Week 4 - A Real Learning Experience

Apr 28, 2008 18:48


Just - Wow.

The past weekend was such a massive rush that I'm not sure it's possible to come up with a nice, neat, numbered list of WILs. Rather, I think I'll just try and put down in writing the flow of emotions, impressions and experiences, so that if I go back and re-read this years from now I'll be able to recreate the way-coolness of it all.

NOTE: This is probably going to go on a bit, so it you are not particularly interested in rumination (can't blame you there!), feel free to skip onto the next person on your Friends list with my blessing.

My first year on Cast was a real roller-coaster of ups and downs as I tried to get comfortable with the whole Scarby experience, grow as a performer, learn some basics of my new trade as an entertainer, and attempt to learn how to manage the Playtron and Cast Royal Guard.

Last year, I had some great help from Reg and Sir Ronald and was finally able to spend more time on being an entertainer and a little less on the business of the Guard. I felt I made some headway in my improv skills and was totally blown away emotionally when I was presented with a SAPA award that told me the instructors felt I was not full of suck. It couldn't get any better, I thought.

And then - this year. A bit of a slow start while I focused on getting our new officers comfortably ensconced in the daily routine, and working out all the scheduling and command details amongst a Cast Guard that had suddenly ballooned to 6. The increase in our numbers translated into more and more lane time for me, whic in turn has translated into more confidence in my skills. So last week was pretty loose, high-energy, and just loads of fun. Did some wacky things, and had a ball.

At Saturday's Morning Meeting, our amazing E.D. began her usual broad description of the recipient of the C.O.D. mug. "Looks like the Gypsies have a winner" I thought as the whole "hard to stand out from a group" spiel played out. Then as things continued it dawned: oh, cool - looks like the Guard may have another C.O.D. - Yay us! More adjectives followed and just about the time I started to figure it out, I heard my name.

Did. Not. Expect. That.

Used to being a support character. Cool with that.

CODs go to lane monsters. Me = Not a lane monster. Cool with that.

Barely stopped myself from blurting something like "Janna, are you SURE it's me?", bacause, well she might have said "damn, you're right Matt...my bad." Which would have really sucked.

Anyway, in moments like that I tend to get tunnel vision, similar to being in a Chess Match fight, and am completely unaware of what's going on around me. This time, as I mounted those stairs to take the mug, I was knocked out of my tunnel by a wonderful roar of cheers and what I can only term as a fierce psychic hug, the likes of which I have never felt before. It was a truly wonderful moment that I will never forget.

So, with a start like that, I had a hell of a tail wind behind me. I also had a sorely-needed ego boost and implicit approval to do more daft bits and to be bigger and bolder.

So, with the help of TONS of folks throughout the weekend, I got to:

- Be a were-turkey (and end up presented as a meal with an apple in my mouth)

- Be the guest of honor during "Screw with Matthew Sharpe Day", which entailed ending up almost totally divested of all my accoutrecrap and weapons during court dance, as well as constant harrassment throughout the day

- Be the recipient of the Evil Brandon Twins undivided attentions. All Day. Non-stop.

- Be stuffed silly(er) by the excellent King's Luncheon crew who work insanely hard to make sure that everyone gets fed post-haste. Love you all...you are gems beyond value.

- Arrange for a Spangoletta circle whose male dancers consisted almost entirely of Royal Guards - just because I got word (via a mud-averse, innocently lewd sausage-nibbling informant whose name I shall never divulge) that Kyrill was going to ask Her Majesty to dance.

Finally - and most importantly - I got to work with a group of actors/entertainers at the top of their game. What an incredible experience - and what a very lucky man am I.
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