Mission 115 "First Inspection" part 2

Sep 13, 2012 21:29

Aero (SRW): (Sora Tatsu go)
Aero (SRW): [Ryouma] You are able to dodge some of the rings however one gets a very good shot on your chest. Leave a very large circular burn mark on Black Getter (Not that you could notice it)
Salsa (SRW): *"All right then, let's do this!" Sora brings Desu Itsuki around to cover the remaining scientists, hoping that the Bugs will see she's trying to cover them and will respond in kind with lots of shooty stuff and explosions and Ring Lasers.&
Aero (SRW): Ayame: "Mira just flip the switch on that panel and it should open the door."
Tenebro (SRW): Tatsu winds up one of her arms and lashes out to impale a nearby enemy with her claws.+
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Tch... that's the first and ONLY shot you're going to make!"
Corel (SRW): *And Muginami will greet it with a quick slash - turning on one of her sword's blades and switching it off again afterwards! Trying to play it safe here to avoid accidentally hitting anyone, after all.+
Aero (SRW): [Sora] That's exactly what they do Sora, unleashing more Ring Lasers at you. (Continue)
Aero (SRW): [Tatsu] You impale the bug right in it's abdomen however it actually seems to still be moving. In fact you notice it's eyes begin to flash wildly. Heat seems to be building up on the bug. [React]
Salsa (SRW): *"Perfect, just like that!" There's a flash in Desu Itsuki's hands as the Itsuki Tambourine appears. "Itsuki Aegis!" And the familiar sunflower-shaped reactive shield appears, covering from the floor to the unit's shoulders or so. "Now's our chance, let's take them out!" The Bugs' shots will reflect too, as a convenient bonus.+
Aero (SRW): [Muginami] The bug is split in two each half exploding next to you. That still is enough to burn the Vox of FIre slightly.
Aero (SRW): [Sora] They definitely did not expect that, every single bug that fired at you there is taken out by it's own laser.
Aero (SRW): Enemy Count: Bugs x 8
Tenebro (SRW): Tatsu pushes it away from her and she moves in front of any civilians and raises her force field just in case this is going where she thinks it is going.+
Nicky (SRW): Mira: "Open sesame..." Yep someone's flipping the switch... or at least trying to.
Aero (SRW): (Bernie, Mad, Mugi go.)
Aero (SRW): [Mira] That does the job and the hangar gate is opened wide.
Salsa (SRW): A red eyebrow raises. "Well... that went better than expected. Anyway, the scientists are covered! Go, go, go!"
Aero (SRW): Ayame: "Good finish off the rest of them we'll get the Chalice moving."
Aero (SRW): [Tatsu] Your instincts are good, the bug self destructs into a surprisingly big fireball however your force is enough to protect most of the civilians from it.
Doggie (SRW): "OK!" Crosshairs appear on Bernie's screen. Hatches opens from the Gaza's binders and fires four missiles towards a couple of bugs+
Aero (SRW): The Chalice wastes no time in moving to get out of the hangar.
Jockey (SRW): Mad: "Fuck. Yes." *at this Mad draws both machineguns mounted on Maria's hips and rushes forwards towards the bugs - and towards the exit. Barrels blazing+ "COME ON FUCKERS! WHO WANTS SOME!?"
Corel (SRW): *"Let's go!" The door's open, and that's good, so Muginami moves on to the next pair of bugs - combining her swords and slashing once for each of her foes.+
Aero (SRW): [Bernie Mad Mugi] Between missiles, mad gunfire (hurr hurr) and Muginami's Vox Lancer the remainder of the bugs are wiped out.
Aero (SRW): Ayame: "Everyone good job."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Heh..."
Salsa (SRW): Sora lets the Aegis drop. "Looks like we made it... everyone out, now!" This is over the speakers too, to make sure the scientists don't try to stick around.
Tenebro (SRW): Tatsu just remains quite, staring at the scene. One of her clawed hands gripped into a fist.
Aero (SRW): Sooner or later everyone gets out however the calm does not last long.
Aero (SRW): Ayame: "What...more? From ABOVE?"
Aero (SRW): There was no missing it. From above dozens of black pods come crashing down on the area.
