notices him as well, and fires its own projectile at him to force him off the other Colossus! Gah, and he already can see the Sigil glowing so close... (react/continue)
Tengusaur (9:39:02 PM): (Haruka, react, Mobius, take your turn)
emfltlead@gmail.com (9:39:43 PM): *The X-02 is in no mood to turn, so Post stall is out. So time to bother something slow moving. Firing a line of Long Range missiles at the colossus that is not being ridden+
llamaqueen190 (9:40:08 PM): Wendell scurries to the other side of Basaran's head as fast as the shaking colossus will allow in order to use it as a shield from Kuromori.+
llamaqueen190 (9:40:42 PM): (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3KTdWiRcFo ))
Tengusaur (9:40:56 PM): Kensuke manages to dodge most of the black holes, but one of them takes a part of his Eva's arm and several of its fingers!
arachnion01@gmail.com (9:41:01 PM): *Let's try…Gravity versus gravity! Imber crosses its arms in front of it, each fist facing in an opposite direction to cover as much space as possible. And then, explosion!+
Tengusaur (9:41:36 PM): Mobius' missiles smash into the creature and the wall, causing it to drop down to the floor upside-down! It squirms, trying to get up on its back!
Tengusaur (9:41:49 PM): Wendell can see another Glyph on Kuromori's belly!
emfltlead@gmail.com (9:42:18 PM): M1: Finally something that reacts to missiles
Tengusaur (9:42:37 PM): Imber's explosion protects the robot from incoming black holes, even if it doesn't do much to the Festums themselves.
howmuchineedyou (9:42:45 PM): He screamed for a moment, just as before repeating to himself in a whispered manta 'its not my real arm. it's not my real arm.' while still maintain control of his at field
Tengusaur (9:43:23 PM): Suddenly, Akane appears in the air again!
wyverncakes (9:43:27 PM): Kazuki flinches as he hears that cry!
Tengusaur (9:43:33 PM): Akane: "Watch out. Idun is returning."
wyverncakes (9:43:38 PM): "Kensuke... just focus! You can fight through this-"
wyverncakes (9:43:49 PM): "E-even after..."
Tengusaur (9:44:24 PM): Suddenly, a giant, orange blob emerges from where Idun used to be, its malformed features somewhat resembling a Festum!
Tengusaur (9:44:27 PM): http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h454/Steamrollerssolveall/FafnerIdun2.gif
Tengusaur (9:44:36 PM): Akane teleports right next to the creature.
Tengusaur (9:44:43 PM): Akane: "I have something to tell you."
howmuchineedyou (9:45:08 PM): "Don't worry, I'll be ok." HE sounds likes he trying really hard not to loose it. "We have bigger problems right now."
Tengusaur (9:45:10 PM): Idun: "We have restricted your existence."
Tengusaur (9:45:28 PM): Akane: "It is our job to understand humans."
wyverncakes (9:45:29 PM): Kazuki's just watching in confusion at all of this. A Festum opposing another Festum like this...
Tengusaur (9:45:36 PM): Idun: "We do not understand."
Tengusaur (9:46:00 PM): Akane: "How can we have a conversation if we are one? We wouldn't need to use words."
Tengusaur (9:46:05 PM): Idun: "..."
Tengusaur (9:46:32 PM): Akane: "It's another Mir. Another Mir has given us individuality."
Tengusaur (9:46:51 PM): Idun: "No. We do not accept your offer."
Tengusaur (9:47:16 PM): Suddenly, long crystals appear on Idun's head, forming giant teeth!
wyverncakes (9:47:28 PM): Kazuki: "Wait! NO!"
Tengusaur (9:47:34 PM): Teeth which he brings upon Akane, biting her!
wyverncakes (9:47:39 PM): And the Mark Sein's already trying to charge at Idun to stop what was happening...
wyverncakes (9:47:41 PM): And too late!
Tengusaur (9:47:47 PM): Kazuki's mom disappears in a flash inside Idun's mouth!
wyverncakes (9:48:01 PM): Kazuki: "... mom..."
wyverncakes (9:48:11 PM): Festum or human or whatever... she'd...
