Angelic Chores

Sep 20, 2012 10:16

[Yes, Pit may technically be High Captain and head honcho of an army, supposed to be treated with honors and generally on retain and free to do whatever unless there's an emergency...

...but he's spent the last twenty-five years of his life being the angelic equivalent to a combat butler to Palutena and fixing the continuous messes the Centurions and even his goddess make. He can't deal with idleness. He's been horribly bored and twitchy for the last few days, and in the end decided to screw it and help with all the chores to have something to do. Besides, he believes this counts as training! So you will find him...]


[ the kitchen, baking a couple cakes. He's singing to himself happily as he pours ingredents around. He's even found an apron with a little chibi angel with an halo on it somewhere. As he's searching for another packet of flour, though, he notices something interesting atop a counter.]

...whoa, what's this? [Button press, the mixer starts, startling him and making him wince back a bit before looking at it again with an "oooooooohhhh..." expression] Wait, is this... an automatic egg beater?! [He's found a mixer]
Seems to be something like that
Oh man, whatever human thought of this is a genius! Why didn't we think of making one of these? Having to beat everything by hand is so boring! Can I ask if they let me take one when I get back? Pleeeeeease?
[Palutena laughs] I don't see harm in it.

[Divergent development is a bitch at times. Gods aren't big on convenience items, seems... Still, Pit looks like he's having a lot of fun in the kitchen. Want to join him in cooking treats, or laugh at his ignorance?]


[ the corridors, mopping around - supposedly. He's made some sort of mop contraption with a bunch of mops and a board, and he's basically mop-snowboarding through the corridor. Can't fault him for speed at least, though. He's done four corridors in the time it normally takes to do one.]

Careful down the corridor, cleaning in progress! Woooo!

[At least he's calling out in time for you to get out of the way - but better react quick or you're about to get a faceful of angel at high speed!]


[ the landry room, with a hammer and saw and boards, knocking out some new shelves after the whole Mad laundry fiasco ruined the ones that were previously there. Pit has little idea about technology beyond using it, so he can't help the big repairs, but he's a deft hand at carpentry. He seems to be humming some sort of silly tune about an elephant while he works.



[...again in a corridor, this time frustratedly tugging and pulling at a bucket that's being pulled on the other side by a small metroid baby]

Give it back, you little alien magpie! I saw it first! And I need it to clean! And stop pulling, you're going to tear it apart!
SKREEEEEEEEE! [Roughly translated as "Yaaaaaaay, I found someone who wants to play! ^_^"]
I don't really think this is going to get us anywhere except one less bucket...

[A little help would probably be appreciated, here.]


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