Resnick is arguing with the medical staff. He is fine, and does not see any need to submit to an examination. This? What about it? It is just blood. You are doctors, you should know how easily the most minor of head wounds bleed. He does not have a concussion, so please stop asking him that.
[2]Now he's in the library, making notes on
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Adette set to the very large animal with as much fear as she had set to Resnick to. Which was to say, none.
"Oh look at you!" She was rubbing heads and scratching behind ears and making an unending stream of baby talk noises at them as if they where not any larger than a terrier. She laughed as her face got licked from crown to chin more than a few times. She remember their names quickly, and seemingly had completely forgotten about poor wounded Resnick, in favor or playing with his pets.
Some of them trotted over to him too, to try to lick at his cuts and his nose.
"These pubs were abandoned by their mothers due do the sdtrezz of spaze dravel. We hobe do one day release them indo the wild."
"But what about the native wildlife? Won't these guys push out anything else that's living on the tundra?" Adette worried for the delicate ecosystem of the harsh land. How would the native wolves react to their much larger space cousins?
Eager for more pets and to ingratiate himself with someone he seemed to know instinctually was important to his new home, Ulric leaned against her.
"Sounds about like what I'm certain will happen to our people." Adette gave him a sideways look, a look filled with a multitude of emotion she could not even begin to put into words.
Adette patted the large pup that leaned on her, stroking it's huge back affectionately.
"I feel a bit sorry for these guys, but also a bit a kin, ya know? I lost my parents too, and ended up in a place so foreign to me I could have never prepared myself for it." She regarded the wolf pups now, talking to them more than to him. "It's a harsh world out there. Don't make too many enemies, or build up more than a few evil ex boyfriends."
"Aff, thad is probably whad will happen. Things will change despide my wish do preserve all our dradijions, bud ad leasd we will be indermingling with people we gan gall gomrades." Resnick also chimed in. He caught her look, gave her his usual arrogant smile back. Hopefully it would make her think that things were gonna be just fine instead of that he was a self satisfied jerk. "Well some of the pubs seem do thing of you already as 'big sis'. How does id feel do have suj a moniger?" His smirk turned a little crooked, teasing.
"I find it ironic mostly. I'm the youngest of my siblings, and yet people have been calling me 'Big Sister Adette' for as long as I've been been a grown woman. But I'm not really anybody's big sister at all." She looked wistfully back at his smirk, frowned, and returned to petting the animals.
"And 'Big sis' is usually just a code word for 'I know I'm never going to get to fuck you but I still really want to, and I'll hang around just in case you start giving it out.'" The last part came out a bit bitter, not at him, but at circumstance.
But honestly, who could she be talking about? He'd never sensed any such intentions from any...one...except one person who was short, hunched over and didn't like to shave a lot. He nodded. That showed the pattern. He'd simply never noticed because it wasn't the Clan way of doing things. "I thing I undersdand whad you mean now. Well id is their problem if they are doo gowardly do asg someone do gouple."
A slight change of topic, he thought. This was making her badly wistful. He understood the temptation to brood, and how easy it was. Better to get off it before either of them started wallowing in the past. "There is a small piece of indelligenz we found afder the baddle we thoughd you should know aboud..."
His sudden comment derailed her train of thought all at once, she had heard little from Siberia since coming back and the desire to hear it helped to push away the gloomy thoughts.
"Oh? Is there still alot going on down there? Did we get the stolen done cover back from the railway either?"
"We gapdured an operadive for the Word Of Blage*. Apparendly they were advising the Railway and selling them fasder than lighd gommunigation. They already gondrol the Derra** of my univerze now." A sobering thought. The Word was far more dangerous than most of the Omnicidal Maniacs the Chalice fought regularly, mainly for their subtlety. They weren't likely to tip their hand until everything was in place.
*Word Of Blake
"Neither of those is good news!" Adette sighed "That's the last thing we need is to have to deal with those shmucks some more." That means Yasuba and his vendetta might still come back to bite me again. Great...
"I think at this point, though, the people won't let them take over again. Now that they know about the world, and the universe, and how very much they where lied to, I think the Railway would be better off building new domes and starting their scheme all over somewhere else."
He didn't want to bring it up though, or it'd bring Adette back to brooding. Better to keep them both occupied with larger concerns.
"I thing you are righd. Bud they will undoubdedly raid us again. I had the Degnicians and Sciendizdz develop upgrades for the Dogozzos and Dorbegs you mighd find..."
And trailed off as he saw Natasha, the standoffish one who barely allowed touching of any kind, put her paw on Adette's leg and look up at her with eyes that for a moment looked much older than that of an eight month old puppy, silently urging her to be strong and not worry too much about the things she'd run from.
Having the clanners on the ground made Adette worry much less about the Siberians, her people where not warriors, they where workers and wives and children.
"I should have stayed with them." She commented off offhandedly as suddenly the shy pooch came to tell her something.
Her paw was massive even on Adette's sturdy thigh,
"Oh you finally want to say hello too, huh?" Adette looked down at those strangely thoughtful eyes, and wondered how much an animal could truly understand?
She leaned down and lightly touched her forehead to the wolves massive head, looking into it's eyes for a moment. It was all so very strange, to feel such a connection with something, in theory, that was quite wild and fierce.
"Alright." She whispered to it and gave the giant animal a loving scratch under her chin. "You win."
Natasha accepted the petting, tossing her head as if it had been Adette's idea all along and she was just going along with it out of politeness. She gave her a small lick, which caused Resnick to stare. Natasha never licked people.
Then she trotted away, baring her teeth at Resnick for having the temerity to notice that. Perhaps this was the first time Adette had ever seen an animal act tsundere.
"...for the dogozzos and dorbegs using Glan tegnology thad we gan share with you, if you promise thad none of them will fall indo enemy hands."
Adette really felt strange when the animal walked away. For a moment she could almost feel some kind of strange harmony with the beast.
She walked over to Resnick, pulling her hands away from the many face that demanded pets, and crossed her arms under her bust, holding her arms a little.
"You act like I would actually give away anything to the bad guys! Come on Resnick, you know I'm Chaotic good. That would be against my alignment." Adette kind of laughed, looking down at him, blood stained tissues shoved up his nose like tiny tampons.
"You look ridiculous. Is it still bleeding. If so, we should go get you some ice before you pass out from blood loss to your brain." She smiled as she said it, half joking only to as not offend his delicate pride.
He didn't know what an 'alignment' was, at least in that context, but she seemed to be implying good things, something he needed no reassurance on anyway.
"Id iz aboud do fill my sinus gompledely. Who builds a down on dop of a pid of egsplosiv acid anywayd..."
He could feel blood dripping down his palate, filling his mouth with the taste of copper again. Much more and he'd make himself sick. He hated to admit it but he was glad Adette was here to keep him from killing himself by bravado.
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