The Truth/No More Heroes

Oct 13, 2012 11:48

(This post will have additional parts added to it after a certain level of comments... or a specific kind turn up during the course of it. Recommended to keep an eye on this.)

1)[POST MISSION][Mad was near catatonic when she was brought back to the Chalice. Whatever wounds she had were relatively minor - the fact that she managed to get away from ( Read more... )

sora myoudouin, yui sendou, mad caine

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1 an_alpha_wolf October 13 2012, 03:56:23 UTC
Resnick had ridden back in with her on the rescue vehicle. Prowler wasn't going much of anywhere soon. He said nothing, let the doctors do their work (for once). Finally, when she'd been safely laid out on one of the infirmary beds he asked simply: "What happened?"


aesopunbroken October 13 2012, 04:00:32 UTC

[Mad clutched her head.]

Things.... things I didn't want to remember... lies... all of many... so many people lying to me... making promises they always break...

[She was shaking violently.]

So much blood... so much...


an_alpha_wolf October 13 2012, 04:15:45 UTC
[It doesn't really register until she says 'blood'. And then he remembers blood too, blood on his mech's hand, a scream. He puts a large hand on her shoulder.] Who lied to you?


noliesnohero October 13 2012, 04:32:24 UTC
[Mad curls up on herself.]

Everyone. My father.... that person who used to be my family... I grew up with so many lies... my life was a lie... I lived with a cloud of lies just hovering around me like a shield... keeping me so fucking blind...


an_alpha_wolf October 13 2012, 04:39:55 UTC
And what were the lies? [He's just going to try to physically pull her up by her collar. Make her raise her head. This is not dignified behavior!]


noliesnohero October 13 2012, 04:45:17 UTC
[Well it works!...Sort of... Mad's still got that frighteningly empty expression on her face.]

She lied to me... she said that she'd always take care of me... always look after me....

My father... no... he's not even that... that bastard put me on this path with nothing but lies... he told me he was a hero, and I believed him.... I wanted to be just like him... and I succeeded..

[Mad lets out a bitter laugh.]

I'm a person whose a lie altogether!


an_alpha_wolf October 13 2012, 04:50:20 UTC
[At least she's no longer curled up like a pillbug.]

There is a difference between lying and acting on bad information. You did the latter. You did not make claims on your lineage to me, quineg? As far as I am concerned, the only lie you ever told me was your gender.

[He stretches out, using his boot to knock over some tissues and draw them towards him while using one hand to keep her up. He swipes at the tear marks. This is so awkward.]

Who is she?


noliesnohero October 13 2012, 04:56:39 UTC
Himesaki... Himura Himesaki...

She's the older sister of that Nanohana PreDesu....

[Mad seems to shudder... like she's trying to force something out of her lips.]

Both... both of them... are my sisters... both of them lied to me...

Himura... tried to kill me... after killing so many people in Fairy Park... she said she wanted to show me the PreDesu machines... I always thought she was a hero.. an..and that it'd be awesome to see... and then-...

[Mad choked and coughed violently, her head swimming as images of the slaughter played in her head.]


an_alpha_wolf October 13 2012, 05:10:16 UTC
[There was a long pause.

Dot dot dot.]


[He was so surprised that he actually let go of her for a second. His hand shot out to catch her again.]

Those stravags...I knew I should not have trusted their C.O.!

Listen, pup. I tell you this in confidence. Two months ago, I came across one of their number, the one called Seiren. She told me she would gladly kill anyone on this ship in their sleep if ordered to. When I threatened to tell her trothkin, she threw a knife at me and ran. I went to their C.O. with this, and she seemed honorable...But evidently I was mistaken. The rot in that unit is deep...


noliesnohero October 13 2012, 05:15:26 UTC
...Desus lie... they've always lied... they make promises just so they can see hope go out of people's eyes when they get broken...

[Maria... ]

... I ... I don't think.... I can't join the Clan like this... I'm not fit for it... I don't deserve it... I'm sorry


an_alpha_wolf October 13 2012, 05:26:27 UTC
Shush, pup. I told you not to give me an answer made in haste, quiaff?

[OK how does this go again...think back to the hangar...damnit why does Laura have to be away right now...He pulls Mad into an awkward kinda sideon half hug.]

There will be reckoning for this.


noliesnohero October 13 2012, 06:07:16 UTC
[Mad's just limp in the hug... she felt so numb inside.]

There won't.... there's no justice in this world... they'll get away with it....


an_alpha_wolf October 13 2012, 06:24:38 UTC
Do not give me that coward's talk, wetnose. [He virtually growled that at her, though affectionately.] When you are healed, I will call them to Trial. We will make justice and...[He looked down at her and had this strange feeling that vengeance somehow wouldn't be enough for her...Strange because he'd never been in a situation where vengeance wasn't enough before.]


noliesnohero October 13 2012, 06:45:47 UTC

[No coward's talk? Okay she can do that! She'll just be quiet and continue with that eerie half-lidded empty look on her face. That feeling regarding vengeance just not being enough Resnick? It multiplied by a thousand fold.]


an_alpha_wolf October 13 2012, 06:51:15 UTC
[Uh oh. She shut down. He stares for a few seconds, completely at a loss. Now what?] ...Pup?


noliesnohero October 13 2012, 06:53:54 UTC
[No reply Resnick... while she isn't dead or unconscious... the events of the day have well and truly broken her.]


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