Yesterday there was a little swatch of rainbow hanging out in the middle of the sky.
If anyone wants to get me a present for my birthday or, really, anything - you could get me a typewriter. I'd appreciate it very much! A real, old-school typewriter. :D
Life seems to be picking up, at certain moments. I hope it lasts. Pray for me, pleaseI wonder
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I can deal with that. What I cannot deal with is that school is taking over my life! most school-y things are quite unimportant, but the sheer bulk of time it takes up - phew. I have almost no time left for anything else worthwhile.
Right now, I just feel so fatigued and whatever-who-cares-anyway that I can't even THINK of trying to change things, restructure my life or schedules, or anything. I just feel like sleeping and IGNORING RESPONSIBILITY. this kind of stress is taking a toll of every other part of my life. ironically, i don't even have more school stress than other people. it's just - the fact that it's a big deal in my life makes me very stressed out. I always think school should be like a background thing.
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