HyprKnux 1 (9:48:32 PM): Hana: "!!!"
Tengusaur (9:48:34 PM): Idun turns towards the rest of you. "Do not be bothered. Life has no worth."
wyverncakes (9:48:45 PM): That bastard...
wyverncakes (9:48:47 PM): Keeps..
wyverncakes (9:48:49 PM): SAYING THAT!
Tengusaur (9:48:50 PM): (Tsukasa, Kazuki, Hana, Setsuna)
HyprKnux 1 (9:48:59 PM): (Enemy count?)
wyverncakes (9:49:16 PM): * Screaming in anger, Kazuki is going to fucking tackle that ugly son of a bitch and kill him! "... First Shouko and now this?!?!"
Tengusaur (9:49:20 PM): Enemy list: Sphinx-type Festum x7, Idun, Basaran, Kuromori
Shaun Garin (9:50:37 PM): Tsukasa is deadly silent. He holds up a card, and slides it into his driver with deliberation. Even the belt voice is terse. FORMRIDE: DEN-O GUN. In a flash, the entire train changes form as new parts hook up to it, and it rears up like a literal Chinese dragon, expanding and telescoping out into a real dragon-like shape as it seemed to hiss. But first, the two Colossi. "Wendell. Lets go."
Shaun Garin (9:50:41 PM): http://www.yourepeat.com/watch/?&v=eCv7PeWOxcU
arachnion01@gmail.com (9:50:43 PM): "Ka-kazuki!" If only these damn festum weren't in the way…!
HyprKnux 1 (9:50:57 PM): Hana: "K-Kazuki, wait...!"
Shaun Garin (9:51:33 PM): *Riding atop the dragon-like train, Tsukasa aimed for Basaran, and its jaws charged up with a massive violet blast before it unleashed it directly at the great enemy!+
Tengusaur (9:52:06 PM): Idun grapples with Mark Sein, grabbing the Fafner strongly with his malformed arms! Several crystalling teeth sprout from his head and he tries to pierce him with them, similar to what he did with his mother! (Kazuki react)
HyprKnux 1 (9:52:25 PM): # (Kazuki)?
wyverncakes (9:52:29 PM): (I got this)
HyprKnux 1 (9:52:33 PM): ('Kay)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:52:58 PM): *Setsuna's going to aim straight for Kuromori, stabbing into it with both GN Blades!+
wyverncakes (9:53:30 PM): * Kazuki grimaces as he feels the pain of getting stabbed... but between how fucking ANGRY he feels right now and what he said to Kensuke, he powers through it and has the Mark Sein's rocket anchors fire out and stab into Idun's body before letting his shoulder cannons laser spam the bastard to death as well!+
Shaun Garin (9:53:30 PM): By the way, for anyone who cares, this song is playing for real. It's a side effect of Tsukasa's formride as he proclaims, "Can I beat you up? Can't hear you!"
HyprKnux 1 (9:53:43 PM): *Hana looks back between the Kazuki and the Festum and opts to destract the Festum remaining, launching a series of blasts at them. "...the others need some time to finish this..."+
wyverncakes (9:53:51 PM): And he's just gonna keep hitting the bastard as they both hurtle down to the ground!
Tengusaur (9:54:13 PM): Tsukasa's blast hits Basaran's head with full power, but damn is this creature tough! This only stuns it, causing the turtle to try spitting an energy projectile back at him! (react)
emfltlead@gmail.com (9:54:34 PM): @Setsuna?
Tengusaur (9:54:46 PM): (approved)
Shaun Garin (9:54:59 PM): *DenLiner Ikazuchi twists up into the air, racing into the clouds as he returns fire, blasting several more bursts of flames as he continues to strafe. "Wendell, finish this fool!"+
Tengusaur (9:55:23 PM): Hana's shots hit several of the Festum, which reach out with lenghtened arms towards her, trying to grab the Desu!
Tengusaur (9:55:31 PM): Festum: "Are you there?"