Aero (SRW): (Link: http://blog-imgs-46-origin.fc2.com/n/o/k/nokonokoya/8-kuro3.jpg)http://blog-imgs-46-origin.fc2.com/n/o/k/nokonokoya/8-kuro3.jpg
*** Specs (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Aero (SRW): Some of them transforming into humanoid forms other's more resembling large spiders.
Aero (SRW): And
Aero (SRW): With the hangar door left wide open the spiders all make a beeline directly into the lab.
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Call me Captain Obvious for this, but it's a trap!"
Aero (SRW): Over your comms you all start hear screaming and people trying to scramble into whatever machines they can.
Jockey (SRW): Mad:...No.....NO! NONONONOONONO! FUCK! NOOOO!!!
Aero (SRW): One of the last things you all hear is. "THEY'RE TRYING TO SELF DESTR-"
Doggie (SRW): Bernie: wha...what are those?!
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!"
Salsa (SRW): Horrified, Sora spins on her heels and tries to throw out shields to cover things, but there's nothing left to cover, now is there? "I... why did they..."
Jockey (SRW): Mad: [Was rushing back towards the lab to try and stop this! But-]
Corel (SRW): Muginami: This is bad...!
Aero (SRW): A huge explosion rocks out from the hangar. (Everyone React)
Knux (SRW): *Ryouma's already trying to get everyone out of the way as he attempts to escape the explosion+
Nicky (SRW): *Mira moves to cover civilians as they get to transports. She's knocked off her feet by the expolosion*
Tenebro (SRW): Tatsu rushes to defend as many people as she can using her force field and own body to work as cover for everyone she can defend.+
Aero (SRW): ((Are you sure about that Tenenbrae?))
Nicky (SRW): Mira: Ow, okay really!"
Jockey (SRW): Mad:.. *Jerks the controls. Hard. When she sees the fireball. The Dom reverses full throttle. Her chest. It hurt so badly... something was... no.. she can't cry. She shouldn't cry. Nononononoono+
Salsa (SRW): *Sora's protests die on her lips, wordlessly putting a shield in front of herself half-heartedly, assuming there's nothing else she can do to save anyone.+
Tenebro (SRW): (Yeah, Tatsu is the type to destroy herself to defend people.)
Aero (SRW): (Alright)
Corel (SRW): *Muginami's reaction? A quick flip into Piercer Mode and gunning the engines! She's not going to risk defending against that...+
Doggie (SRW): Gaza D tries to boost on out of there+
Aero (SRW): [Everyone that tried to escape] All of you barely make it out of there there is a lot of shrapnel now embedded in your machines but you're all otherewise alright.
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Che... what the hell? What's going on?!"
Jockey (SRW): Mad:....No.....why.....
Aero (SRW): [Tatsu] A very brave move but a very very foolish move. While the force field holds for a moment it is eventually overwhelmed by the explosion. The Fury is thrown out of the hangar slamming into the Chalice that was directly behind it. The machine is totalled circuitry exposed after the outer armor was just melted off.
Aero (SRW): (Tatsu downed)
Corel (SRW): Muginami is wondering the same thing you are, Mad. She's just too stunned to say anything...
Aero (SRW): The Chalice itself is not looking good
Aero (SRW): The back half is charred machinery exposed due to the explosion.
Tenebro (SRW): Tatsu weakly tries to move. "Did...Tatsu...save...any...one?"
Aero (SRW): Ayame: "This isn't good...the engines...the engines are disabled."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...not good at all."
Aero (SRW): To make matters worse you are all surrounded by the remaining black machines.
Aero (SRW): You've just failed to defend the lab, and the Chalice.
Doggie (SRW): Bernie just stares, shocked.
Salsa (SRW): Desu Itsuki crackles for a moment at the shattered shield, being blown away, and getting up slowly. "I... we didn't... why did this happen? Why are we...?"
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...the hell?"
Tenebro (SRW): Tatsu pushes herself to try and get back up. "Must...Defend...All."
Nicky (SRW): Mira: "Tatsu, hang on a bit okay? We'll get you a medic soon." Mira's moving out from under Tatsu's machine gun in her hand rockets already taking targets even though she hasn't fired them yet.
Salsa (SRW): Sora just stares out at the looming black machines, tears streaming, and rage building. She's not stupid enought to charge in, but... she's mad.
Tenebro (SRW): Tatsu laughs weakly. "Medic...No...Help...Tatsu. You...Need...Mechanic."
