
(no subject)

Aug 26, 2012 20:52

Did what I could work wise.  We'll see if the lights are on I try to log in tomorrow morning.  We also spent a good chunk of the morning moving crap around in the garage - enough so we can fit one car in there now.  Street parking here is really tight.  If you're not home by 6:30 on a weeknight there's nothing, and we have to park on the big hill and hike home.  Big PITA, especially if you're bringing home groceries or something.  We keep saying we'll work on it, but then we don't, so this morning I suggested that if we got enough done to park a car in the garage, that we should splurge on a nice dinner.  Apparently that was the right carrot.  I spent about an hour down there, he spent close to three.  Even better, a neighbor noticed all the moving boxes and asked if she could take them to a women's shelter that could use them.  Even better than that, we had a ton of bedding - down comforters, feather pillow tops, pillows, in good condition but that goodwill won't take, but the shelter could.  AWESOME.  We had three big plastic trunks full of that stuff - between combining households and then upgrading from the queen to the cal king for our regular bed.  There's no reason to have multiples of everything for a guest bed that might get used 2 weeks a year.

Not looking forward to work tomorrow.  Last week turned me into Chicken Little. 
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