Aug 15, 2009 11:44
Good news and bad news. The doctor decided that it was, in fact cellulitis. That being the case, he is released from the hospital as it's treatable from home. The bad news is that the doctor was, and I quote, "flabbergasted" at WHY revstomp has been having repeated trouble with that foot. I know, it's good that he didn't just make up an answer, it's good that they didn't charge us hospital rates for any longer than they had to, but we were just hoping so hard for some sort of definitive answer.
Anyway, so we're at his dad's house now, as it's closer to the hospital just in case. He does seem to be sleeping better here, and the swelling does seem to be going down, but moving the ankle is still incredibly tender for him. What we're focussing on now is getting him over this, and then finding a really good, competent, compassionate GP who can figure out what it is about that foot that has caused it to attempt imploding once every few months, as specialists just don't seem to be doing the trick. If anyone has any recommendations, I'd love to hear them.
I'm really, really tired. I've been running in between Livingston and Jersey City to take care of the dog, and she's still freaking out cause Dad's gone, and I was supposed to take her into the vet this week but that didn't happen, and I start work again on monday so I'm hoping against hope that revstomp is feeling significantly better by then, and I am getting to the point where that paycheck is going to be very necessary, and there are a thousand things I wish I had done or dealt with over the summer, and and and...
Ok. Freakout done. Needed to get that off my chest. He'll get better, I'll be fine, and it will really be good to start work again.
BTW, the Honda Fit is the best car ever. Can hold a wheelchair and get into magically tiny parking so it's owner doesn't have to walk 5 blocks to go to sleep. <3 Tazdingo the FIt.