Jockey (SRW): Mad: [Was glaring at the machines in utter rage....Murderers...THOSE FUCKING MURDEROUS FUCKTARDS!!!] "You....BASTARDS! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!!!!!" *She charges forward, tossing her machienguns away and drawing Maria's beam rifle. She fires at the surrounding machines.+ "DIE! JUST! DIE!!!!!"
Corel (SRW): Muginami hasn't felt this bad since...well...since her Brother threw her away...
Corel (SRW): But she has her weapon at the ready nonetheless.
Aero (SRW): [Mad] Your shots are all easily parried by the black machines. Their twin blades not even scrached the beam rifle doesn't seem to do anything.
Nicky (SRW): [Mira flashes Tatsu a grin] Well you have that right here. WE jsut have to deal with these bots first right?
Aero (SRW): They're not dumb though
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "You bastards!" The Black Getter draws its Tomahawks as he prepares for a fight.
Aero (SRW): Instead of waiting for you all to get your bearing a huge group of them all charge.....AT THE BRIDGE OF THE CHALICE. Their huge blades ready to kill off the rest of the crew.
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "NO!"
Salsa (SRW): Sora's face shifts to horror. "NononononoNONONO! Come on, move, move...!"
Steam (SRW mod): And as they reach for them though, off in the distance there almost appears to be the sign of air distorting for some reason or another...
Doggie (SRW): Bernie: Stop it!!!
Zs1: Everyone's comms blare to life, deliciously
???: "All speakers on eleven, sir."
????: "Good good. Turn everything up to twelve."
???: "All speakers on, TWELVE sir!"
????: "Alright... you ready to roll, bookworm?"
Tenebro (SRW): Sparks fly from Tatsu as she forces herself to move. "NO!"
Steam (SRW mod): ???: "Fater... father...! Even with one you can still do at least this!"
Steam (SRW mod): ^Faster
Steam (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=447SWp-hcTo&feature=related)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=447SWp-hcTo&feature=related
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...wha...?"
Corel (SRW): Muginami: Who--?
Zs1: Music, literally, blares through the air.
Steam (SRW mod): * And suddenly, a sepia-toned barrier hand suddenly shoots into view, grabbing and crushing the lot of them... "... FINALLY!"
Jockey (SRW): Mad: !! Is someone-
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "That can't be...!"
Steam (SRW mod): And a black Advent suddenly streaks into view, just as it delivers another barrier punch to the machines for insurance's sake!
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Wha... what's going-"
Aero (SRW): [???] And all of them are sent flying back from the barrier punch.
Steam (SRW mod): And at that the Advent lands in front of the White Chalice. Black and gold, and also running hot. Its pilot was making it go at flank speed to get here!
Steam (SRW mod): ???: "So many dying here today... those we wouldn't save... I couldn't save..."
Zs1: A four-legged green Advent skids along, music only getting louder the closere it gets. Annoyingly loud to some who can't deal
Steam (SRW mod): "HOWEVER!"
Steam (SRW mod): Viewscreen on!
Steam (SRW mod): Say hello to Jeremy Gatsby again people!
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "You?!"
Aero (SRW): ((Initiative: Jeremy, Argi, Ryouma, Mira, Sora, Tatsu, Bernie, Muginami, Mad.))
Zs1: (AHEM, Zatonichi)
Aero (SRW): Enemy Count: Black Machines x 20
Aero (SRW): (Argi is shorter)
Zs1: (touche)
Aero (SRW): ((Adventus GO))
Steam (SRW mod): "There'll be catching up to do afterwards, I promise you all that. But for the moment, enough lives have been lost due to these machines... and no more shall!"
Jockey (SRW): Mad:...[Was just watching Jeremy and his Advent in awe.]..."Who....who is this guy?"
Steam (SRW mod): * The Advent points his hand at one of the black machines closest to the Chalice before firing a few barrier "bullets" at it!+
Corel (SRW): Vox Ignis just tilts its head sideways at this. "Eh?" After all, Muginami doesn't know who these two are just yet, but that can wait.
Aero (SRW): Ayame: "Working with our former enemies huh, stranger things have happened."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "That man was one of the four Adventus generals that gave everyone here a rough time."
Doggie (SRW): Bernie: "Looks like we have a returning friend."
