Mar 30, 2011 23:10

I know you said you’re not celebrating birthdays or whatever, but this is all stuff I want to say anyway, so it totally doesn’t count. Besides, it’s still special to me - the anniversary of the day you came into this world. Surely that should go down in the history books, or be written in the sky or something.

You are amazing. I know I say that so often it’s probably lost all meaning, so bear with me for a minute, forget everything and believe me when I say it. You are.

You’re crazy talented. And you just keep getting better; I suspect you’ve got infinite potential hidden in there. Your art is amazing, and your writing is breathtaking. I say this with no small amount of jealousy, and if I ever become a mad scientist (I’m halfway there, but I’m terrible at science), you can bet I’ll be trying to extract your talent and bottle it for myself.

But that’s not why you’re amazing. You’re hilarious. You’ve got a mind full of dark twisty corners, and a razor sharp tongue. You make me laugh till I can’t breathe. The ideas you come up with are strange and wondrous and a bit magical. You are strange and wondrous and a bit magical.

That’s also not why you’re amazing. You’re also sweet and kind (don’t worry, we can pretend you’re not - let’s have a manly back pat and a gruff clearing of the throat over it). You’re beautifully human, and I love your shit bits as well as your good bits. You’re endlessly forgiving - you deserve so much better than I or the rest of the world have given you, but you still haven’t chucked me.

But that’s not it either. I can’t explain it, actually. It’s just something indescribable, something in the way we laugh over nothing for hours, something in your perfect cuddles, or the way I can be myself around you - my boring, cranky, tumultuous self. Just something about you.

So, I just want to say, I miss you all the time, and I hope you’re with me ‘til I die. Let’s be old ladies, and take 2 hours to walk 100metres (for real this time). Let’s spend hours kicking half a tennis ball to each other in the backyard. Let’s go nowhere together.

So yeah. Today and every other day, I am glad you were born. I love you, my other half, my better half, my best friend.


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