Someone call a wahmbulance, I've got a boo-hoo

Mar 14, 2011 23:12

ARGH, it has been a rotten couple of days. I was cracking a sad about being a shitty writer because I am rubbish at writing class (DIAF, CLASS), and nothing I'm working on at the moment is coming out right, it's just all rambly and pointless and totally inadequate compared to other people's similar things.

AND THEN, I don't really remember how, but I got into one of those URGH SO UGLY moods and contemplated wearing nothing but mumus for the rest of my life because URGH.

THEN, feeling both ugly and talentless, I woke up this morning determined to sort out my room and unpack all my shit, only to find my lady parts had decided to stage a revolt and like... try to burst out of my torso alien-style, or something, it hurt that bad. I couldn't even barf cause I couldn't eat, and I couldn't find my hardcore drugs because EVERYTHING IS PACKED. So I just cried and hyperventilated and tried not to pass out AGAIN. Still, no hospital this time, at least. Why do I even have ovaries? Fuck them. Fuck ovaries.

I'm not really bummed. Life is good, it's just me I have a problem with at the moment.  T_T

overshare, wahmbulance

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