Jul 26, 2006 11:50
I have been having the strangest dreams since Justin got back. I don't necessarily blame him or anything, but geez. Last night I dreamed that a tornado came through the parking lot and that my car was wedged in the fire escape. I climbed down and pulled of the bumper and the Storm logo and hung them on my living room wall and when I looked back the car had disappeared. In this same dream, Justin turned into a bald alien with suction cups on his fingers and an anteater's tongue. I saw him climbing down the side of the building flicking his tongue when I came home from my Chem lab(?!).
There a few things in the world that I hate more than chemistry.
Later, in the same damn dream, I was exploring some ruins with a few classmates of mine when these vicious worms and rotting babies began attacking us. The thing was, I wasn't scared of either, I just kept swatting them off like so many annoying gnats. There was a great deal more, I just can't recall it.
I blame going to bed really hungry.