I finally got my Journey of the Childmen dvd, JUUUST in time before class starts on Thursday. Excellent! Well worth the money, and all the boys were amazing, hilarious, their conversations should be dipped in liquid gold and made into ornaments. And Mike, always my favourite. <3
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I ran away because I was a bit overcome and had a picture with the first person I ran into to celebrate, haha. Im an actual moron. It made the 7 grand I spent to go to London and see all their shows so worthwhile ;-)
Fave pics of the trip:
those grabby hands you were talking about:
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2077/3/50/722403440/n722403440_1390555_1349.jpg he seems pretty happy ;-)
Oh my god, I want details of what she told you - what happened?? Sounds like a kickass story.
I love that Julian's in front of the 'essential romance' sign - so appropriate <3 XD And Noel man, that last one's insane, he's like electro Jesus, surrounded by his sparkly apostles. Tell me more! (Write me your gospel in the boosh bible, to over extend that metaphor)
SOOO JEALOUS, I don't even have words.
Oh she just said that a few girls got to go back to the hotel room for a private party which was really surreal and they got them slaughtered drunk and then some of the girls did things with cast and crew. I dunno, it seemed possible but I'd hate to believe it. Neither Noel or Julian were there for long (presuming cos Dee was at that afterparty and apparently Ju didnt turn up to all the parties full stop so maybe had had enough) but Mike and Dave and Rich were, plus all the associated hangers on. The girl who told me told me she slept with Mike. HAHA GOSSIP. I feel all dirty now.
ESSENTIAL ROMANCE, oh I know, right? He looks so stupidly handsome in that picture, he has such a nice face. Noel honestly seems to love the attention at those things. Must be nice, having a whole room want to shag you senseless :-P He was really kind too, giving drinks to the front row who were dehydrated like woah. Mind you it was PURE VODKA. (I confess it only made me like him more).
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