Nov 05, 2007 15:02
I found out today that I can graduate in August.
No seriously... where did that come from? I must be crazy! I apparently didn't read the fine print. But, either way, it's going to happen because I'll have no more classes to take. As it is I'm just taking and extra course because I need 9 credits to keep my assistantship active. Then I'll have 2 classes over the summer, plus my internship, which is only 90 hours AND I can take it in student affairs (HUGE +).
What this really means is.. I probably won't be returning to Laurel next year . But this also means that I can start applying for RD positions, including the one here (not likely to get that one, but I can at least apply).
While this closes a door for me (I'll be leaving my home here in Laurel after 5 years of dedication!!), it will be opening up so many possibilities I don't even know what they are. And with my Master's in Higher Ed underway (beginning on Wednesday!!) I'm sort of an ideal candidate.
I'm acred, excited, sad, shocked, worried, EVERYTHING!!! Once again, I have no idea what's going to happen next, but things will surely be happening.
And I just thought that I'd share...
Oh, and while I'm here, I guess I should also share that I have a little crush. But I'm sure you already knew that :)