My life since the last 20 seconds

Feb 22, 2009 20:35 a (small) raise at work
...spent some of it on a (clearance) weight bench at Wally World
...lifted weights...LOTS of weights
...took painkillers for the inevitable results of lifting weights
...finished 3 books on Tudor history...starting another tomorrow - happy Snoopy dance
....restricted where the indoor kitties can go until they learn proper toilet etiquette
...laid new flooring downstairs due to now-restricted kitties poor toilet etiquette
...won the lottery (sadly untrue - just seeing if anyone's reading this)
...choreagraphed 3 fights and tweaked a 4th...
...went to fight practice - a lot
...chatted, hugged and generally REALLY enjoyed the company of my Family of Choice after fight practice
...attended impromptu character, dialect and HCM workshops after fight practice The Zit From Hell on my nose
...removed (most of) ZFH...waiting for the last it to die a horrid death
...attended a Royal Guard dinner, gave lecture, didn't put anyone to sleep (I think)
...getting new Fight doublet soon

...getting new Chain of Office to replace the one that keeps trying to strangle me
...SAPAorientationinsixdaysYAY! you're all caught up. Hugs all.
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