Tengusaur (9:55:34 PM): (Hana react)
llamaqueen190 (9:55:39 PM): Wendell, grimly clinging to Basaran: "That's the idea!"
emfltlead@gmail.com (9:55:55 PM): *Still locked on, but closer, M1 Helps the Exia with some normal missile fire+
emfltlead@gmail.com (9:56:24 PM): (I meant cannon)
HyprKnux 1 (9:56:29 PM): *Hana remembers the last time she responded and keeps her mouth shut, trying to boost away from the outstretched arms and keep out of their reach+
Tengusaur (9:56:42 PM): DenLiner shakes as it's hit by the projectile, though at least it's not a head-on blast, just a grazing one! And these fire attacks do a good job at keeping the turtle occupied...
Tengusaur (9:57:10 PM): Similarily, Kuromori's hide is also tough, but Setsuna chips off small pieces of it and prevents the lizard from getting back on its back! Mobius helps with that a bit, but the majority of the cannon rounds bounce off the hard hide...
Tengusaur (9:57:25 PM): Kuromori tries to get Setsuna off by swiping at Exia with its massive, sharp claws! (react)
Tengusaur (9:58:04 PM): Hana avoids the incoming hands this time, thanks to her focus on evasion.
Tengusaur (9:58:21 PM): Kazuki and Idun both hit the ground with great force, still grappling...
Tengusaur (9:58:38 PM): Strange green liquid starts to slowly flow from Mark Sein...
wyverncakes (9:58:59 PM): Amount of fucks given by Kazuki, zero!
Tengusaur (9:59:15 PM): The fluid quickly spreads over the ground around both combatants... The ground quickly becomes red hot!
Tengusaur (9:59:27 PM): It turns into a round pool of magma!
Tengusaur (9:59:43 PM): Mark Sein, Idun, and the remaining Festum start to drown in it!
Tengusaur (9:59:55 PM): Everyone else should get the hell away to avoid the same fate!
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (9:59:58 PM): *Rip and Tear! Setsuna's dragging the blades through the monster upward as he shoots straight up!+
Tengusaur (10:00:28 PM): They disappear completely in the magma now...
Tengusaur (10:00:47 PM): And a giant, vaguely humanoid creature sprouts out of the pool!
Tengusaur (10:00:49 PM): http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h454/Steamrollerssolveall/Fafnerlava.gif
howmuchineedyou (10:00:56 PM): "Why dose it always have to be lava?"
Shaun Garin (10:00:58 PM): DenLiner will buzz by people to let them catch onto it.
Shaun Garin (10:01:16 PM): Tsukasa: Anyone need a ride?
Tengusaur (10:01:18 PM): Only its upper body is visible, as it stays inside the pool, looking around slowly...
Tengusaur (10:01:30 PM): (Wendell, Haruka, Kensuke)
Tengusaur (10:01:50 PM): Enemy list: Lava Festum?, Basaran, Kuromori
llamaqueen190 (10:02:12 PM): *Sigil scuttles up the side of Basaran's face during the lulls in thrashing until the core is reached. Wendell raises the sword, tenses, and slams it down toward the glowing glyph.+
Tengusaur (10:03:14 PM): Kuromori stratches Setsuna's Gundam as he launches up. Remember the previously immobilized leg? Yeah, you lost that now.
Tengusaur (10:04:12 PM): The lizard starts to climb back on its back again!
llamaqueen190 (10:05:18 PM): Wendell: "Keep that lizard thing on it's back, the spot I need to reach is on its belly!"
arachnion01@gmail.com (10:05:35 PM): "Got it!"
Tengusaur (10:05:40 PM): Basaran throws its head around and roars in pain when Sigil's sword stabs into the glyph! In a last ditch attempt the turtle's whole body shakes as it spits energy bolts everywhere, hoping that at least one of them will reach Wendell! (react/finish it off)
howmuchineedyou (10:06:24 PM): "Only thing I go left." Kensuke pulls out his smash hawk. From the smoldering hunk he was crouched on he mades a long leap, leaping to another smoldering pile untill he can make a wild leap at this lava creature, coming down hard, his AT field spread between him and the monster, he brings the smash hawk down with his one remaining arm, the stump of the old one still moving as it where where there to help. He shouts as he dose this, knowing the moment he gets blow back it might be into the lava.+
HyprKnux 1 (10:06:31 PM): Hana: "...did... did anyone see where Kazuki went?"