Zs1: Female voice: "We've arrived sir."
ZatoNichi (thought this voice): "I gotcha. Full combat speed. Don't scratch the records."
*The four-legged machine braces itself, monstrously sized speakers on the shoulders blaring so loudly the air itself is distorted, waves of sound and altered air crashing into the black machines&
Steam (SRW mod): Jeremy: "You act like I wouldn't have joined you sooner had Lans not blown up the Hyperion and left me with scraps to work with."
Nicky (SRW): [Mira's still scowling over the events, though she's still got targets locked. ten missles locked a pair each at five targets. She lets out a feral rage scream letting the rockets go for their targets ignoring the radio chatter for now.]
Salsa (SRW): After a few moments of staring, Sora's eyes clear, recognition dawning. "Those machines... Wait, are these the guys from Adventus!?"
Aero (SRW): [Jeremy] The "bullets" pierce through the machine however that doesn't seem to stop it at all and it charges at you swinging with it's twin blade. [React]
Aero (SRW): [Argi] The machine is stopped in it's path struggling to move against the altered air. (Continue)
Steam (SRW mod): * Picking up aggro is good... he has the shields for this kind of thing! Like throwing up an extra thick one right in front of him to stop the attacker, and adding an arching barrier punch to hit around it!+
Aero (SRW): (Ryouma Mira Sora GO)
Zs1: *A 60 meter tall quadraped takes to the air, sword in one hand, shield in the other; both hands smashing down, full force against the machine!+
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "YAAAAAARGH!" *With a roar, Ryouma rushes towards the black machines, the Black Getter intending on burying its tomahawk in one of the unit's head.+
Aero (SRW): [Jeremy] For a moment the machine struggles to try to break the barrier. It's only for a moment though before the arcing barrier punch swings around shattering the machine into several pieces.
Aero (SRW): [Argi] There is a large crunching noise when the hands smash down. The only thing that remains after is scrap.
Zs1: And the track chance, kind of at the time the machine hits the ground, a new beat goes down (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ-FC3DLKwc&feature=share&list=PL6C1CDBD58158CC2D)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ-FC3DLKwc&feature=share&list=PL6C1CDBD58158CC2D
Salsa (SRW): *"Oh... never mind that now! POTPOURRI, let's do this!" There's a shout of agreement and a glow from the Itsuki Tambourine. "Power, come to me... You're going to die for what you've done today! Gold Forte Burst!" After a moment of taking aim with the Tambourine, dozens of missiles fly out of the Itsuki, heading for an unoccupied machine or three!&
Aero (SRW): [Ryouma] The machine blocks the tomahawk with it's twin blade. It looks up at Black Getter for a moment before sliding the blade across the handle of the Tomahawk severing off the hand holding it. It follows up with laser fire from it's other arm as well. [React]
Zs1: Is that the sound of morale gains? Yes, that should be the sound of morale gains
Aero (SRW): You'll all notice that these machines are much more intelligent than the previous bugs.
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Tch! Two can play at this game! GETTER BEAAAAAAAAAAAM!" *And to counter the laser fire is a wonderful dose of Getter Energy!+
Steam (SRW mod): Inside of his Advent though Jeremy's wincing a little.
Steam (SRW mod): "... Remember our agreement, Argi."
Steam (SRW mod): "I will make good on my promise should you cross the line."
Zs1: Zatonichi: "Hey hey now, don't put me on blast like that. I'm behavin! Just... get the crowd a little worked up!"
Aero (SRW): [Sora] The machines targeted by the missiles spread out using their laser vulcans to cover each other, destroying the incoming missiles. (Continue)
Aero (SRW): [Ryouma] Yeah compared to a GETTER BBEEAAAMMM the dinky laser vulcan is consumed by the Getter, the machine following soon after melting completely to the force of the beam.+
Salsa (SRW): *Sora blinks. "Well... that didn't work. Guess I'll have to try something else... these guys are strong, though!" (The continue required a hit; end action.)
