WIL - Scarby Week 3

Apr 22, 2008 19:25

1. Watching some veteran performers taking risks and playing against type is inspiring me to take more risks as well.
2. Four Royal Guards standing abreast is apparently a photo magnet. One young lady screwed up her courage enough to ask for a custom request, so somewhere out there is a great photo of the four of us holding a beaming patron horizontally across our chests. Wish I could get a copy!
3. It is perfectly acceptable for Sharpe to pull tree branches aside out of Their Majesties’ path. Other objects should be left strictly alone (Don’t ask).
4. (1 Royal Guard commander) + (1 sausage on a stick) + (Lady Mary Brandon) + (Court Dance) = (Evil Incarnate)
5. When a SAPA family member is in need, the response is immediate and almost overwhelming. My faith in humanity is constantly renewed by observing random acts of love and kindness taking place around (and to) me by my family of choice.
6. A back and scalp rub after a long faire day - along with a beautiful voice singing softly - is an unbelievably hedonistic experience that literally makes ones aches, pains and tensions flow away. Many, many thanks to a certain tax collector’s daughter. I’m not sure if I would have been functional Sunday morning without your ministrations, luv.
7. Generally speaking, I am not big on things of a spiritual bent, but … The difference in the way the board felt from Saturday (when my brain was strangely fogged, each action required an effort of will, and both my fights had strange events occur to muck them up) to Sunday (3 clearheaded fights, no muckups) was very, very evident. Thanks to the FD and his cleanup crew for taking care of the nastiness. Weird.
8. I like playing a Bad Boy on the board. Being booed and hearing cheers when I am beaten by a poor defenseless Sicilian girl is FUN!
9. (Relearned) Ditching one’s ego and sense of dignity opens up a wide world of patron entertainment.
10. Some of the children in the Kidwhacking line are amazingly wise and lovely. 8-year-old Cole’s total commitment and deep questioning, as well as 12-year-old MacKenzie’s intelligence, grace and beauty touched me deeply. These are the kids who give me hope for the future, and to think I had the chance to be a positive influence on them is humbling.
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