Shaun Garin (10:06:33 PM): Tsukasa watched the pool where Kazuki was dragged under, brow furrowing under his helm. He knew the kid was tough but still...
llamaqueen190 (10:06:52 PM): Wendell clings as closely to the turtle's head as possible, but there isn't much he can do to dodge at this point. Instead, he simply makes Sigil yank the sword out of the monster and slam it back down.+
arachnion01@gmail.com (10:07:02 PM): *Well, Haruka's now in Imber, floating above the pool of magma. This would be a problem if she wasn't in a Super Robot. And, true to form, she boosts towards Kuromori, ramming head on into the monster!&
Tengusaur (10:08:08 PM): Kensuke's strike severs the hand of the lava monster... But a new one starts to grow already! And to make it worse, two more arms sprout from the lava, trying to grab him and pull into the pool! (react)
Tengusaur (10:08:41 PM): Basaran roars one final time and collapses to the ground, making it shake! The light in its eyes is gone now...
howmuchineedyou (10:09:32 PM): "Oh that's not good."Pushing back with his AT feild he puts both feet on the monsters head and kicks off as hard as the Eva will go, hoping to both knock back the creature but vault himself away+
Tengusaur (10:09:34 PM): Seeing Haruka approaching, Kuromori spits a corrosive bolt towards Imber! If you charge head-on into the cloud, damages might be severe... (react/continue)
Tengusaur (10:10:05 PM): (Mobius, Tsukasa)
emfltlead@gmail.com (10:11:20 PM): M1: Kazuki...with a track record of this group, you better be ok!
Tengusaur (10:11:30 PM): Kensuke manages to get out of the pool... For now. One of the creature's hands is still holding a burning grip on his ankle, trying to pull the Eva into the pool...
Tengusaur (10:12:08 PM): (also, Hana)
HyprKnux 1 (10:12:47 PM): # (Kensuke?)
arachnion01@gmail.com (10:12:54 PM): *No time for dodging, only time for ramming! Haruka and Imber just push the gravity field to max and plow on through at the monster!&
Shaun Garin (10:13:12 PM): *Zooming out of the clouds, Tsukasa stood up as he thrust a card into his belt. FINAL ATTACKRIDE D-D-D-DEN-O! And aiming his gun at Kuromori, the head of the dragon charged up with an immensely powerful laser. Pulling the trigger, he loosed a continual stream of brilliant purple and white energy at the opponent, hoping to distract it so that Haruka could get the shot in, shearing its point of balance -- it's tail.+
emfltlead@gmail.com (10:13:37 PM): *Not sure how missiles deal with Lava, one way to find out. Missilegram for Lavamonster! Six missiles ride there way into the gloop, and A/B's away at Mach 2+
Shaun Garin (10:13:40 PM): (attempting to shear)
HyprKnux 1 (10:14:34 PM): *Hana's trying to keep focus here. Just need to push through this. For right now, Kensuke needs help and Hana responds by firing another burst at the hand holding on to the EVA+
Tengusaur (10:15:16 PM): Tsukasa's shots chip off small pieces of the tail's rock-like structure, but the Colossus is stupidly hard and it still remains more or less whole! At least the attack meant that its aim is not so good, and Haruka pushes through the cloud with minimal corrossion damage to Imber, slamming into the creature! (Haruka followup)
Tengusaur (10:16:05 PM): The missiles hit the lava monster in the head, throwing small pieces of its around - pieces that start to grow back already! It flails an arm, trying to smash the plane out of the sky! (Mobius react)
Tengusaur (10:16:40 PM): Hana's blasts successfully sever two of the monster's fingers, causing it to leg go off Kensuke.