Aero (SRW): (Take a free action)
Salsa (SRW): *"Okay, new plan! Maybe if I get close...!" Sora brings the Itsuki up in a jump, creating a shield under her and hoping it'll hold long enough to get her close. If so, she'll take a swing with the Itsuki Tambourine, with its laser edge re-ignited.+
Aero (SRW): [Mira] Like with Sora before the machines all spread out taking out the missiles you fired. They turn their vulcans onto you after they finish. (React)
Aero (SRW): (Bernie, Mad, Mugninami go)
Steam (SRW mod): # (Mira)
Nicky (SRW): *Mira darts away from Tatsu using her jets to boost a little speet as she tries to dodge their fire and lock targets with the last missle in her right leg's armor.*
Aero (SRW): [Sora] Like with Ryouma before the black machine parries the tambourine with the twin blade. From what you saw earlier with Mad's beam rifle it can deal with energy weapons fine. It even begins to fire at you at point blank range also. (React)
Aero (SRW): (Approved)
Jockey (SRW): Mad: *Guns Maria's hoverjets and speeds towards a machine, replacing her beam rifle with a shotgun. What does she do? Circle the Black Machine she targeted like a vulture with jet engines and continuously pump round after round at the blasted thing, screaming profanity as loudly as she can!+
Zs1: @ Bernie
Steam (SRW mod): * Missiles might not normally work against that much vulcan spam... but with barriers there's always a way! "Just need to sheath most of it-" And Jeremy lets a shield wrap around the better part of the missile while only leaving the tip exposed as it flies on course. Not only will it protect the missile, it'll also give it a much more concentrated blast!+
Corel (SRW): *So normal cutting probably won't work for these. "In that case...!" Muginami comes up with a plan, quickly switching to Piercer Mode and charging at some of the bugs! Do they even bother dodging?&
Aero (SRW): (Um Bernie didn't attack yet?)
Salsa (SRW): *With the Itsuki Tambourine busy in melee combat, Sora can't generate shields, not that she can afford to spare the focus. She's got no defense from this one, except to try and make hasty evasive manuvers that likely will get her shot anyway.+
Zs1: (I'm fully aware. That's deliberate)
Aero (SRW): (Alright then)
Zs1: *Bernie; phat beats pump right into your comm system. Get hype! (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-_3T3JLnoM&feature=share&list=PL6C1CDBD58158CC2D)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-_3T3JLnoM&feature=share&list=PL6C1CDBD58158CC2D+
Zs1: (Morale boost + 50)
Aero (SRW): [Mira/Jeremy Missiles.] That barrier missie does the trick, all of the shots bouncing off of the missile as it embeds into one of the black machines before exploding, destroying it completely.
Doggie (SRW): "Ok." Determined, Bernie stared towards the black enemies before him. Gaza D takes into the air and changes in MA mode. The nozzle of the knuckle Buster flashes; it fires three beams at one of the black mecha. The Gaza accelerates forward, and stretches out its Claw arms to grapple a head of another enemy+

Aero (SRW): [Mad] They know how to deal with circle strafing Mad, in that they begin to maneuver around Jeremy's Black Advent thankfully you fatally damage one however now Jeremy has a bunch of rounds suddenly flying towards him. [React]
Aero (SRW): [Muginami] Of course they're going to dodge. (Continue)
Aero (SRW): [Sora] The Itsuki is pounded by the lasers, each shot going through the Itsuki like it was swiss cheese. Breaking the melee weapon clash it swings at you trying to finish the job. (React)
Jockey (SRW): Mad:...!!! SONOFAFUCK!!!! LOOK OUT!!! *Mad's freaking a little at her screwup and is unable to do more than chase after the ones that got around her and harry them with shotgun rounds to get to Jeremy and warn him+
Corel (SRW): *That's precisely when Muginami switches out of Piercer Mode. Her weapon placement means the two halves of the sword-gun get ejected outwards - and hopefully into some of the bugs before returning to her!+
Steam (SRW mod): * They're trying to fully flank him? Cute. "There's plenty more ways these shields can be used!" Jeremy announces before he suddenly whips of several barrier stepping stones for himself to rapdily spring up and evade over!+
Aero (SRW): [Bernie] Not surprisingly the machine you fired at dodges the beam shots, however that leaves it unable to defend it's ally against you. You get the claw clamped around it's head however it moves to swing it's blade at you also. (React and Continue)
Aero (SRW): [Jeremy] You move to escape however before you can jump on the second layer the damaged Advent that was next to you grabs onto your leg with it's free hand. Heat was rapidly building from it as well. [React]
Salsa (SRW): *Sora starts to panic as the cockpit begins to flash red, POTPOURRI shouting out warnings. But she gets enough of a glimpse of Jeremy that she gets an idea, clarity pushing her worry away.. "Itsuki Aegis!" Several small shields form in the air above her, and she brings the Itsuki up in a jump, bouncing off the insides in a textbook wall jump to escape, assuming she can get away...!+
Zs1: (The damaged what Aero?)
