epic ess dream! xD

May 13, 2011 11:33

It started at some nice hotel, I think in Ohio but I'm not sure. I was there with my usual group of friends (Kelsey, Kelly, Brenda, Kali, Brit!). I think it was around Halloween because there was a haunted house in part of it. Ha. Anyway! We were in this "suite" sort of thing, and woah! ESS was there! Somehow we'd ran into him at the hotel and he was there with friends for some charity event, the Haunted House. It was some big thing, invite only, costs money, so obviously WE were not going, lol. But he hungout with us while he got ready and while he waited for his friends. It reminded me almost of Soap Fest (ha) in that they'd done painting with kids throughout the day and the paintings were hanging up on the walls throughout the building. He showed Kali the picture he and the student he'd worked with had done and she thought it was awesome. When he came back he chatted with the rest of us about work, and Kelsey was enthralled to hear about working on shows and acting, big surprise ;). The rest of us were having a good time, too, just chatting. He knew who was I was but for that reason I sort of stayed the quietest, lol.

His friends finally showed up and they had to leave. We said goodbye and went back to our own suite.

Next day all of the actors and people involved were shooting these skits. They were silly little things, but I don't remember many details. I do remember that I was there, alone, and I was hanging around the crew that was filming Eric's scene. They were rehearsing and I was just standing back and watching. HIS skit was basically that he trips and falls in an almost cartoonish way, and then this kid (young teenage guy) who had no idea what he is doing tries to help. But Eric is too heavy to carry, and he's being dramatic like he's really, really hurt, when he just cut his hand or something. Well, they keep rehearsing Eric's bit, but the kid never shows up. They have to film, and so guess what happens? Haha, yep. They ask me to step in xD

So I do. And it was hysterical. I had to try and drag Eric into the same suite we'd hung out with him before (they were filming in/around the hotel, which I think might have been attached to a hospital for kids), all while he's dead weight and complaining. He's going on about how "I keep tripping! The universe is trying to kill me today!" I look around, and the place is a MESS. Stuff EVERYWHERE. Basically, it's no wonder he keeps tripping =P I drop him against a chair and start cleaning, hanging up coats that are lying on the floor, picking books up off the ground, etc.

I don't really remember how the skit ends, or the point of it, lol.

But I remember that when it ended I went over to Eric and we were laughing and I got a hug (Oh I WISH). He was saying I did a good job and I was trying so hard not to die, lol. Then there was this musical performance at the end of the night for everyone involved and the two of us and our small camera crew started grabbing out things to head out, since we were running late from waiting for the other actor (who never did show up, lol). So we all walk together, Eric and I chatting about the script and this whole project. I'm starting to piece together (I, as in my looking in on this dream, not the I IN the dream) what is happening as this goes on. So we get to the place, and it's crazy crowded! Eric puts his arm around my shoulder in a very paternal/big-brother sort of way (darn xD) and helps steer us through the crowd. The music starts and we just sort of stand there like that with our new friends and enjoy the performance.

After a few songs Eric looks up and smiles at something behind him. He nods toward the back, and I stand on my toes to see Jenny and their two kids waving. They're standing on these little bleechers (we're in basically a school gym) that no one else is using. I smile and wave a little and the two of us make our way back to them. He says hi to Jenny and gives her a kiss before making introductions (they are too damn cute even my dream! xD). The kids are too cute and Eric is running around with them being silly. Turns out Jenny was there for this, too, but she had the kids with her today for this particular project/the filmings and what not. We all watch from back there, sitting on the bleechers. It's further back, but oh well.

Eric asks, "So how did you get stuck doing that today anyway?"

"One of the camera guys insisted that since I was already assigned to helping your group, I should step in and make sure they got to finish their project."

He nods in understanding, but I'm sure you're confused. Let me explain what I'm pretty sure was going on -- I was at college, a student obviously. I'm not sure why but I think it was OSU, or a school with the exact same English program, lol. There was an event that weekend at this place (the possible hospital/hotel thing) that all of these actors were helping with. Students from the film program and from the English program interning with non-profits were involved. Film students were the ones to write/film/produce/etc all of the small films, supporting the hospital/hotel. Kids from the hospital are the ones who, with the help of special-effects students, made the haunted house. Students like myself, the non-profit interns, were assigned to each actor to sort of help them throughout the day, assist their crews, make sure they got where they needed to go, etc.

Obviously, I was assigned to Eric.

"What are the chances of you getting assigned to me?" he asked, a little knowingly.

I laughed and ducked my head and said, "Well, I might have asked my professor in charge of the assignments if I could be assigned to you."

We both laughed. Then his daughter ran past, and we got distracted. We started playing with the kids and talking with Jenny again, and it was a pretty awesome time.

Then the dream shifted into something that had No Eric and involved horses. And my mom was there. Idk. xD!

So yeah! That's my epic Eric Dream! =]

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