Tengusaur (10:16:56 PM): (Setsuna, Kensuke)
wyverncakes (10:17:46 PM): # (Moebius)
Tengusaur (10:17:55 PM): (approved)
arachnion01@gmail.com (10:18:19 PM): *Haruka screams, loud and angry. Imber quickly shifts back to humanoid form, an wraps its arms around the creature to grapple with it. Her goal is simple, a move that will both hurt the creature and land it on its back: The Gravity-Warp Assisted Suplex.+
wyverncakes (10:19:00 PM): * There might e an arm flailing at the jet... but guess what! There's another arm that reaches out to grab and crush the first one! Almost as if there's another presence in the lava Festum that's exerting its own will!+
Tengusaur (10:19:56 PM): The force of Haruka's strike makes the ground shake for a while! She pins the giant stone lizard to the ground with that suplex move... But it struggles in her grasp, and the fact that it's larger than Imber helps to give it an edge! Haruka holds it well for now, but she could use help...
howmuchineedyou (10:19:58 PM): Now free, the Eva scrambles to it's feet. "Thanks!!" He call out to hana between gritted teeth, fighting the sting of burning flesh in his mind. "This isn't working at all. We've got to try something else. anyone got any bright ideas?"
arachnion01@gmail.com (10:20:20 PM): "Stay still, you….!"
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (10:20:22 PM): *Setsuna's stabbing at the struggling Lizard to assist Haruka!+
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (10:20:36 PM): Setsuna: You aren't going anywhere!
Tengusaur (10:20:51 PM): The other hand coming from the lava snaps the first one, leaving Mobius safe!
Tengusaur (10:21:18 PM): Setsuna's blade pins one of Kuromori's limbs to the floor!
Tengusaur (10:21:24 PM): (Kensuke, Wendell)
Tengusaur (10:21:40 PM): And then, the lava monster does the strangest possible thing...
HyprKnux 1 (10:22:00 PM): Hana: "Y-You're welcome... but... I wish I knew what to do..."
Tengusaur (10:22:12 PM): As a result of two wills struggling for dominance... Its arms grab the rest of its body, and the creature starts slowly eating itself.
Shaun Garin (10:22:25 PM): Tsukasa: Marshall on. Keep going. And focus.
llamaqueen190 (10:22:33 PM): *Wendell hauls Sigil back to its feet, looking down at Kuromori nearby. Getting a crazy idea, he judges the distance, then takes a running leap off the husk of Basaran, sword held out and down, aiming/falling for overturned lizard. "AaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHH!"+
Tengusaur (10:23:47 PM): Kuromori tries to swing its last free paw at Wendell flying in its direction, in a desperate attempt to swat the incoming Sigil away! (react)
howmuchineedyou (10:24:11 PM): "Well that's convenient." Best not waste this moment, while it seems to implode on itself, he follows it up with a huge swing of his smash hawk, trying to leave no chance for it to right itself.
howmuchineedyou (10:24:13 PM): +
Shaun Garin (10:24:27 PM): (#Wendell to keep the free shot open?)
Tengusaur (10:24:32 PM): (sure)
Tengusaur (10:25:09 PM): Kensuke's axe strike chops off a large part of the creature, one that is immediately consumed by what is left of its body! And there is not much of it, just a small stump...
Shaun Garin (10:25:34 PM): *And quick as a flash, DenLiner is literally hugging that paw, having pounced on it with a quick form change and a change of modes! Five axes are digging into its lim as it wrestles it, holding it back with a grab! "MY STRENGTH WILL MAKE YOU CRY!" Yeah, Tsukasa's in full Imagin mode today.+
Tengusaur (10:26:20 PM): Thanks to that defense Kuromori doesn't have any free limbs anymore! Sigil lands hard on its belly, stabbing the sword with full force into the glyph on the lizard's chest!
Tengusaur (10:26:38 PM): Kuromori shrieks and limps down, no fire visible in its body anymore either!
Tengusaur (10:27:17 PM): As for the lava pool, it's quickly drying up. All that's left in it is a small "hill"... A hill with cracks slowly appearing on it...
llamaqueen190 (10:27:29 PM): The force of the landing throws Wendell forward hard. "Ugh.."
arachnion01@gmail.com (10:27:30 PM): "Alright! That just leaves…"
wyverncakes (10:27:39 PM): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG91K14cfkA
wyverncakes (10:28:12 PM): To be fair... Kazuki's survived a dip in molten rock once before no problem...
wyverncakes (10:28:56 PM): And the white machine that pries open the crack and frees itself doesn't look entirelylike the Fafner that went in...
emfltlead@gmail.com (10:29:04 PM): M1: Kazuki?