Steam (SRW mod): * Grabbing his arm? Quick barrier around the wrist to break the grab, and then a strong kick to knock the machine away!+
Steam (SRW mod): (Damaged machine, just a typo.)
Aero (SRW): (Also leg Steam)
Aero (SRW): [Muginami] The sword guns slam into the black machine. That just seems to annoy it however and it brings down the twin blade on you. [React]
Steam (SRW mod): (Whoops. Minor mixup but same idea. Expanding barrier to break the grab, and a kick to knock it away.)
Aero (SRW): (Jeremy, Argi, Ryouma go)
Steam (SRW mod): (Waiting for the resolution of my react, will go afterwards)
Aero (SRW): [Jeremy] You break it's grip but kick it away but it doesn't seem to want to give up. It charges as close as it can towards you then self destructs. [React then go]
*** Doggie (SRW) has left the conversation.
Knux (SRW): *He might be down a hand, but that doesn't mean he isn't defenseless - he turns to another one of the machines and slashes it with the Getter Razor blades on its left forearms+
Steam (SRW mod): * Well, now he's got at least a little breathing room; enough to raise another wall between the Advent and the black machine so he can flee!+
*** Doggie (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Corel (SRW): *Muginami won't let up either! She's taking the initiative and blocking the attack with her shield. Then - if she manages to catch her weapon - ignite one of the blades through the enemy's chest. If she doesn't catch it in time, then a good Vox Milky punch will do!+
Zs1: *So many buzzing little bees around. The massive green machine sets it's sword across it's torso and reaches out for any ol black machine around. There's plenty... but can they handle the scale of a 60 meter hand grabbing them? &
Aero (SRW): [Ryouma] The machine tries to block the razor blades with it's twin blade again however all that accomplishes is getting it's blade arm torn from it. It also begins to start building up heat and charges to latch onto the leg of Black Getter. Far away from where he could fire the Getter Beam. (React)
Aero (SRW): [Muginami] The technique is a success, in the brief moment that it staggered back from hitting the shield the blade ignites going right through the chest of the machine. Not surprisingly it ALSO begins to start building up heat. (React)
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Whatever the hell you planning, it isn't going to work!" *He's gonna let that machine charge at him and, when goes to latch on, Ryouma's gonna punt the thing into the next country!+
Steam (SRW mod): * And on the offensive side of things, Jeremy turns his attention to the skies, throwing up a lens-like barrier in no particular direction... all to turn the power of ordinary sunlight into a flurry of beams to help cut through another few of the grunts!+
Corel (SRW): *"Not this time!" Muginami follows up with a straight kick to put some distance between herself and that bug, before raising the beam shield between her and the impending explosion!+
Aero (SRW): [Sora] That gets her away from the blade in fact due to the barriers suddenly forming out of nowhere the blade bounces around hitting each small shield before the machine accidentally ends up embedding it's blade into itself taking it out.
Aero (SRW): [Mira, Sora, Bernie go]
Aero (SRW): [Ryouma] A good punt Ryouma because moments later your soccer ball turns into a fireball thankfully no one was near it.
Aero (SRW): [Muginami] Your kick isn't quite as good Mugi. However it did put enough distance between you and the explosion that only your shields ends up a bit damaged.
Aero (SRW): [Jeremy] Borrowing the power of the sun in some sort of...Sun Attack the black machines don't seem to know how to respond to that at all. A huge group of them are destroyed before they even get to try to self destruct.
