Mar 31, 2010 15:27
Case : 21 year old Male AIDS/HIV
Dr. Rajesh : How did a 21 year old get HIV ya ... (talking to self but with mic on.) I mean, 30-40 years old I understand but 21.......
Everyone : .......... (We know that HIV takes years to show symptoms)
Dr. Rajesh : sexualabusewhenhewasyoung?idkletsmoveon 8D
me: ..................... DDDDDDDDDDDD8
I mean at least I was thinking from Mother/pregnancy times or something! orzzzz
Our dear Microbe lecturer Dr. Rajesh have a wife in the Pathology dept. Dr. Bharati so one slide came in something like this
Dr. Rajesh : This is the only time you ever see pathology under Microbe
For the previous 2 comments I have deleted it because since its my blog and it made me unhappy that your being ungrateful to teachers that are willing to impart knowledge to you. Both Dr. Rajesh and Dr. Bharati are the nicest people I know and they have been at countless times try and again explained questions and doubts of students be it by phonecalls,sms, emails, etc. About the leakage of exam questions if you want you can go up to them and tell them straight to their face instead of anonymously coming to my lj and comment on ridiculous stuff that has absolute no intellectual criticism value.
Do let me know who you are so I can find you and tell you to your face that you disgust me greatly.