Shaun Garin (10:29:17 PM): Tsukasa: Heh...
wyverncakes (10:29:17 PM): But it's still the Mark Sein, that's for certain.
wyverncakes (10:29:19 PM): http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-isd1Gx5Eqsg/UAxwsHhKRKI/AAAAAAAABPI/kvh_2g3aqeE/s1600/Mark_Sein.gif
HyprKnux 1 (10:29:49 PM): Hana: "It's transformed... isn't it?"
wyverncakes (10:29:52 PM): The machine, now sporting a somewhat melted look steps out, and from there the machine sinks down and rests on its back.
wyverncakes (10:30:02 PM): Kazuki: "Everyone, I'm... okay."
Tengusaur (10:30:24 PM): The bodies of the two Colossi slowly start to fall apart, into dust and massive rock-like bones.
wyverncakes (10:30:55 PM): (Non-chibi picture: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiltoBZ8scRJneKu6rsO_SLEjZUWIAuDkOw4k7bsiu-yqPTe__&t=1)
Tengusaur (10:31:03 PM): Another thing happens to them too, one Wendell is surely familiar with - black tendrils emerge from them, heading in Sigil's direction.
wyverncakes (10:31:36 PM): And he honestly can't help but smile a bit.
wyverncakes (10:31:45 PM): "... I see Imber's come back, among other things."
llamaqueen190 (10:31:59 PM): He sees it coming, but Wendell's breath catches in the sudden pain the tendrils bring, unable to say anything more than a strangled sigh. Sigil falls over like the string holding it up was suddenly cut.
Tengusaur (10:32:12 PM): The tendrils force their way into Sigil, disappearing inside the robot! And then that happens.
arachnion01@gmail.com (10:32:15 PM): "Yep!" Imber just holds out a fist in greeting. The lack of thumbs is new...
Tengusaur (10:32:30 PM): Wendell is knocked out, but this happened to him before, so he should be fine...
Shaun Garin (10:32:46 PM): Tsukasa: So are you planning on coming back with us or do we have to hit more things?
wyverncakes (10:33:08 PM): Kazuki: "There was never any desire to the contrary."
Shaun Garin (10:33:27 PM): Tsukasa: Good.
Tengusaur (10:33:33 PM): What's left of the other defenders from the base slowly gathers around the battlefield, but their mecha don't look like they're going to attack you even if Federation technically doesn't like White Chalice much. They're not that much ingrateful.
Tengusaur (10:33:59 PM): Despite the heavy losses they suffered, the base and Tatsumiya Island are safe...
Tengusaur (10:34:11 PM): But what happened to Canon?
Tengusaur (10:34:35 PM): Suddenly, you hear a loud warning siren!
HyprKnux 1 (10:34:51 PM): Hana: "Wha...? Not another..."
arachnion01@gmail.com (10:34:51 PM): "Eh?"
Tengusaur (10:35:07 PM): "Warning. Warning. Fenrir system armed and ready for activation."
Tengusaur (10:35:14 PM): "All personnel, clear the area."
Tengusaur (10:35:16 PM): "Warning. Warning. Fenrir system armed and ready for activation."
wyverncakes (10:35:18 PM): Kazuki: "What?!?"
Tengusaur (10:35:25 PM): "All personnel, clear the area."
wyverncakes (10:35:28 PM): And the Mark Sein's already back up on its feet!
Tengusaur (10:35:38 PM): Who could have turned that on?!
wyverncakes (10:35:38 PM): "Who in the... but we beat back the Festum!"
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com (10:35:40 PM): Setsuna: What's going on?!
Tengusaur (10:35:46 PM): Could it be...?
Tengusaur (10:35:58 PM): (this part shall be continued in a log!)
Tengusaur (10:36:01 PM): MISSION COMPLETE
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