Nicky (SRW): *Mira's going to fire off her last 13 rockets. Taking time to lock onto enemy targets with their backs turned to the tiny little mecha, since yeah not going to go into the middle of the fray.*
Zs1: (Still waiting on my response)
Salsa (SRW): *Sora bounces to safety, letting out a half-insane chuckle. "I didn't think I'd make it out of there... let's see. Can't use melee weapons. Anything they can shoot down, they will. I'm not Hana or Eri, I can't just dash in without worrying about it. Guess that leaves the one thing I'm good at...!" As she hits the ground, Sora deals with a slight stumble as Desu Itsuki protests the abuse, before bringing up the Tambourine again. "Itsuki Aegis!" And after a moment of the moderately-sized shield hovering in front of her... "Impact!" And she strikes the shield, sending it flying forward at the unknown black machines...!+
Aero (SRW): Enemy Count: 8 x Unkown Machines
Aero (SRW): [Argi] No they cannot and the best thing it can do here is try to self destruct in your hand. (Continue/React)
Steam (SRW mod): Jeremy: "Only a few left... if we keep this up..."
Zs1: *Blow up in his hand? In the hand of a massive machine. MEH. Both pilots are confident that means nothing and proceeds to still raise what SHOULD have been it's body up to the massive shoulder-speakers (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9Bbu_prxJk)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9Bbu_prxJk +
Doggie (SRW): The Gaza reverts back to MS mode and raises its ups up to its binders. Sliding into each hand is a beam saber. Both blades extend; but first, Bernie unleashes some more missles+
Aero (SRW): [Sora] The machine is overconfident, trying to push back against the Aegis. It's clearly gotten in over it's AI mind and the entire front half of the machine is smashed leaving it looking like a pancake
Aero (SRW): (DO you need a & there Doggie?)
Zs1: Zatonichi: "If we keep it up, well... sounds like they haven't taken any more loses since we got here. Sorry about the hold up. This thing doesn't fly."
Aero (SRW): [Argi] Yeah well...he burned off some of the paint of the 60m machine so HA.
Aero (SRW): (Mugi Mad go)
Doggie (SRW): Oh, sure! &
Zs1: Female pilot: "Enemy eliminated sir."
Zatonichi: "Just as planned. What're the levels looking like?"
Female pilot: "Everything's holding up so far sir. No damage since we arrived. Rearming" And the massive machine takes up it's sword again.
Aero (SRW): [Bernie] In a predictable faction the machine lowers it's blade to focus on the missiles leaving it wide open as it fires it's lasers at the missiles. (Continue)
Jockey (SRW): Mad: *Chucks her shotgun aside. Empty. She had her beam rifle but they can cut the beams, she had her bazooka but it was too slow.... so she tries the Sturm Faust. Aiming one as best as she can with Maria's constant movement before firing it!+
Corel (SRW): *Muginami shifts her attention to the next nearest target, minding other enemies in the vicinity, and starts to shower them with beam rounds from her sword/gun!+
Salsa (SRW): "Gotcha...!" Sora's panting as she starts to wonder how she's kept up with this much abuse, but there's nothing for it; it's sink or swim! "It's almost over! Just a little more...!"
Doggie (SRW): 'Uhaaaooo!" Gaza D appears above the Black mech, a beam saber in each hand. Bernie drops down to slash the target+
Aero (SRW): [Mad] For a moment it looks like the Sturm Faust is about to hit. However in a ridiculous move the machine cuts the rocket in half. The rocket exploding in front of it. The blade looks a bit melted but otherwise the machine still seems fine.
Jockey (SRW): Mad: "OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!"
Aero (SRW): [Muginami] Your beam rounds are simply parried away by their blades. You'll have to do better.
Steam (SRW mod): Jeremy: "It's no tthe end of the world! It probably can't be used against beams now!"
Aero (SRW): [Bernie] One beam saber is blocked by the machine however the other one makes it. Severing the machine in two.
Aero (SRW): Enemy Count: 5 Unknown Machines
Zs1: Zatonichi: "I'm pretty sure we're far removed from the end of the world.
Aero (SRW): (Jeremy, Argi, Ryouma, Mira, Sora go)
Zs1: Zatonichi: "Hey, bookworm, gimme a lil somethin to work with!"
Aero (SRW): [Mira] While they were distracted trying to parry Muginami's beam shots your missiles are able to make it. (Surprisingly) A chain of explosions follow and thankfully one of the Black Machines actually gets destroyed by your missiles.
Jockey (SRW): Mad:.."Right...right...there's PROBABLY that...thanks.."
