Alapha Dog and it's effects....

Apr 14, 2007 01:39


If you plan on seeing this movie and do not want it ruin then DO NOT READ

So first of all let me say Alpha Dog was a pretty good movie and Justin Timberlake is a good actor...yes and it is true, but now on to the real reason of the entry. Not to praise the move or even talk about the plot....its about humans and how we can be so selifh and so evil just out of fear. So they kidnaped this brother of this dude that owes this drug dealer a lot of money and for being a kidnaping they take pretty good care of him , Hell! They take him out partying and what not. Then the main boss dude decides that “hey we cant let this kid go home cause he will rat on us so how about we kill him?”. Needless to say ,after becoming his friend and earning his trust, they kill him. Now let me once again state this is the 15 year old brother of the dude who owes this drug dealer money....the kid himself has not committed any crime....has been a pretty good sport about being beat up and thrown in a van. All this kid knows is that his older brother is in trouble and he is having to pay the price. Most of the dudes (Justin included) do not want to kill this kid, in fact the like him but , out of fear for their lives and just plain selfishness they kill this poor innocent 15 year old kid.

Now I am sure you are all like “ hey michelle,why so wound up, it’s not true” well...see...that what I thought but it is true . It happen in California in 1999. Everyone who was invovoled was caught and sentenced . The guy who did the killing is on death row, Justin’s character is serving a life sentence and the main boss dude who gave the word to kill the kid fled to like Brazil but was caught about a year ago and is facing the death pentaly.

It just makes me so sad, that humans were and can be so selfish to throw the life of a innocent kid away in order to save theirs and for what? They all got caught and the very thing they were trying to avoid is the one things that got. Life in prison ....
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