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There’s no specific problem here. But after a lot of research I’m finding myself leaning more and more toward the Panasonic HVX-200. Originally it was going to be the DVX-100B, but then I dropped that idea in favor of the Canon HX-A1, and now it looks like the A1 is getting dropped for the HVX.
Supposedly this camera was used to shoot a big chunk of Cloverfield, and more supposedlies is that this camera supposedly has the power of cameras that were used half a decade ago, for movies like Once Upon a Time in Mexico and Attack of the Clones. It’s not just that I’m a techno-geek who likes to masterbate to his top-of-the-line gadgets and shit though. It’s more along the lines that I’m not exactly a rich man, and I severely doubt I’ll ever be in the kind of money that I’ll be able to replace a several thousand dollar camera for another several thousand dollar camera every few years, so it just seems like a smarter investment to spend a couple thousand extra to buy a camera that I probably won’t have to upgrade for a very, very long time, if ever. And as Amber says, if I was willing to “go all out” to buy a $3500 camera, at that price it’s not much worse to “go all out” and spend $5000 for an even better camera.
I’m not set in stone about this though. This isn’t all about money to me, it’s mostly about time, and how long I’m willing to wait to get the damn thing. Current estimates say that unless I find a great way to save money, I’m looking at the end of April for the A1. For the HVX, it’s an even longer wait, like the middle of June or so. Even if I find some mystical way of saving money we’re still talking the end of March for the A1, middle of May for the HVX. In either case, that’s a long ass time to be using Amber’s dinky camera for stuff.
After I get my camera I plan on buying a Mac and Final Cut Pro, but after that I think I’ll be pretty much completely set up for everything I intend to do with this stuff. Hopefully I’ll get it all before the end of the year, that’s the current goal, anyway.
Still working on the script for Super. Didn’t finish it like I intended to over the weekend, but whatever. I’m considering working on it here at work, but I’ve been using Final Draft at home, and I don’t have access to it at work, so formatting would be kind of a bitch. It’d basically require me to dump FD, which I suppose isn’t the end of the world, but it kind of defeats the purpose of getting the damn program if I’m not actually going to use it.
Still, it’d keep me more productive than writing livejournal posts too boring for anybody to actually read, so maybe there’s something to it. We’ll see.