Aero (SRW): (Replace missiles with rockets there)
Aero (SRW): (That's right Mad the SS sized unit just did more damage than you)
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "So they can block beams, hmm? Let's see them block this! GETTER BEAAAAAAAAAAAM!" *And there goes another Getter Beam, aimed at the Black Machines!+
Salsa (SRW): *"The last one worked... Itsuki Aegis!" Sora conjures another shield, this time having Desu Itsuki ride it over to the enemies once more. But this time she's got something new planned. Flying over an unengaged black machine... "Impact!" And she makes a short hop before stomping down on the shield, flying about five or ten feet above the machine in question. The shield immediately adds sharp downward momentum, coming down in what will ideally be a Goomba stomp.+
Zs1: *The monster machine folds it's legs down and draws it's arms forward. Another huge speaker in the chest of the machine opens up, and a bass-heavy song rocks the battlefield. It might be up to someone else to focus it into a far more descructive, unblockable force +
(Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyRpVHtyVuQ&feature=share&list=PL6C1CDBD58158CC2D)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyRpVHtyVuQ&feature=share&list=PL6C1CDBD58158CC2D
Jockey (SRW): Mad: [Suddenly has PAINFUL FEELS and she doesn't know why.]
Aero (SRW): [Ryouma] Yeah well it's going to try anyways. It goes about as well as you expect the machine is only reflect a tiny bit of the beam before it melts as well.
Steam (SRW mod): * Setting his sights on another of the black machines, Jeremy has the Advent charge at it... right before barrier-ing up its feet so it can slide extra-fast at it! And once he's the proper distance away, a quick flip forward to deliver a crushing double drop-kick!+
Steam (SRW mod): (And @ Argi, if at all possible)
Aero (SRW): [Sora] Apparently barrier-fu is the way to handle these machines as it is completely helpless to do anything before it is flattened and blows up.
Aero (SRW): [Jeremy/Argi] The drop kick powered with the power of bass-heavy rock sends the machine flying crashing into the remains of the base. You hear a explosion afterwards athough no one alive was near it.
Aero (SRW): Enemy Count: 1x Unknown Machine
Aero (SRW): Said machine stares at all of you for a moment you see it's eyes glowing and flashing for a moment before it suddenly shifts back into it's pod mode and flies away to escape.
*** Doggie (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Doggie (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Crap!"
Jockey (SRW): Mad:..."Fuck no! You aren't getting away that easily!" [And she goes chasing after, beam rifle drawn!]
Steam (SRW mod): Jeremy's frowning.
Aero (SRW): Sorry Mad that Dom is not catching up to the machine, in fact with the damage you ALL sustained none of you are giving chase.
Steam (SRW mod): "Running away like that... if we were equipped to chase after it we might be able to learn who made it... but at the same time it may very well be another trap!"
Corel (SRW): Muginami: I guess so...
Aero (SRW): The battle is over.
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "New enemies, huh?"
Steam (SRW mod): "Whoever is responsible for this had tremendous resources, to say the least... and though our victory was costly... we still have survived!"
Aero (SRW): The lab is completely destroyed, a large fire surrounding it. The Chalice itself is heavily damaged as well.
Zs1: Zatonichi has no shame at all (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34X4faVQ63Y)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34X4faVQ63Y
Aero (SRW): Mission....Passed?
Jockey (SRW): Mad: .... [Slumps tiredly as she halts her chase, firing half-hearted shots at the fleeing machine, not that they'd hit anyway....] ...."goddamn.."
Doggie (SRW): Bernie takes in a breath; he looks at the lab, then the Chalice. Morose.
Salsa (SRW): In fact, as Sora tries to raise an arm to do something: "Sora, we're out of power-dechu!" And Desu Itsuki slumps to the ground. "Well. That's one way to end a battle... although not the way I would have liked..." The girl kicks open the Itsuki's cockpit and looks at the remains of the lab, frowning sadly. "So many lives lost, and I was standing right there... again..."
*** Eric (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Steam (SRW mod) has left the conversation.
Tenebro (SRW): Tatsu is lying weakly on the ground. She growls weakly knowing how badly things went. Looking at her right now is like looking at a pathetic and wounded animal.
*** Knux (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Shaun (SRW mod) has left the conversation.
*** Corel (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Jockey (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Doggie (SRW) has left the conversation.
Session Close (!aol://2719:10-4-srwugamission): Thu Sep 13 21:18:33 2012 -0500
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